Story of Love and Breakup – Unfortunately yours!
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
This was the angriest she had even been. Once again he shouted “You can’t see me happy? Can you ? You hate the fact that my heart is beating. You hate that I am alive. Don’t you?”
This was it. There were people all around them looking at the drama that was going on. Till now she was all tears , and then she slapped him. Enough was enough, she thought.This was when he threw her off, pushed her away and went off on the bike.She walked home all cried out. It was already past 10 and even though Mumbai is safe , it is not that safe, some drunkard started chasing her on a bike. She guessed he must have seen the fight. Random entities start taking advantage when people you love throw you away. The world is a sad, sad place. The goon asked her if she wanted a lift. She shouted a no while still crying, running and darting towards the apartment door.
She reached home, went straight to the washroom, took a shower and came back to her room. Now there was nobody in the city now who knew she existed. Well, some did, but they didn’t care. She went to her best friend’s room. She could always count on her. They sat face to face both knew she had cried earlier. Both knew it was because of him. But this one had a new boyfriend and had more exciting things in life going on rather than console her about how things are going to be all right.
So she went back to her room and the other one didn’t even bother asking her to stop, wanting to hear whatever she had to say. She did leave, with a few dusty diaries she had never opened and a pack of cigarettes. Went straight to the terrace, it was raining a bit. Its funny how someone who has just lost everything doesn’t make much of a fuss about getting wet in the rain. When she opened the diary, a fat bundle of old pages fell out. Ink all askew but letters still made sense, at least visibly. It was a letter from him. One he gave her in Delhi when she had caught him cheating with someone else. It wasn’t much but they used to be too perfect for anything. She opened the letter. It was a travelogue of their journey together.
She had met him during one of her internships. The jack she was flailing her hands and feet everywhere while swimming, for she was afraid of waters. Both of them were super excited before they met, being the only two co-interns and after they met there was no stopping them.
Both were fearless, adventurous and insane in a similar way. He just had a bad breakup and she just got away from some meaningless crazy guys. They lived like nothing before. Sneaking her into boys hostel, him into girls ward. Night-outs and crazy trips to the city at night. He made her try the first cigarette, she remembered, now that she was puffing her millionth. She made her try some things too. They never talked about anything related to love, but they were already in it. The whole campus used to be empty when they got out. It was like their own personal garden.
One day it so happened that they came close, she told her all the dirty secrets of her life, came out of the shell of a strong independent woman and let herself out, all on him. He reciprocated like the best guy on earth. They hugged. Later, one day before he was leaving they slept together. It felt just right. And when he was leaving she cried like she did today, thinking she’ll never see him again.
But she was dead wrong. He came to Mumbai to surprise her, helped her find a home , and they had a good weekend. There was no stopping then.She went to Calcutta to meet him, then they met again in Delhi and then came the legendary backpacking to northeast. For half a month they had the best time of their life. Together in adventure,risks, pain and healing, it was the perfect picture , like one of Van gogh’s . They were a cool couple and there was none better.
Its often said you know who’s your truest friend only when you are in deep sh*t. And he was.When they went back to their respective colleges he couldn’t get a job and was afraid he wouldn’t even be able to make it to graduation. Even though she had already found a job, and was in the best place of her life. Most chilled out semester. She gave her everything to make him feel at peace. And he was charismatic too. They worked against all the odds and he got a job in Delhi. That’s when she met him and came to know that he was wanting to be with someone else.
It was a trivial thing but she made a huge deal out of it. They had been together for two years and nothing of this sort had happened before. She didn’t know how to react. That’s when he gave her the letter. It was 16 pages, front and back just like the on rachel gave to ross on the TV show friends. She loved it and all the other gifts. And then, again he had some issues with his job, she helped him get the contact of someone in Mumbai and he made it. Bang! It was a dream come true. They had never lived together. The first two months, which he took to settle were dreamy , they went on road trips. Bathed in seas, climbed mountains faced fears together like earlier.
But lately everything went haywire. He had other things, other friends to look out for. Now that his life was a smoothie she felt he had changed and didnt care that much. Meanwhile she met a guy at work, the shittiest of guys with the dumbest of brains but she was so broken she got carried away and did something she’d regret her whole life. After that it was never the same again. He never cried for her, never longed for her again. It all came crashing down tonight when he pushed her away. And because of one thing she couldn’t do right , even though she didn’t sleep with the office guy, he left her away. It flashed all away in front of her eyes , got washed away with her tears and got caught in the last smoke ring there was.