Different Love Story – A PRECIOUS STONE
Photo credit: bigal101 from morguefile.com
I don’t remember exactly now from how many years I was there near that sea side. I saw the roaring blue sea coming towards me many times; also I have been touched gently by the pacifying water of it several times. I saw that multi colored, beautiful horizon by standing near the sea side, also saw the pitch darkness over there from the same side. But I have never shaken either by the roaring sea or by the pitch darkness of night. I stood there firmly. My hard, solid back never broke down. But finally the time came; I broke down by the powerful current of water. I thought, that was the end but it was never…
I remember that she used to come with her father near the sea holding his hand firmly in her little hand. Her sea colored eyes used to run over the sea and over the long horizons. Lots of amusement used to gather on the face of that little child. Then they used to play near the seashore for hours. When she got tired, her father used to sit over my back with her. I remember once she told in her childish voice to her father by moving her hands over me
“Look at this daddy, how hard and solid this rock is, just like your hands…”
Her father smiled, he saw towards her innocent face and said
“You know it is just solid and hard from outside but if you dig inside; you will find it soft and smooth…” Then he looked towards the horizon and said “Just like me…just like me…”
“Really daddy?” she asked innocently
“Yes of course…” he said and smiled.
Then there was a mother; she also used to come with her little son every night. That little boy used to eat the sand over me. Once she became very angry and scolded him. After a while she embraced him and fed him the little food in the paper she has brought from somewhere. Then she tried to sleep with him with empty stomach below the open sky. But that night was a tough one, she couldn’t sleep. She was hungry; she cried, cried a lot and finally ate some smooth sand over me. I saw the boy has not slept; he was looking at her mother by almost closing his eyes. He didn’t understand why his mother scolded him when he himself ate the sand.
I also saw a handsome guy used to come in the evening. He was young with eyes full of dreams. He used to sit alone over me for hours, looking towards the horizons. I saw his lonely evenings when even shadows were no longer remain with the body. Then one day he came near the bottom side of mine and took a sharp stone from the sand in his hand and carved it on me. He wrote his name with the name of a girl; smiled for a moment and the sea which he held in his eyes fell down on me. Then slowly he moved away from me towards the sea. He didn’t stop, moved away and away in the deep, dark water of sea, to never come back.
I saw the broken heart; also saw the two hearts filled with joy and love. They used to sit near a corner place of mine; looking for hours in each other’s eyes. Once he said that her love is like this corner place, always peaceful and soothing, departed from the worldly business. Then she smiled and saw in his eyes by getting closer to him and said in her sweet voice
“You know, I can spend my whole life with you at this place by just looking in your eyes…”
Then there was this old couple. I think they have completed more than fifty years of their marriage. Their house was near the sea shore. They used to come early in the morning holding hands in hands, carefully checking their steps and sat over me while watching the rising sun from the sea. None of them ever spoke a word. It was a kind of place of meditation for them where they were spending the evening of their life by watching the morning sunshine peacefully…
The years were passed to these memories and now I have broken down in pieces. I asked God what is the reason, why am I broken down?
He smiled and said
“You are precious…you have experienced the love… it’s time to reciprocate …”
Then one day she came near the sea side, near the broken pieces of mine. I got her. The same little girl with sea colored eyes. She has now become a beautiful, young girl. She came alone; her father was not with her. She sat silently over there. Then she held a broken piece of mine and rubbed her hand slowly over it. Few tear drops came through her eyes. She said to herself
“Yes dad, you were right…you were always soft from inside. I am going to miss you… ”
Then she kept the piece of mine carefully in her bag.
And another day a young man came in his car. I didn’t remember him who was he? He came near me and picked some sand made out of my broken pieces. Then an old lady got down from the car. The same mother, once who had ate the sand over me to keep his son away from starving out. He held her hand and said
“You know mother, this sand is precious for me. It always reminded me what sacrifice you have made for me.” Her mother smiled and the tears of proud gathered in her eyes.
Few of my pieces flew away with wind. One of the pieces entered in a house. There was a lady who was cleaning the house picked it up. She stared it with amused eyes for a while. Then she kept away all her work and went to a nearby hospital. She went in a room where a middle aged woman was on a bed, alone, breathing her last minutes of life. She came near her and held her hand and kept the piece of mine in front of her eyes.
“Friend, I think this is yours, right?”
She saw it carefully. There was her name carved on it with name of the guy whom she loved throughout her life. She smiled and held the stone in her palms and took the last breathe of her life peacefully.
So there is a plan behind breaking me in pieces, I thought.
Then after few days that young couple visited my place, independently. They were not together. First that guy came and sat for a while near their regular corner place. That place was broken down just like their relationship. He saw towards it and remembered what he said to her ‘her love is like this corner place, always peaceful and soothing, departed from the worldly business’. Then he sighed and said
“I need to go. I can’t leave her…”
Very next day the girl also came and sat near that broken place. I smiled at myself and remembered what once she said to him ‘I can spend my whole life with you at this place by just looking in your eyes…’ She cried by looking towards that broken place and then finally got up on her feet firmly to meet him again.
Finally, one of the big pieces of mine was taken away by some men. They moved it towards the grave yard. I saw the old couple lying down there silently on the floor. The men dig a pit and kept their bodies together and then covered it with that big piece of mine. That was their last wish. Their souls met forever under that piece of mine.
And here is the last piece of mine standing, looking towards the sea. When I went to ask God what is the use of this piece of mine, he smiled and came near me. He carved a beautiful statue of himself out of me and placed it below the sand of the sea. People found the statue and they prepared a temple there near the sea shore and placed me inside it. I remembered what He said to me while carving
“I have made out of love…”