Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
The park was heavily crowded, children were shouting and running here and there, and few old people were walking around the park with walking stick in their hands. Slowly a drop of tears falls from Shiva’s eyes on the word in the diary where he was writing something. Then he tore the paper and started writing fresh on a new page. Shiva was sitting on the grass in the park with diary in his hand and started thinking for a moment by seeing the sky.
Shiva started talking to himself to his inner heart, the judicial person inside the heart. His inner heart character name is GURU. He started speaking to GURU. GURU what is Love? Whether what am I doing is so called LOVE? What is the definition of LOVE ? it is defined by common people that those who goes in the bike as a pair with no gap between them, or who catch each other hand and walk in the beach, or who sits in the ice cream parlor even after the ice-cream melts completely, or who sits in the park behind the bush, or who sits in the corner seat in the theatre not for watching movie…. Or who make their mobile wet when they talk to their girl friends or Or who says thousand times like mantra “ I LOVE UUU “ Blah blah blah ……]
I don’t know Guru what is love? Whether the above said things are called as LOVE? Or people loving each other without seeing, talking only through phone… is real LOVE. ? Hmmm. I really donno. I really don’t know how to define my love towards Shakthi whether the word we define it as “LOVE” or I LIKE HER TO THE CORE or any other word it may be ,but my heart says that my life will get fulfilled and happy one and only if she stay near to me. I want to fill this letter in a way that she should feel my depth of So called LOVE towards her. Shiva started scribbling and again he tore the page and put the waste paper on the nearby dustbin.
Shiva again started writing on the fresh page,-” How can I tell her that why I loved her? Shall I tell that her helping character which I like the way how she helped a poor boy for paying his school fees? OR shall I tell her dedication towards studies in the college? OR Shall I tell I like her friendly character, open-mindedness towards the colleagues? OR Shall I tell I like her where she saved her friends life by donating blood? OR Shall I tell I like your courageous nature for complaining the senior guys to the principal who ragged the junior guys? OR Shall I tell her I like your calmness and homeliness? OR Shall I tell her that i like the way you provided your support to the helping hand social movements in rescuing the people from Tsunami attacks. OR what else I can say… I can list out thousands of things like this inch by inch about her movements and her character. I don’t know Guru what to mention here in the letter and what not to mention”
He wrote all those things whatever he speaks in the diary after speaking to his inner friend Guru and then again somehow he was not convinced, he tore the paper and put in the dustbin. Shiva again started asking to Guru…
” Shall I write a poem to express my deep love? OR Shall I write the letter with my blood…”
Immediately Shiva stopped for a moment and said… “it’s the most foolish ,funniest ,innocent & immature things that people do for love and in the name of love…..I don’t want to do the same mistake because then there will be no difference between the way I m trying to define a new meaning for love . If that is the case I would have proposed her during my second year of college days , the day when I understood her and I got a feeling that she is mine.”
“Tomorrow Monday is the last day of my college life and it’s the farewell party as well. Already I have taken long time to understand and to know her as a person by nature, and also took a very long time to define and understand the meaning of love, because I don’t believe love at first sight even though most of the love started like this and some got success and some got failure…..”
Only my diary paper and my pen ink is getting wasted… still I dint come to a conclusion to express my love towards her. For me SAYING I LOVE YOU SHAKTHI happens in a second like normal love by normal people, but it doesn’t give a heart touching impact to her and also I don’t like to say just a 3 words without life in it. Still I question to my heart and have a great war between GURU and myself. IS THEIR ANY OTHER WORD IN THE WORLD OR IN ANY DICTIONARY TO PROPOSE TO A GIRL? Ok instead of I LOVE YOU… I ll tell her that I HAD ALREADY STARTED MY JOURNERY, LIVING MY LIFE WITH YOU FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS WHICH IS THE HAPPIEST PART OF MY LIFE…. NOW I WANT TO CONTINUE TILL MY LIFE END…. CAN YOU SHARE YOUR LIFE WITH ME????? Hope this sounds better….. and Shiva also thinks that instead of giving this in letter,,, I can tell her directly because I won’t get a day like tomorrow. He then tore those papers and put them all in the dustbin….
He then started watching the sunset and slowly wiped his tears, 200 m back Shakthi with her friends came to the park and accidentally she saw Shiva sitting and wiping his eyes. She wanted to talk to him as he was her colleague. She reached near to him. Shiva also did not notice that she is coming to talk to him. Without noticing Shiva stood and started walking away from the place and he left the park.
Though Shakthi came fast she could not catch him and she was also confused that Shiva is in some problem for past few days and why he is crying today. Then he saw lot of papers dumped in the dustbin. She collected those papers and the moment she started to read, heavy rain came, she put all the papers in her hand bag and reached home. She opened those papers and started reading one by one. She could not believe her eyes and she started shedding tears. She started thinking for the whole night.
Next Day, Farewell begins and everyone shared their happiness and sorrows in past 4 years, at the end of farewell everybody started wishing to their close friends. Shiva went inside the toilet room and started preparing himself to propose her; he started talking to his inner GURU to make a judgment. He prepared and rearranged the words which he has planned yesterday, to express to Shakthi. Immediately Inner GURU started asking
Shiva thought for a moment, then he decided, not to propose his love to Shakthi, He made up his mind,that he ll propose when he finds a true definition for love which satisfies him as well as Shakthi, the moment she hears those words.. I will wait for that day.. till then I will hide my so called love within my heart.
Shiva came out and went near to Shakthi
“ Hello Shakthi,, today is last day, hope we had a good rapport for past 4 years and you’re bright student, hope you will get a good placement in good company. ALL THE BEST Shakthi.”
Shakthi looked at Shiva and replied lately and calmly ALL THE BEST SHIVA FOR YOUR FUTURE PLANS” Then both left the place. Shiva went to his native place for a month and then he came back to his room in Chennai for attending Interview. He saw a postal letter to his name. He opened the letter , he couldn’t control his feelings and he started shedding more tears.
Letter follows…
Dear Shiva ,
I don’t know how to start. But one thing I m sure that no other person in this world except you would understand me, my character, everything inch by inch. You are so cute and gentle that you never came and proposed me directly even though you like me to the core. Suppose if you would have proposed me I would have denied and hurted you directly on face. You have definitely, truly given a new meaning, new definition to love. I can feel it now, I came to know everything from the paper which you have scribbled that day in the park. Really you have given a true dimension to love, It’s my turn now I want to say few words. YES I WANT TO CONTINUE MY LIFE WITH YOU TILL MY END..…. CAN YOU SHARE YOUR LIFE WITH ME Shiva????