Creative Writing Competition 2012 India | |
CODE | 224 |
SETTING | Online Social Network |
OBJECT | Passport |
THEME | Infidelity |

Love Short Story – The Angel in White
Photo credit: arvydas from
Lissa rushed into the internet cafe. She clutched a small bag to her chest as a valuable possession.
The old man, the owner of the cafe, gave her a wry smile as usual and she returned a good smile, which was unusual. She went and sat in her usual seat. The owner knew she wouldn’t leave for about two hours. That has been the pattern for the past few months.
He knew about his customers more than he needed. That was one of his favourite hobbies too. The sources remained anonymous, but he has always managed to get correct information about his clients. And about Lissa what he knew was this:
She was an ‘angel in white’. Yes, a staff nurse, working in the metro hospital. Strikes were regular in the hospital between the nursing staff and management, mainly for a hike in the salary and reduction in duty hours. But nothing happened in striker’s favour other than management started dismissing those who protested the most.
The nurses had hectic work, pathetic life but were paid in peanuts. He also knew she came from a financially weak family and was married to someone (somehow he forgot the name) working in UAE in some factory. And Lissa was one of the regular visitors in the cafe on fridays for the past many months. And the reason was obvious; the people in UAE got a break on friday, instead of Sunday. The man’s sharp memory also told him, she hadn’t come the last Friday. He assumed the reason for the pleasant smile; she was going to talk with her husband for some time, after many days.
“Let the love birds chat and enjoy!” The man chuckled.
Lissa looked at her bag, as a mother who would look at her new born baby. She checked time and opened the chat in Yahoo Messenger. Philip was already online.
He had already pinged. “Lissa, you there?”
She appeared online.
Philip: “Lissa, how are you? Was worried, you are late! Work?”
Lissa : “I am doing good ….yes working overtime, two nurses are on leave…..was waiting all this week for this day, you know that!”
Philip : “ I know very well about all your sacrifices. I am also doing the same here. Someday when I come back we need a home to live in and need to have a happy and peaceful life, don’t you dream that?”
Lissa: “Yes I do, I am waiting for that to happen!”
Philip: “ That ‘s why I am toiling here, for you and our …”
Lissa: “ I know all that Philip. Are you not taking care of your health? You said you are on your toes!”
Philip : “ It is alright. No pain, no gain! I am managing, what about the latest strike, any result?
Lissa : “Nothing, two more staff dismissed!”
Philip : “Hmm, I wish I could take you here, but you know…..”
Lissa : “ I know Philip, it is okay, you need not think about that now!”
Philip: “Any special news from home?”
Lissa : “Nothing new, only the usual stuff, financial problems, ill health of parents, their complaints that the money you send home has decreased after our marriage and lot more…”
Philip: “Uff!!! Why don’t they understand that I am not enjoying life here, but struggling in all ways?”
Lissa : “Never mind, they won’t stop and you know that…..leave it!”
Philip : “You know, our new boss took charge four days back. He is damn strict, no leave, extra work, but then no increase in wages. And last day one lost job due to the….”
Lissa didn’t bother to read the description.
She looked at the bag, opened it and took the treasure she had received that day.
Her passport!!
She took it in her hands like a baby and kissed it, the most valuable thing that has ever fallen into her hands, and the one she thought would change her future! Her dreams and imaginations got life!
Philip : “Lissa, are you there? Why are you not replying? Are you crying Lissa? Don’t worry nothing will happen to me!!”
Lissa came back from the dream world. She quickly went through the elaboration by her husband. He was explaining the plight of workers in his work place and was telling that there was no guarantee for any one’s job or life.
She replied.
Lissa: “ Yes….I can’t hear all these things….I am always worried about you, I fear something may happen to you, they all are very cruel people….And, I can’t hold my tears anymore, people are looking at me…..”
Philip: “Don’t cry Lissa, I can’t stand that. Please! I am not telling anything now. You go now and take rest. Have some food. Please don’t cry!”
Lissa : “You don’t know how much I….”
Philip : “I KNOW LISSA…please go from the cafe , I will call you later!”
Lissa : “ Okay, I will wait , I am leaving now!”
Philip: “ Bye, take good care!”
