Photo credit: sssh221 from
Happiness is something which haunts every people in this world,and Ajay was no exception. He was searching for a decent job for a long time and his lack of planning for his own career has sunk his career-path so far. He had all the time in the world to accuse his Fate for his not being financially settled so far till now, but did not have the zeal to change the course of the path which would have been the most necessary requirement for him. Still he was in his own world woven by his fertile brain(which he thought he possessed) .
But sadly his current girl friend could not motivate him the way he wanted to be,and here also he thought it in this way, and the reality was Megha tried her level best to help him in every possible way. Megha, the quintessential protagonist, was a bubbly woman who is the fulcrum of this not-at-all-ready-to-change-his-destiny guy. A few days earlier Megha bought him a touch-screen mobile so that he could surf internet in it and could send his resume to the recruiters but the matter was Ajay had not activated internet connection, such was the lethargy in him and that hurt Megha the most.
It was 8th of January and it was Megha’s 26 th birth day. But this had no impact in Ajay’s mind. He always said,”this birth day celebration is nothing but a trivial thing,and this celebration is not necessary”.
But Megha liked to receive gifts, especially from Ajay and even if it was a junk jewellery bought from the road side vendor. But sadly even that was not presented to her by Ajay. What could he do but cursing his own luck! He could not call Megha whenever he wanted to as Megha’s dad was not happy with Megha’s choice and he thought she was going to rue her mistake later in her life and then she would have no option to fall back on, and nobody could change the fate of her then.
But Megha was happy, she perhaps did not have the cushion of a fat salary package of her boyfriend which would have ensured Megha’s dad and could have saved him from the never-ending-spiralling concern for his daughter. But not everything is picture perfect in this world and the way we want them to be for us.
Ajay always wanted a miracle to take place in his life and to save him from the everyday blues which he had to go through each moment in his life. The most disturbing part among them was to encounter his own self all the time and to answer himself why he let go of the opportunities those came to him earlier. And now when he needed a job to sustain himself and to answer his would be in-laws that he was not as trivial as he was made out to be by them. He did not want to remain a source of joke for people around him.
“Wow, you look so young for your age, are you sure you are not a teen?”, asked Megha on their first date.
Megha was really confused whether Ajay was of her age. Judging by the looks of him he did not look more than nineteen when actually he was twenty-five. But he kept himself so fit and agile that he hardly looked his age.
“No, i am really not that young that you are thinking, perhaps my crew-cut hair and not a single mark of fat is forcing you to believe i’m not 25.”
Megha was a bit plump,so her double chin made her look a little aged,on the higher side of 25 when she actually was 25. She had never felt the necessity to look slim so far but now she was feeling the urge why had she not looked after herself and taken proper care of her. If Ajay rejected her for that she would be cursing herself till the rest of her life. The guy sitting beside her was so handsome and good-looking that she could not even believe her own luck. She pinched herself so many times only to confirm that she was not dreaming and that was actually a reality. She was bubbling with a lot of energy and did not know how to make Ajay happy. She was trying every bit to compensate her look with her nice nature and she was treating Ajay with a lot of niceties which nobody had done so far for him.
When Ajay threw the coffee cup into the bin with an immaculate aim after getting off his feet, it seemed there were two spring-boards underneath his two feet. And the two well-toned arms were almost bursting out of the half sleeve black Reebok T-shirt he was wearing. That was enough for Megha’s blood to race down her veins and she was blushing literally thinking of the inevitable what if this date culminated into the dreamy bumpy ride which she was more than willing to embark on if Ajay happened to be the fellow passenger.
Ajay was supposed to meet Megha on her Birth day, but it did not turn out to be the way they wanted it to happen as Megha’s dad threw a party at their place. So she had to cancel the plan of spending the day with Ajay, this was so frustrating sometimes, yet they could do nothing about it as was the fate for them. It was only the phone conversation which they had to be satisfied with.
“Happy birth day to you, happy birth day to you, happy birth day to dear Megha, happy birth day to you”, Ajay tried to sound as happy as possible. This was what he did always whenever he stumbled on his way.
“Thank you very much my dear sweet choco-pie”,Megha brought a load of happiness to herself and thanked Ajay for his jesture which was nothing but usual for Ajay to do on the occasion of her birth day.
“Look sweety, once again we were deprived of our happiness”,Ajay complained.
“Yes sweetu,such is our fate and we can’t do anything about it however hard we may try”,Megha solaced Ajay and herself too in the process.
