Love Story – Adding life to love…
Photo credit: sullivan from morguefile.com
Deepa was reluctantly waving her hand to bid goodbye to her fiance, who was in turn waving her with his family in the car. The car was moving towards to the road from their home, Deepa turned back and fell to the ground with tears drooling out. She used her saree end to cover her mouth from her family noticing that she was crying.
Her mind is full of Goutham, the rich advocate Gopi Charan’s son, whom she loved for the past 3-4 years. Deepa slowly woke up and moved to her laptop and opened it. She could see her and Goutham’s pic as a wallpaper. Her tears were all around the table, when she slowly opened Youtube and began to type “Goutham Nilivella” . The first video she could see is “Goutham Nilivella found in a prostitution house”.
It was almost 8 months back video. She played the video wherein she could see Goutham simply walking out laughing and the prostitute yelling at Goutham stating “Vedhava…dabbulu ivvamante vudhayam dhaka ivvakunda yedipinchadu…” (Useless fellow..didn’t give the money until morning..) and Goutham again started laughing looking at the prostitute. Deepa felt ashamed seeing this video and thought “This was the guy, whom I loved from the bottom of my heart, shame on me..” and quickly opened the Facebook page of Goutham where there is a caption “Enjoy the life to the fullest”. Deepa thought –Itz better to die instead of living life in this manner. She quickly shut down the laptop and moved downstairs.
Ananthgiri is the village that Deepa was living. Deepa is working as a photographer for a famous magazine and she came to her village, as her parents fixed up her marriage with an NRI and called her for marriage look ups. The whole family was filled with joy and enthusiasm, as Deepa was entering into the wedlock and all are congratulating Deepa for the best match. Deepa to the other side was also happy with the match, but couldn’t forget Goutham despite being a rogue in nature. All the family members joined the table for lunch accompanying Deepa to the table.
Deepa’s uncle, Mithoon asked her about Goutham. The boy…what’z his name…ah!! Goutham..ur friend right…how is he now..? Saw him on the TV many times doing something or the other. Tough guy..always in news ..bike races, night outs, charities, ha..ahhh..and recently prostitution….hahaha…what happened to him. Deepa’s parents were staring at her and couldn’t answer her uncle’s question.
Deepa stood up in anger and stated his uncle – “He is in Chanakyapuri Colony..21 km from here..21st station road..Advocate Gopi Charan’s son. You have a daughter right…go ask for a marriage proposal..he suits your family very much…Don’t forget to post a pic in Facebook if the marriage is set. I would click a LIKE on that post”.
Deepa moved to her bedroom. Mithoon was shocked with that answer and he could see all staring at him. Goutham was all around her mind. She was trying her level best to forget him. Switched on the TV …switched the mobile ..had chat with friends…could see friends congratulating her via messages for the marriage fix…Nothing cud stop her from Goutham’s thoughts.
In their 4 years of love, Goutham was so lovable to Deepa. Goutham is a typical guy, who is totally different from others. He keeps changing his mind every minute and tries to enjoy every moment of his life. Goutham and Deepa had the most romantic times for almost 3 years, but from the start of this year, she could see Goutham slowly changing his mind to other activities…friends, pubs, girls, foundations, cricket, movies..etc., Goutham , who used to meet every day began to decrease his meets with her. Deepa always asked Goutham what is this all about..why have u changed in this manner..I’m not saying u to enjoy, but please leave some space for me too.
Goutham simply laughs at her words and deviates the topic. Breaking her memories, she could hear door knock sound. She opened the door and saw Raju, their driver with food . Raju is a family member than a driver or an office boy. Deepa asked Raju to place them on the table near lappy . Raju quickly placed all the items on the table and moved back to the door. For a moment, Raju turned back to Deepa and jumped with joy..”Akka (sister)…my salary has increased from 4000-5000, as ur marriage has been fixed.”
Deepa smiles at Raju and replies “Congrats Raju”. He slowly closes the door and Deepa moves towards the table for lunch. While eating, she quickly recalls Raju’s past. Raju’s entry into Deepa’s home was very much remarkable. Goutham and Deepa were the daily customers of Moonlight Restaurant. Raju worked as a steward for that restaurant. He was the permanent steward for Goutham and Deepa. He always asked Goutham for a good job. One day, Goutham and Deepa finished their dinner in the restaurant when Raju came with the bill. Goutham moved out to wash hands and didn’t come back. Deepa was waiting for Goutham in the restaurant and tried calling Goutham’s mobile numerous times.
Raju after a short period of time, came to Deepa with a little smile -”Madam…I saw Sir walking out of the hotel”.
Deepa was little embarrassed with the behavior of Goutham. She thought that Goutham was left with no money and he slowly skipped off at the bill payment time…This happened to her for almost 2-3 times, so she got used that incident.
After that incident in the hotel, the very next day, Goutham brings Raju to Deepa’s house and asks him to appoint him as their car driver and says sorry for the last night. Deepa, who almost got used to these stories, reluctantly says OK. Goutham promises that he would bear the money for Raju’s education, as he feels Raju is good in education. Raju simply sees Goutham and asks for wallet to see if he has money.
Raju always jokes on Goutham –“Sir..Did u bring ur wallet today” and Deepa too laughs at Goutham. Goutham simply keeps a blank face and in turn smiles at them. Deepa coming out of memory.. quickly goes into sleep A romantic music is heard from near and Deepa was almost enjoying the humming music when suddenly she wakes up and comes to know that it was her mobile ringtone and it was ringing for the past 5 minutes. She looks at her phone and picks up the call, as it was her dearest uncle Aditya Rao.