Lissa : “Bye”
The chat closed and so also the emotional drama.
Lissa gave a missed call to some number. Then she opened her Facebook profile and made her status ‘available’ so that her only one face book friend, Joe, could come to chat with her. But he was offline.
It was she who started the conversation.
Lissa : “Hello Jo, are you there? I am here, waiting….”
Two –three minutes passed; no reply.
Lissa : “Hey Jo, where are you? I have told you the time and you missed? U busy?”
No reply still. Lissa decided to wait till Joe came online.
She summoned the past into her mind. It was surprising how destiny had at last showed mercy upon Lissa by bringing Joe before her. She again took her passport and held it close to her heart.
Her roommate, who had a Facebook account, encouraged her to create one. Though she wasn’t interested, just for fun she made an account, a profile which didn’t have any of her information, but just a picture of a bouquet of red roses. It was several months back that she created it. But she had no interest to update or check it often.
But one fine morning, she remembered about the FB account without any reason and thought it was better she deleted it. That day evening, after her duty, she went to the cafe just to delete her FB account.
And whatever had happened after that can be seen just as a play of luck or destiny. She saw one friend request from someone named Joe Jacob. She checked the profile and saw a good looking guy. The profile revealed his job – software professional, location – USA and status – single. She found that simply interesting and added the stranger as friend.
Since then the developments were unbelievable and drastic. Lissa’s friday online schedules with Philip became shorter and shorter (tight work being the culprit!) and those with Joe became longer and longer. Joe knew almost every detail of Lissa and she believed whatever he had told. All her scepticism in opening up with a stranger had been removed by the timely tactics of the software professional. Within few days, it grew into a strong affair.
Lissa was forced to study nursing by her family, as they thought nursing had better job prospects. She was forced to marry Philip as he didn’t have any demands. At early twenties, she got employed and married but never found happiness. She saw her colleagues flying freely, roaming with their partners and living their life, the way they wanted. And all she could do was to stare at them. She longed to be a free bird!
When she was studying, she thought her job would make her dreams come true. It didn’t. Then she thought a marriage would give her luck and happiness. It was worse. Lissa and Philip had hardly lived together for two weeks. Apart from calls and chats, nothing existed between them; it was more of a formal relationship. She has even forgotten how Philip looked like.
The dissatisfaction took the shape of hatred towards family and everything. She wanted money. She wanted a life she wished. And at that time Joe promised her job in USA, not only job but a great life too. Whenever she compared Philip and Joe, Joe always scored better. He was more educated and was earning a month what Philip earned in three or four months. He was handsome (Lissa was attractive too). He didn’t seem to be a fraud to Lissa. It was he who had done all arrangements through his friends to get a passport for Lissa, that too without taking a penny from her. He was loving and romantic. He had everything she wished for. And her mind said a big ‘YES’ to Joe. She didn’t even think that she was cheating Philip. Even though Philip loved Lissa, she didn’t love him. For her, he was just a stranger, who called her, chatted with her and sent her money often.
A pop-up on the screen brought her back.
Joe : “Sorry Liz, had some urgent works. Are you there?”
Lissa: “Yes Joe , no problem, how can I leave without seeing you and sharing this big news?”
Jo: “ Big news?! You mean passport? You got it? When?”
Lissa: “Today!!! At noon! Now I am holding it in my hands. I don’t know how to thank you. I am indebted to you forever!”
Joe: “Liz, please stop this! No more debt talk! You know that I love you. I am happy that you got it! Please keep it safe!”
Lissa: “Yes , of course, I will!”
Joe: “Will soon make arrangements for your visa….And after that, hope things would move smoothly!”
Now Lissa cried for the first time after entering the cafe, tears of joy!
Lissa : “I don’t know Joe, I am unable to give you any money, and you are doing so much for me….
I love you Joe!!!”
Joe : “Liz, stop talking about money, talk something soothing!
If everything goes well, you will be joining me very soon, got that?”
Lissa : “I can’t wait Joe….I wish and pray….let it happen soon!”
The love birds chatted for hours, longer than usual.
When Lissa came out and paid money, the owner saw the blushed face of a bride.
He counted it as the happiness of a wife, which actually concealed infidelity!