Hilarious Love Story – Wedding Affair – finally We found love!!
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Its November & isn’t a sweet November yet, with no travel assignments, no girlfriends & aah.. weddings to attend in queue. Marriage, the word itself is all to scream anyone who is a free soul, loves his/her space, wanted to explore the world as the idea of getting married is the end to all liberties of life. The practice of caging an eligible bachelor itself starts from these weddings and if someone falls in age group of 25-28 should cautious enough of attending any wedding as in Indian weddings you cannot expect any personal space because the oldies will show no mercy on your “Happily Unmarried” status & will fire back to back rounds of bullets like most personal questions on you with no escape route. They will scrutinise & qualify you for some third person without caring your concern.
“Your lipstick stains…”all of sudden I am back from wedding trauma as this sweet track gazed me towards my phone that is ringing ..Its Tarun
“Shubh, please be ready by 7pm..I’ll pick you up and for god sake be ready means ready to fly..i am hoping for some mercy before my wedding” he said in rush as I won’t be able to say hello to him.
“Mercy on wedding..Are you serious??”I replied & we laughed.
I show some mercy on him by being punctual for the first time in life and here we left Delhi for Tarun’s wedding. He is my best friend, will soon get trap in wedding affair and interestingly the arrangements of funeral to his freedom planned at Jaipur for a week functions and I am accompanying him on his wedding for moral support. After a drive of 4 hrs we reached Jaipur.
“Hi!! Bride Shruti, oh! You’re looking more beautiful with every passing day…what’s the secret of this glow Ms.Fair & Lovely”..” I wittingly said with blast of laughter and realised so many cruel red-hot eyes stared at me.
“It’s just like your bunk comments those are getting more annoying & irritating with every passing day”she replied & then slowly whispered in my ears “Don’t worry I’ll get one for you, glowing more than Fair n Lovely..”
It’s a lovely evening in Jaipur & I am expecting a buzzing night as its bachelors party of Tarun.
“Why Jaipur..I mean Tarun can manage to explore a hotel of palace class of your choice in Delhi” I questioned Shruti
“Fool its not about fort or castle..it’s about heritage & its not about finding bodies,its about finding souls. Wedding happened once in life so make it more memorable” She replied philosophically.
“Lol!…Once in life..”I laughed sarcastically and she added “Actually its our dream”
“Tarun never told me about his wild dream of making memories..” I replied
“Our means me & my best friend Surbhi…she arranged everything and I’ll arrange her dream”Again philosophical Shruti
“Shubh..” Tarun shouting behind me
“What man…why are you shouting”..
“Oh! My god I thought your still sleeping” he laughed and we followed to venue of Bachelor’s Party which already spoiled the heart and soul of our friends sailed from Delhi because it looks like a Ladies sangeet(music) with allowance of men.
“What is this…you got engaged”Tarun inquired as I am wearing a ring on that special finger indicating red signals for old aunties to avoid their unwanted questions about my wedding status.
“yeah!! I am and I am not monk like you..falling in love then travelled odd 250 km. to attend his own wedding”I replied with agitation and sense of no mercy.
“You ass-hole..enjoy its my Bachelor’s party”he said stressing on Bachelor word
“Tarun…I don’t mind but please don’t call this Mahila Sangeet(Ladies Music) a bachelors party…for god sake look at the pale faces of your friends from Delhi”I said in serious tone.
“Give me ten minutes Bro!”Tarun smiled like he will wind up everything
Like we Indians manage everything on jugaad(alternate solutions),some punjabi songs followed with drinks are enough for fetching the treat hunger of friends.
While people are busy in enjoying vibes of punjabi music I kept my corner meanwhile Shruti waved me & calling my name loudly..
“Shubh..She is Surbhi undergoing similar projet as yours so I thought you’re the right person for her to help on..”Shruti introduced us & left…Like somebody is introducing me first time to her.
“No, Mom I am not ready for marriage yet as I am not financially stable & want to meet some other tasks in life first..marriage isn’t one of them”consoling to my Mom on debate of marriage.
“Your father has already had words with Mr.Mishra and we are going tomorrow to meet his family & daughter.she is beautiful,well cultured & also settled at Delhi with her job”My mom ordered with no choice to me as where there is fathers order there is no choice.
Finally I submitted myself in front of my parents and sitting besides a beautiful slim fair girl with all red cheeks & lips and cursing upon my fortune because for a moment I wanted to forget my all dreams and freedom for this angel.We were left alone for sometime in the room with pre-arranged tea-table & the situation reminded me of typical Barjatya’s Bollywood movies.
