Love Short Story – Awaited Night.
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
The darkness merged in with the city lights. We knew it was time to leave. The streets aren’t a safe place for a girl. He promised to take me home by 6. It was 6 : 45.
It was evident. I didn’t want to leave. He, being the most orderly, seemed to lack his regular zeal. We both didn’t want to leave.
“It’s late. I don’t think you should leave now. Can I pull some strings and have you stay the night? My sister is here. She can keep you with her.” He says reassuringly. But it’s not me he needed to convince.
Little did he know about my desperation. I needed him for a long time now but he chose to never see it.
“You do that. Would you drop me off in the morning then? I wouldn’t want to stay if it were without you.” I replied with a fake hesitation.
He saw right through it. He knew me so well. He wouldn’t be fooled by me in a billion years. He just wouldn’t acknowledge it. A responsible Badass indeed. But tonight, i am gonna change all of that. Tonight, my thirst for him will be quenched.
He picks up his phone and dials a familiar phone number. “Busy tone, babe. I think she’s tryna call you.” *You say you found Jesus, Christ! He’s the only one.. you say you found Krishna, sitting in the sun.…* “Ah the John Lennon interruption.” He says as my phones goes off .
“Talk of the devil.” Before I pick it up. It was an angry Ms. Jay, my caretaker here, the only Indian part of my life these days. I was lost until I met her. I shifted here just a while ago. I moved all the way from India to Bali and now here, in order to finished my degree. Also because, he was the one thing that kept me going.
“Yes, hello aunty. I am here with Kapil. Need i say more?”
“PUT HIM ON THE CALL!”, she says in a fury and I think he heard it too.
“Consider yourself grounded when you get home.”
I want to worry but there is no reason to. I’ve been grounded before. I need to remind her of the rules most of the time. Also, everybody loves him. Every blasted elderly person loves him! I envy the commanding trust but I admire it at the same time. He is the man I am in love with. My man. But for the night, I will be his mistress.
This was not one sided. I know he wants me just as bad. Tries so hard to seem so good, but he’s the bad boy who stole me years ago. How would I escape this heat? More accurately, why would I want to escape it? Spontaneity used to be my middle name. Lately, I’ve been lame without him around.
I ask him what happened with her and he sang in a calm voice. “Tonight, its you and i.”
Maybe he was just singing? Maybe he means it the way i do? Maybe tonight, it really will be just him and i? Or maybe i am just losing it. He is almost incapable of such things. That’s the biggest turn off. Sometimes, just do! For heaven’s sake, just do and don’t think about the consequences. Would make our lives so much less complicated and so much more adventurous.
To my surprise he said “Where would you want to dine? We stay out until as long as you want to.” I reply in the softest tone “Forever sounds good to me.”
“What was that, babe?” he looks on expecting me to repeat that? I would look like such a.. “Nothing, forever lost is such a nice song. Isn’t it?” I spoke fast enough to avoid further questioning.
“You’re so random sometimes. I barely know if you’re even here. ” Oh trust me, i am here.
He pointed at a tiny place not far from here and we decided to get some food. “Denny’s Diner”. The flood lights wrote. It wasn’t much but being with him made all the difference. We talked and played rich for a while. Shared alot of laughs. Hadn’t had much of that since we were apart. He would make me laugh. He became the only one to make me laugh.
We stayed there until they decided to close. We hadn’t noticed the time fly by at all. Neither of our phones rang and neither of us wanted to leave the other. We walk to his truck.
He says ” Its too late to go back now. What can be done?”, I pretend to look around but clearly I was already aware of the motel locations. I suffered most of last year in them. Until I found Ms. Jay, the librarian’s sister and my PG caretaker. She loves me as her own. She loves Kapil alot more.
“Oh look, Ever Mount. That’s the best we can do tonight. What do you say?” He takes a minute to rethink this. Its a Sunday. Its almost midnight. Will we get any rooms?
“I don’t know if we can get 2 rooms, babe. You might have to share the room with me.” Poker face.