Love Short Story – 3 PUNCHES
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Photo credit: jade from morguefile.com
There are few sights as heartening as the scrambling of people at the sight of impending monsoon. It is a mad rush. But not totally mad, just the right amount of madness. They move in unison as if to the tune of an invisible orchestra. Some might rue their complacency when they left without an umbrella even though they were aware of the formation of depression over the Arabian Sea. Others are more pragmatic and run for cover with a controlled haste. The rain didn’t perform up to the bidding though.
After half hour of lacklustre showing, the clouds cleared. People start scattering over again. The re emergence of people after a shower is also a sight worth watching. But nothing compared to the commotion before. There is still the invisible orchestra playing but at a much lower tempo. The number of people is slowly increasing. The funny thing about people is that everyone has a story to tell. They may not tell you right away but what stops us from observing anyway. See that young couple walking hand-in-hand, the drunkard lying on the pavement, the street vendors, the traffic police, the woman arguing with the Vegetable seller, everyone has a story.
Oh wait, just found something better. A man and a kid appearing as silhouettes in the restricted light. The kid has a small umbrella folded in his arm. The left hand of the man is carefully placed in the right of the kid. The man is walking at a brisk pace and the kid is trying his best to catch up. The right hand of the man is clenched. Is that blood dripping from it? They are talking. Let’s listen in.
Does that hurt?
No. Do you want to hear a story?
Are you sure?
Ok. Since you insist I will tell you one. Do you know what a non-linear narrative is?
It’s a technique of story telling in films where they show random things all of which will make sense at the end.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Don’t worry. My story is straight forward. It is called 3 punches.
You mean like today?
Ssh…Don’t spoil the suspense. Hear me out. It was the time when I was a kid.
Like me?
Just like you. But things were different. There were no smart phones or wi-fi or pizza.
Do you know what wi-fi is?
Yes. that blinking thing in our house.
Good. So I was in 2nd or 3rd std. And there was Ryan.
Ryan who?
He was in my class. I didn’t like him. He didn’t like me. It does suffice to say we didn’t like each other. He used to make fun of me all the time. Not all the time really. Only when I was not making fun of him. So one day I see him talking to a girl. Not any girl. The only girl in the class I cared about. And there he was talking to her. I didn’t know if I liked her. But seeing her in conversation with my nemesis kinda irritated me. So I guess I liked her.
What is nemss?
Nemesis means enemy.
Then why don’t you say enemy?
Ok. I am sorry.
Are you trying to complicate things? Because this is not a movie. It’s just a short-story. So keep it simple.
Ok. Sorry again. Let me finish my story.
So I walk over to them. Seeing me, he said something and laughed. I lost control and took a swing. Now the human face can be very deceiving. It may appear soft to the outside world. But there are certain things you should keep in mind when you are punching someone in the face. Of course I didn’t know it back then. I learned it with experience.
The first and most important thing is to make sure his mouth is closed. As I said, he was laughing when I threw the punch. His mouth was wide open, the sharp, ugly incisors protruding out and like an Indian archers arrow, my clenched fist missed the mark and landed on his teeth. His tooth was unflinching on contact with my fist and pierced the shallow layer of skin on my knuckles. As I was crying in pain on the aftermath of my first tryst with violence, he was still laughing.
You like it when I get hurt. Don’t you? Do you know why I punched him?
He laughed.
No. Because she laughed.
Moving on. I grew up and went to Bombay looking for a job. Do you know where Bombay is?
Yes .It’s Sachin’s home.
So one evening I was walking through the street. The sun had set and it was dark. I see a girl and a man fighting. He was a thief and was trying to snatch the girl’s purse. But the girl was more resilient than he thought. Both were pulling the purse in their direction. For a moment I was confused whether to help the thief or the girl because the man was fighting a losing battle. She was stronger than him. I went in to the conflict zone. I thought the thief would run away seeing a third party. But he didn’t. May be because he didn’t deem me as a threat at all. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. I knew it was time for my 2nd punch. It was perfect. To save a damsel in distress.
Damn cell?
Damsel i.e. a girl. So I took my swing aiming for d rugged face of the thief. By that time their struggle moved near a wall and they were leaning against it. Now the second important rule about punching. Make sure there is no background. That way even if you miss, the only thing you will hit will be air which doesn’t hurt at all. As for my punch, it met with the wall they were leaning about and I let out the loudest scream I could ever muster. Any way that scream scared the thief away and he ran into the darkness letting go of the thing he so violently pursued.
Why do you keep punching then? You always get hurt.
I know. Let’s just say I am a creature of habit.
That’s right.
That you are a creature.
Aha. Someone’s not getting Ice cream today.
I meant that in a good way. Like the cute creatures in animation movies.
Any way moving on to my 3rd punch.
Was it today?
Why did you punch that man today? He is Mommy’s friend.
Because Mommy said she loves him.
Are you going to punch me?
What? Why would I punch you?
Because Mommy loves me.
Ha-ha. No. It’s not like that. It’s complicated.
Does it hurt?
Yes. But not in the hands.
I bet his face hurts. You broke his nose.
Do you know what makes a great punch?
The receiver should truly deserve it. That will be your best punch.
So is the story over?
Is there a twist?
What twist? You told me to keep it simple.
That was boring. Just you punching people.
Now you are a critic. Well if it’s any consolation, all my 3 punches were for the same girl. Your Mom. Any way I am not going to punch anyone again.
… Do you wanna hear a joke? I heard it in school today. But I didn’t really understand it.
What’s common with android and women?
Hm… I don’t know. What?
A better version is just around the corner.
Ha-ha. That’s funny. So What Ice cream do you want?
Pineapple Punch.