“Hello…” “Hi Darling..” Heard that your marriage got fixed and you did not even tell me. So, finally you and Goutham are getting married..ha…Goutham is a lucky chic…Congrats “
“Uncle….it is not Goutham..It is Chandan, the bloody , fair, freakingly friendly NRI from San Francisco.. Did you get that..please don’t go on addressing GOUTHAM..GOUTHAM..GOUTHAM..I am completely out of him and happy with my own life..please inform him if possible..”
By the answer, Aditya Rao was almost mute for few seconds. Aditya Rao is her father’s friend, who is more than friend than an uncle. It was in his Birthday function that Deepa and Goutham first met, became friends, and there on their love story started. Aditya Rao was such close to both of them, that he posted Goutham’s Facebook ID, phone number etc., to Deepa, at her request and in turn posted Deepa’s phone number to Goutham. He always thought Deepa and Goutham would be the happiest couple in the world.
Aditya Rao gets back to normal state after few seconds, as he is very much clear of egos and clashes that go on in this present generation. “Your aunty is inviting you for lunch. Please try to meet us this afternoon.”
“Ok Uncle.. I’ll meet u all at 12…sorry for the rude behavior uncle…”
“Itz ok darling..bye..waiting for u”.
“Bye uncle”.
Deepa was almost fed up with the Goutham memories. She had mixed feelings in her mind. Why should I bother him? He is happy with his life and I should be happy with my life. Is he still loving me?.. How can he love me, he needs at least 20-30 girlfriends. Why is he not lifting my call.? Is he avoiding me?. Is he in relation with other girl..who cares …I am happily getting married..why should I bother him. She woke up from bed, got ready, ate some breakfast, which Raju brought and moved downstairs . She saw her uncle Mithoon staring her and her father placing the newspaper on his face and giggling by himself with the scene.
Raju accompanies Deepa and starts the car. The car moves on slowly with slow music running in the car. Raju was little bored with the song, but felt happy as Deepa was enjoying the music and mostly it was her favorite music. She opens her camera and quickly takes out some random pics on the road. A crow on the buffalo.. a dog peeing on a drunkard…an old woman selling apples. Raju in the car also asks Deepa to click some pics for him and in turn says that he would send his pics to his girlfriend. Deepa laughs at his answer and quickly clicks some pics of Raju.
They both enter Aditya Rao’ Uncle beautiful farm house and she could see they are preparing heavy meal for her lunch. Aditya Rao and Deepa smile at each other, but were unhappy at their hearts, as they both know the real reason. They complete their lunch and Deepa moves to Vidya rao’s room to use his laptop to check some mails and edit the photos, which she clicked on her driveway. She checks her mails and connects her camera to the laptop and views her pictures. She feels excited on the pics. She sees funny face of Raju in the pics and slows moves to other pics and then comes the crow on the buffalo pic.
She uses some effects and tries to make the pic more photogenic and when satisfied with the pic moves to the next pic. She sees the dog peeing on the drunkard on the road. She tries to brighten the photo when she suddenly stops and zooms the pic. She freezes for some time seeing the pic and slowly could feel tears coming from her eyes. She falls onto the ground and starts crying loudly. Vidya Rao and his wife enters the room with the incident and asks her why she was crying. Deepa points to the pic and Vidya Rao goes close to the pic and says “what the F@#$?”,
Scene -2
Goutham proceeds to Aditya Hospital and enters Dr. Naveen’s room, waiting for reports of his complete body scan. Naveen enters the room and tells him to wait in the waiting room and he will be calling him in a couple of minutes with reports on his table. Goutham moves to the waiting room and he quickly receives a call from his friend. After finishing the call, he quickly opens the newspaper before him and in the middle sees the Whatsapp messages in his mobile.
After couple of minutes, Dr. Naveen comes with his scans and gives it to Goutham. He questions doctor, is everything alright with his health. Naveen removes his spectacles and is about to say something and Goutham interferes…”In how many days am I going to die..?”
Naveen laughs at his question. Both smile for few seconds and then again Goutham asks “Is everything alright with me.?”
I would ask you some questions randomly, which you need to answer. Goutham feels a little bit strange with this, but agrees with Naveen’s question and answer session.
Dr. Naveen – “What is your name..?”
Goutham – “Goutham Nilivella”
Dr. Naveen – “What is father’s name”
Goutham – “Gopi Charan”
Dr. Naveen – “What is your car number ?”
Goutham takes little time and gives the answer “AP31 5065”
Dr. Naveen – “What is your girlfriend’s name?”
Goutham strives very hard to recollect her name. He almost takes 2-3 minutes to bring out the name from his mind. Ok Ok..yes yes…”Deepa” ..alas how could I forget Deepa’s name. He feels astonished and slowly comes out of that mood. Goutham quickly replies “So, I have memory problem right?”
Dr. Naveen nods his head with the answer as NO and asks him – how did he come from the waiting room to his room. Goutham rewinds his memory and slowly explains him. “I came directly to your room at 10:30 a.m. You told me to wait at your waiting room. I went to the waiting room, attended a call, read the newspaper on the table..then..then…then…then…then………hmm…hmm…”.
Goutham was pressing his head and trying to recollect as much as possible, but cudn’t. Finally, he turned towards Dr. Naveen and said “ I can’t remember Naveen”.
Naveen quickly turns his monitor towards his side and shows the CC camera footage of the waiting room. Goutham couldn’t believe what he was seeing.