“Next year we will spend time together for sure,and then nobody will prevent us from our own share of joy which we want to get for ourselves.”,Ajay spoke with as much determination as he could have shown to himself and to assure Megha of their shared dream.
They have always dreamt of being together. And they succeeded in their plan also once. It was a day in the month of hot March,the weather was as hot as their almost-about-to-burn bodies. Megha managed to convince her elder sister once that she wanted to throw a party after successfully completing her masters in History. Then Megha’s family was unaware of the new affair germinating in Megha’s life. So Tiyasha, Megha’s sister did not object to it when Megha asked for the key of Tiyasha’s flat,and Megha got it without much fuss.
Ajay was looking dapper in a half-sleeve-white shirt and in a pair of casual Bare-Denim blue trousers, Megha was simply smitten by the raw appealing handsomeness of Ajay when he was walking towards the flat and Megha was watching him from the third floor balcony. Ajay was greeted with a warm hug by Megha at the entrance and Megha was not being able to control herself and she felt like sinking herself forever in the muscular arms of Ajay till the end of this world if she be permitted to.
“Hello guys,this is Ajay,my cute boyfriend”, sounded Megha with all the happiness of this mortal world.
Everyone present there was charmed by the mere appearance of Ajay, he simply looked like the the raging number one hero of Tollywood, Dev. Muscularly built,dark complexion,thick jet black hair on his temple, sharp nose, split chin, little bit broken cheek as the result of pumping irons on regular basis. And apart from that what made him more likeable was his beautiful convincing smile.
Ajay was limping a little bit as he hurt his knee a few days before in the field while attempting to save a run like his cricketing hero Jhonty Rhodes, he dived for the ball as it was whizzing past him and he managed to save it but he landed on his right knee and it was a bad fall. It gave Megha an opportunity to steal Ajay to another room.
“Guys, enjoy your drink, in the mean time i will take your leave to nurse Ajay a bit as he had hurt his knee”, Megha sounded so nervous as she was shivering with anticipation what Ajay would do with her in the next room.
“Hmmmm,that is the matter then; go Ajay get yourself treated by Dr. Megha as she is more than willing to try her expertise for the first time”,said Tirtha with a mischievous smile on his face. Everyone joined in the fun.
Megha was more than sporting in her manner and emphatically said,”you know how egar i am to experience my first endeavour”.
“Yes M,we know it for sure”,said Tirtha with a tease.
Megha took Ajay by the hand and literally pulled him to the adjacent room which Tiyasha and Megha’s brother-in -law used as their computer room. There was a six by five low bed placed in the west side of that room so that the desk and two wooden chairs could be fitted there properly,a Samsung core to dual desktop was placed on it along with a large dvd folder. The bed was not neatly arranged as this room was hardly used as a rest room and Megha’s sister was not so tidy. But that hardly mattered for those two hungry souls and bodies,they could find any place beautiful as they were in their best mood. Megha placed Ajay on his back and made herself comfortable on his broad chest,Ajay took her glasses off and untied her hair to get a good grip of it.
“You are mine, only mine and not anyone else’s”, murmured Megha and felt a world full of happiness inside her, her whole body was trembling with so much passion that it was as if some earth-quake which caused Megha’s body to stir.
“I’m definitely yours sweety”, assured Ajay stroking Megha’s cheek with his right index finger.
And then it was a roller-coaster ride for the next thirty minutes as the two eager bodies were more than willing to share their hidden treasures with each other and they just did that with the least bit of inhibition.
“How much do you expect as your salary?”,asked the Tech-Pro HR arching her left brow.
“As per the company policy for the freshers”,answered Ajay with conviction.
“Still we want to know how much do you think you should get”,enquired Nisha Malhotra.
“10,000 INR.”
“O.K,we will offer you 9000 INR in hand”,said Nisha.
“Thank you ma’am,thank you very much.”,said Ajay smilingly.
“All right,come tomorrow with these documents and your salary account in Axis bank will be opened”,said Nisha with authority in her voice.
Ajay was very happy and signed out the register in a hurry and literally ran out of the campus, as promised he dialled Megha’s number.
“Sweety, i cracked, i got the job as a tele-caller and i will get 9 grands in hand”. Elation was written all over his face.
“Oh my God,i am so happy today”,Megha started crying in joy
“We will celebrate tomorrow after the forma…………ahhhha……”
The sentence would never be completed as the speeding truck had run Ajay over on the by-pass connect road and he was almost unrecognisable.
“Hello, hello Ajay Ajay,reply me,Ajay Ajay Ajay……………..”,Megha went on and on but without any reply from the other side.