Eternal Love Short Story – The Wait
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Julia looked at her dull metal watch impatiently. Years of abuse had had its effect on the fragile metal device. The glass dial had cracks running through it making it almost impossible to decipher what the hands of the watch were trying to convey. She bent her wrist at a well practiced angle and squinted hard. 6:25 p.m. She had to wait for another 5 minutes. She was always the first to turn up to such planned meetings. She would turn up well in advance and then while away time until her not so punctual lover boy turned up. 14th Feb of every year, 6:30 p.m – How hard was it to remember that? She decided to wait for the agreed upon hour to pass. The charming scolding could wait.
She lifted her beautiful black gown a little and trudged along to the stone bench. Elegantly, she placed herself on the dusty piece of stone. Her once spectacular gown was now in wont of an urgent darn. The shiny sequins that once adorned her neckline had given away to bits of black thread peeping out. In spite of her meagre clothing, Julia was breathtaking. She probably knew that she looked her best in this simple attire which is why it was always reserved for this day.
He knew he was late. He knew that she hated it. He also knew what she loved. Holding a bunch of white roses, he hurried to the forsaken garden. He was panting. He mopped his sweaty brow with his handkerchief and walked faster. He had known Julia for the last 15 years of his life. There was something about her that he loved. He hadn’t deciphered that. She always looked so plain and so elegant. He loved her long, black gown.
He stopped for minute to pull out his mobile phone. He carefully angled it and peered into it, hoping to catch a faint reflection of himself. He patted down his unruly hair with his hand. His once black hair had now given way to shiny silver strands. He was aging. This brought a chuckle to his face. He wasn’t worried about that. It just reminded him of the years that had passed since he had met her.
Shoving his phone into his pocket, he looked around. It was deserted as expected. He had to fight his way through the unruly overgrown weeds to reach his destination. “Why don’t they groom this place?”, he thought aloud. He plucked away a few wild creepers and tiny bushes as they opposed his invasion. A stubborn plant even stung him with its sharp thorn. He carelessly plucked it out and sucked his finger to give it some temporary relief. Sigh! The things he had to do to get to her.
Finally, he stopped at the destination. There she was! Lying there unstirred; surrounded by tall grass. It seemed like the grass had built their own fortress around her, to protect her.
She was as peaceful and elegant in death as in life.
He plucked out the weeds that had made her tombstone, their home. He gently blew the fine layer of dust and read the epitaph that he had so carefully chosen for her,
“Julia – The immortal one”
Like every year, he placed the bouquet of her favorite flowers on her tombstone with a smile. He knew that she would be standing close by, clad in her beautiful black gown, silently looking at him and cursing him for turning up 5 mins late. He kneeled down, laid his hand on her final resting place and chuckled. She was always the immortal one for him. He stood up, caressed the flowers for one last time and departed.
Julia picked her favorite flowers and caressed them longingly as she saw him depart. He would return soon, exactly a year after today. “It’s not really that long”, she reassured herself.
She didn’t mind waiting. She could wait.
She would wait.