” I work & put up in Gurgaon…and you put up in Delhi right..?”I broke the silence showing curiosity to know about her
“Yes,but it’s too far from Gurgaon..in Rohini with one room-mate & its near to my workplace too.There is no hope of coming down to Gurgaon ever for me” she countered down in one go like we were participants of any debate contest.
“who told you to shift the place?” I almost defended
“If things will get settle positively today then…”
“Then..what?” I cut her
“Then actually….Please do me a favour,reject me or say no for this proposal” she paused & almost broke my heart & alive my dead dreams again
“You want to marry with someone else,you can tell me..I’ll help you out”
“No..I am throughout single & happy just looking forward to my dreams and not ready for taking responsibilities” She interrupted me & completed
“Hey! even I am not ready for taking responsibilities,came here on wish of my parents and you saved me..now its only you who could do something..the saviour” I said showing no interest in her & marriage
“Ok..I’ll try but I really like you as a person & we could be good friends” she told me like I am unaware of girls mentality..so superficial huh!!
“yeah, friends in some 25 mins….too early” I replied holding my all cupid conspiracies & moved out of so-called meeting room with her.
“Hey..How are you” I greeted her like meeting her for first time
“long time..” she replied loudly as the punjabi music is on its high
“Somewhere two and half years…so your parents haven’t got a good match or else still cursing me” I said with witty smile
“I am really sorry, Shubh. I have no options to contact you even I didn’t imagine it could have led you to worse situation but somewhere its you who provoked me to lie” she defended her.
“So how’s the girl, what’s your decision,I’ll go with your opinion and not probing you to say yes”my father questioned & answered me
“Dad,the girl is nice and I thought at least it would be good to settle down the things with engagement for a while & I’ll marry her at right time”
“That’s what I thought too…thank you my son” he replied with a great smile
“How’s the boy..?” Mr Mishra to her daughter(Surbhi)
“Dad, he is mysterious personality with stumble mind. I have seen him before with girls in Delhi even he came here under the pressure of his parents. He smokes, drinks & hide things from his parents so he is not of honest mindset too but he is positive for marriage…still I’ll do whatever you say..”she replied as usually in one go.
“No..never..I am happy,we came to know all this at right time…nevertheless we will wait for right time” he completed in consolidating note.
“haahaa..Yes,I know..I am the only one of my kind..who believes in making dead dreams come alive” I giggled
“And I am the one who has equal share in this crime and making that dream came true”she replied forwarding her hands towards me for friendship
and I am wishing if this moment will get still-stand here.
We visits all over Jaipur together for two days as i don’t want to lose these moments, it’s certainly a dream came true for me with increase in heart-beat, like I felt when the first time i saw her. Her eyes telling me that she has similar feelings for me too.
It’s the marriage day and the couple is looking amazing,i am very happy that they destined for each other because their marriage could be my wedding affair with Surbhi as I planned to propose her today.
Meanwhile when i was wandering in my colourful garden of thoughts i saw a devil coming right towards me devastating flowers of my dreams.
“Hey..Shubh beta(son),how are you..??Mr.Mishra surprised with his sweet voice,”You indeed shubh (lucky) for me as my relation with my daughter strengthen more just because of your escape route plan on that day. Your generation is always looking towards imaginary future without caring the present.
Surbhi called me some days back when she met you here & let me know everything..Things could be easily settled down with your truth. You almost ruined your relation with your parents also & had a bad reputation in front of world nevertheless i feel today you are the best man for my daughter. You never spoke anything for her..may be for love” Mr. Mishra in traditional family style completed his emotional speech in one go and i saw happy faces of our family…our family because my parents are already landed here too.
“I wish if my all dreams come true with you no matter if it’s in Rohini or Gurgaon,nobody will force you to move ever ..so can we settle down the things now & you haven’t offered me cookies on that day with tea”
I hold Surbhi’s hand and tried to propose her…
“because I sprinkled something over those cookies & apparently i fell in love with you so hadn’t offered those cookies otherwise washroom got occupied with you & only you that day” she replied and laugh riot blasted there.
“These are best sweets for sweet couple..we expected it from you, doesn’t matter we are happy that our wedding would be your wedding affair”Tarun & Shruti smiled together.
That day i realised that we have to live in present to save our future otherwise we will lose the discounts & sale period our life.