[Editor’s Choice: This short story Love over Coffee is selected for Love’2012 Story Writing Competition]
As they say … all good things come to an end … so I guess this is it… the end … the time to say goodbye
Three years of my life here and it feels like forever…

Love over Coffee-Love Short Story
Photo credit: godidwlr from morguefile.com
Life surely will not be the same again…not without the morning bus rides, skywalk, food courts, Bulletin Board and CCD… CCD the place where a lot can happen over coffee and a lot actually did …
Friday morning…. clear azure skies… warm sun… and me on time to catch up with friends… perfect start to the day. What more did I want! Coffee… yes my regular cup of coffee at CCD…
“One Cappuccino please”…
“One Latte for me”….
That was the most amazing voice I have ever heard… I look back… I simply had too …
I look back and find what… ? Deep-blue eyes that I could drown in forever…… !!!
Suddenly there was magic in the air…. something tugged at my heart strings…
I could see stars and hear bells…
“Stars! Bells! Get a hold on yourself.”… I say to myself… take the coffee and walk away…
Stupid cupid was doing his rounds…
“Excuse Me”…
“OMG! He wants to talk to me!”… a sly grin formed on my lips….
“I think you have taken my latte by mistake”…
“Ooh… oops…” I hand over the coffee… and walk again… my blonde moment!
Monday Morning… missed the bus, missed breakfast and missed a heartbeat… ‘Familiar face there’… suddenly I miss a step and fall flat on my face…
“I think you have fallen for me”… with a knowing smile and a hand stretched out…
I take the hand… mutter a “thank-you”… and try to walk away with false poise… but “Damn!”… I trip again..!!! I didn’t dare look back…. my embarrassing moment!
Tuesday… Wednesday … the days stopped to matter… Cupid …stealthily but steadily was at his work…
A glimpse here … a stolen glance there… life was full of budding promises…
Another Friday morning… a spring in my step… a song on my mind and ‘damn the work attitude’… there is really something about Friday mornings … coffee only adds to the charm of it…
I wait at CCD for my coffee… “Hi”… my heart does a somersault…and my knees turn jelly… ‘Such a bright smile… Must be orbit’ I thought… I was in a trance… tongue-tied and unable to respond… before I realized he walks away…
‘I let him walk away!’… ‘How dumb was tht!’… ‘Will he ever smile again at me’ … The thought troubled me at the back of my mind…all day long …
I decide to set this right….
New day…new hopes…new shirt and a dash of my favorite perfume… …I walk in to CCD… ‘Oh him! With a good-looking gal’… I stomp off to my desk… and work like never before…
‘Maybe they are just friends’… I am again at CCD… sight the same gal with him … too much for me to take…the green eyed monster – jealousy takes over me… I stalk away…. I sulk…I crib…
‘Maybe he is not really my type I convince myself’….
Days pass by… but the feeling of having lost something precious does not go away… for long I am in a state of denial… denial that it was not mere attraction… denial that there was something more… something more like love…
Stupid Cupid is on a long holiday…
Today is my last day … an empty feeling within me… ‘If you don’t ask …the answer is always a no’…
I had to ask…I had to know…
I send across a mail… asking him to meet me at CCD… the place where I first met him…
Zoom to present…
Sitting here at CCD…. thinking about things… funny… sweet… and stupid… an hour passed by … the evening sky changed to a dark blue sky… with the stars shining bright … but still no sight of him… ‘Maybe he is not really my type’… Time for me to leave then…. but not without my last cup of coffee here….
“One Cappuccino please”…
“One Latte for me”….
I look back…I simply had too…
I look back and find what…? Deep-blue eyes that I could drown in forever……!!!
Suddenly there was magic in the air….something tugged at my heart strings…
I could see stars and hear bells…
‘Oh John… I didn’t think you would come’…
‘Oh Jake….how could I have not’….
Stupid Cupid had struck!