Love Short Story – The past and the future
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
It was their 50th wedding anniversary. Whole family gathered almost after ages to celebrate the day. Sumer and Myra were the happiest couple alive in the room. Sure they were not dancing or singing like everyone else in the room but they had that smile on their face which they just couldn’t get rid of. Afterall how many couples really get to spend 50 years together these days. He just wasn’t letting go her hand even for a minute. Everyone was jealous looking at them. They had a perfect life. He met her on Yahoo, fell in love and after that they were just inseperable and now even in year 2066 it felt as if it was yesterday. People wanted love like that.
It was almost dinner time and everyone was excited to hear a speech from Sumer. As he was walking his expressions changed. He was looking a lil tense and nobody had a clue why. He just looked at everyone and smiled a lil, and then he looked at Myra and blew a kiss at her, she shouted back “Drama Queen”.
He began to speak “I have had such an amazing life that it now feels like a dream. I look at my kids, their wives and grand kids and I just feel so proud so content. It’s more than anyone can ask for. And Myra you have been the rock of my life. When i first met you I was so nervous that I felt like you’ll never call me back and look at us now. People still ask me, how come someone like her can be with someone like you. You are just amazing.”
She was getting teary now.
He continued “But today I’m feeling guilty and I’m suffocating cuz I’ve been hiding something from you all these years. A secret that no one knows but me. I just want to take the load off my chest today and I hope it won’t change things and I hope you’ll forgive me.”
Everyone was in complete shock now. They were that perfect couple and now he says he was hiding something for 50 years.
With a shaky voice he began “So there are somethings which you don’t remember and there’s a reason for that. Do you remember you liked Kunal?”
She was angry now and said “What’s wrong with you? Why are you bringing it up now? It was a stupid crush and whats the point of all this?”
He said “You were going around with him..”
She stood up and interrupted him “Now you don’t trust me? I had a crush and everyone knew about that but I never went out with him. You know it very well mister. Now tell me what’s this about really?”
She was mad now. He gestured her to sit and began again “Just listen and don’t react before I’m finished, darling please. So I proposed to you and you said no to me saying I’m just a good friend and we stayed friends but I always assumed you will realize it someday that you love me too. But one day you met Kunal and decided to date him. I was mad at you and we stopped talking for TWO months. It was too much for me to take so I gave up all the hopes I had and went to a cliff and just when I was about to jump I heard a voice, a man standing behind me. He said he can help me but I wasn’t sure how. I told him my whole story and told him how it was impossible to help me. He smiled and said It might sound crazy but I’m a genie and I can grant you a wish. Think wise and wish for something that will change your life forever. I was so frustrated with his answer that I yelled at him that all I want is Myra and nothing else and he just disappeared and you were sitting besides me on that cliff. It was as if nothing happened, you didn’t remember Kunal at all.”
One of his grand kid asked “You could’ve asked for anything, money, fame just anything. He might have given you everything.”
Sumer just smiled at him and said “He did gave me everything” And then he looked at Myra. She just couldn’t stop crying. He didn’t know what to say “I’m sorry my love. I know life could’ve been different for you and it kills me everyday that I made that decision to change your life when I’d no right.”
She walked at him and pushed him lightly “You are an Idiot. With the help of a genie or not I know in my heart we were destined to end up together. I don’t regret a single day of my life. I don’t even want to imagine my life any different, without you it’s just impossible for me survive. I love you.”
And with that he felt like happiest man on the earth.