Hate Story
Photo credit: carunan from morguefile.com
“Tring Tring”.. The phone rang. It hasn’t just stopped ringing for the last few days. Piyali was too very exhausted to pick up the phone every 5 minutes and listen to heartfelt condolences/burst of tears. So she let the phone ring its own merry way and came out of her room. This was the 1st Time in the last 3 days that she had managed to keep her feet outside her own room. She stepped slowly, somehow dragging her fatigued body towards her mom’s room. Mom had just kept herself shut the last 3 days, since the incident. None had been able to make her talk. Even when her own sister grabbed her yesterday and shrieked “Cry Roona Cry! Diya is No more”, Mom glared at her. Aunt refrained back with an utter shock at the look in her eyes. Piyali couldn’t see her mom this way. She had to do something. She slowly crept towards Didi’s room.
A flashback of memories made Piya stumble on her way to Diya’s room. She stopped. Stopped as she happened to see clearly the morning 3 days ago. It was 8 ‘o clock and Didi was not opening the door. Quiet unusual for someone who got up at the break of dawn regularly. Somehow Dad, after repeated bursts on the door managed to crack through it just to find DIDI HANGING from the ceiling! Piya simply couldn’t take the scene! She fainted right out. Even when Didi was taken for her cremation she dared not step out of the darkest corner of her room!
Piya slowly stepped into Didi’s room. Immediately a feeling of emptiness grasped her. The question that has haunted her every moment, every microsecond, she has been in her senses.. is “WHY”? Why did Didi do this?? And after thinking for 3 straight days Piya has decide that she has to solve this.. SHE HAS TO! This is the motive with which Piya has crept into Didi’s room today for a clue! For a minor clue.. that would give her the slightest scope to find the reason behind this unbelievable incident..
Alas! She found nothing. Absolutely nothing! No hint why such a cheerful responsible girl suddenly turned her face away from life. Back in her room Piya picked up the “Gitanjali” , that Diya had gifted her on her 18th birthday. Since then its poems had been Piya’s support through most of her depressions and surrenders. But this time.. Piya just could not read any thing.. She just managed to leaf through the pages of the book, her eyes too dry to shed tears, her limbs numb with grief! And suddenly at that moment she found a piece of paper dropping down on her lap from the book. It read
“Don’t Forgive Rahul! He was my Life. BETRAYAL!- DIDI”
“Will not return tonight. Don’t wait for me!”
Mom stared at Piya. 4 days had passed after Diya’s shocking Suicide and Piya is going out adored and dressed like a Christmas tree. For the 1st time in 4 days words fell out of her lips “Never Come Back.” Dad looked for once at Piya. Today she was dressed in short western attire, quite unusual for a person who is so very attracted to traditional Eastern wears. Dad looked into her Daughter’s eyes.
Piya came out of her home. She walked past the lane in a jiffy leaving the astonished and gossiping neighbors behind.! She knew her destination. She stepped onto the main road and took a bus to Xavier. She had a friend in the same college and hence faced no hassle in sneaking through the gates! She entered the campus. Her eyes looking around.. trying to find HIM……. “Ahhh! There he is! There’s my man!”
Piya walked up to Rahul.
“ I don’t know anything about your Didi. Please do not indulge me in these scuffs. As you know my father is Police Commissioner! You people can prove nothing By filing a petty FIR.”
“Who asked you about Didi? What’s the point Talking about someone who is gone?”
“You have been to our home so many times. Have you ever managed to cast a look upon me? Have you ever looked deep into my eyes?”
“What rubbish?! Oh Trash!”
“ Now that Didi is gone, will you still remain engrossed with her or can I take a chance at my dream man, The man I have always loved madly!”
Rahul was simply Taken aback at Piya’s words He was swept off his feet!
“I never realized You were so smart! Dressed in that Brat Salwar?”
“ That’s why I am here today all yours in the attire you want me to be”
“Hotel India 11 pm. Room No. 842!”
“Oh my! You are looking more beautiful than Morning” exclaimed Rahul as Piya Stepped into the hotel room.
“Do you know you are the nth girl I am spending a night with?”
“Doesn’t matter! I want to be the last! Lets switch off the lights
Tring Tring… The phone rang. Rahul somehow dragged himself out of the bed. The entire room is flooded with bright sunshine! He checked his phone! 5 missed calls- its Dad! Didn’t feel like calling back! “Ahhh.. yesterday night was something.. perhaps the best night spent in my life! And look no hangover. This is the 1st time a girl had woken up the next morning before me and left before I even woke up!!!! Smart girl! No Hangovers….! Fast isn’t she???” Rahul murmured to himself. “The girl is really……..
Suddenly his words stuck…
“What’s that?” Rahul though looking at a piece of paper stuck to the mirror. “It seems it has something written on it.. “
What’s this? How could she do this to me? How?????! My life has ended… oh what’s this! I am trapped in my own net…. Rahul could feel the world spin around him.. he felt his blood vessels constricting.. What’s Happening… I cant breathe” That Brat has finished me She has finished my life…. She has……… she has ruined me….
“How’s that possible?? How can she be ……???”
Turning around , he found a needle & syringe lying on the floor.. A cold shiver ran down his spine.. A voice echoed within himself” is this the source…..???”
At the very moment he could hear the laughter of that n nos. of girls. He found himself encircled by them. Though they were laughing, but the vale of hatred wrapped over their faces.
Rahul came out of the room screaming. He just wanted to leave that cursed room.
When he came to the road, he again found those girls standing at the gate. They all shouted aloud pointing towards him, “u r finished… the society will hate u..””
“No…………. U all r liars” screamed Rahul.
Panic-stricken Rahul started running aimlessly.. He could only hear the laughter of those girls & suddenly everything went black.
Tring Tring!!
‘Hello!! Commissioner Gupta speaking”
‘ Hello, Sir! This is Dr.Bhatta 4m South Care Nursing Home. Your son Rahul has been admitted here”
“What!!! Why?? I ‘ll b there within an hour”
“ No, Sir. Considering his condition we r shifting him To the Mental hospital Day Care. If you can, please b there”
3 Days later, at the mental hospital
“ We r sorry, Mr. Gupta. ‘ve tried our best. But he’s in a grave trauma. Can not assure u..”
Commissioner Gupta was dumbstruck.
From that day onward, 1 could hear patient no,842 screaming aloud “ don’t want the pleasure, 4give me.. relieve me….
But what was that in the room that morning which made him shriek to insanity. Police searched the room through out for 3 consecutive days but they found nothing Abnormal except for a piece of paper that was found stuck on the wall mirror of the room where Rahul had put up for the night in Hotel India. It read