An Article – Togetherness
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
Love. The sacred word.
Only, it’s not so holy anymore.
Reason? There are plenty!
Let us start with today’s youth competing with their peers over how many relationships they’ve had instead of how long their relationship lasted!
Sadly, those of us left with the age old notion of how relationships used to be are in for a shameful disappointment. Today’s relationships are about creating a dillusionary world where love is a temporary fantasy.
Where the word once symbolized loyalty, security and faith, it now stands for something very contrary to the dictionary meaning. Carefully protecting their illusions, people have now learnt to either hide their hearts behind imaginary brick walls or wear them on their sleeves.
In every relationship, there is a need for respect and compromise. But today’s astonishingly high divorce rate and spousal murder is proof of the fact that nobody is willing to compromise on their wants even for the sake of those they love the most.
Also, this is the era of influential media.
Movies and sitcoms all portray relationships as the perfect balance between love and security.
Forever makes sense on screen. Reel life has now become real life.
Women live in the never-ending hope of finding the ‘perfect’ man.
Teenagers are on the lookout for that ’perfect’ someone.
Men are caught fantasizing about their ladies looking like the models on magazine covers.
Everybody has a very unrealistic idea about who they want to be with which more often than not, leaves them disappointed in the end.
Probably the only justified meaning of a relationship today is that of unconditional parental love.
As for friendships, properly known as the best form of a relationship, we find there is rarely any honesty to it anymore.
Look around you. How many people do you know who would stand by your side when you need them the most? Is there anybody who has the time for someone else and not just themselves? How many of them would share your pain without complaining? Most importantly, would you do any of these?
But, then again, would we prefer a life without anybody? I guess not.
As the saying goes, better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
So, we’re left in the middle, wondering if we should try to be better instead of looking for others to change. In this self demeaning process, we forget that life is about give and take. So, walk into this world with your arms wide open, ready to embrace the imperfectness of this bittersweet thing that we call togetherness. Because, this is all that we have left now.
When that moment comes, that groundbreaking, earth shattering moment where people realise that movies are only to entertain and not to idolize, reality will seem cruel.
This is it, folks. This is what we call relationships.
A bit of love, a lot of hate and as a bonus, a lifetime supply of jealousy, betrayal and anger!