Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Falling in love – the most strange, cherish and wonderful feeling
There is a particular question that revolves in a human mind
“1 why do people fall in love? and 2 how often do they fall for it?“
According to me falling in love is just equals to love at first sight. when you look at someone for the first time and that’s it but as we see a lot of people everyday so we can’t fall in love with everyone .So may be i am wrong about it but “hey wait a minute”
Let me improve my sentence “when u look at someone for the first time and by looking at her eyes you feel like you have lost in a moment and you don’t give a sh#t about whatever is going around you. You just wanna sit there and look in her eyes like forever .These kind of feelings are hard to get rid off ”
By the way those were the thoughts in my opinion and as we know every love story is different from the other .So some people may have different experience of falling in love that doesn’t make their story less interesting than mine every story is special because of its uniqueness and the people who have experienced it are also special in their own way.
Falling for her eyes
Now lets talk about “how often do they fall in love ”
some people don’t fall in love in their lifetime
some people fall in love once or twice or may be thrice in their lifetime
some people may fall in love more than that
but as per this is my story so obviously I’ll be the HERO of this one
and like all the HERO “in my case its pretty much different from others” but seriously in my case it’s totally different from others because I had fallen in love like a million times or may be you can say “UNCOUNTABLE TIMES”
Now you all must have started judging me what kind of pervert i am but hey wait a minute let me complete “ya I know I had fallen in love several times but what if i say every time their was the same girl to whom I had fallen in love in the first place “
Ya she was the one I never thought I could find someone like her, it’s not like I was waiting for someone like her or I was searching for her. It’s just that I never thought of falling in love with someone whom I can never get off my head that too in the first sight .
I clearly remember that day that one fine day which ruin my mind and send a by default virus named “$” which pops up in my head every night before i sleep and everyday after I wake up and also between these both time intervals as mentioned above, possibly most of the times and after I met her ,whenever i see the alphabet “S” or the special character “$” all I can think is about her .Even sometimes fallen hair on the floor also make the shape of the alphabet “S” ,sometimes I feel like god is messing up with me but then I assume god must have more important work to do than messing up with me.
I guess it’s not just about the mistake of that day or that particular bad timing of the time we met ,it’s because we went to the same college so we would’ve met anyway in those 4 years.
The thing that blown up mind and made me forget everything around was her eyes . She was so powerful that her single sense organ made my all the sense organs out of senses and made me look like a non-sense guy. Plus even if I try to attack back those yellow specs worked as a shield and reflect back and I again got lost in those eyes for like 5 minutes .Then ,the bus left and I left her behind in the college (actually I was in the bus while this whole incident took place)
And this is the time , when “THE VENTURE OF HER MAGICAL EYES ” began as per the title says
And like I said above “I had fallen for her like a million times” and this actually happens because every time i see her , its like I m seeing in her eyes for the first time and again I feel like falling in love with her for the first time .Its like love at first sight for the lifetime .
In past few years , we had seen each other evolving and changing according to the situation but what we have with each other is still the same and like a drum of a Rob Bourdon my heart never stops beating for you and this thing always makes me happy from inside because as the time passes friends will change ,situation will change and we also will change but this feel of love at sight with her will never change ,no matter whatever happens.
(There is also a next part of this in which I’ll write her “SHINING SNOW ON HER RED NOSE”)