Short Story of a Girl – My Story
Photo credit: aophotos from morguefile.com
As everyone knows, experiences that nothing challenging, risky and boring in this world is life still all dare to give birth to a beautiful, charming baby as my mom dad did in summer of 92’. Yes! i was born in year 1992 at night when all doctors and nurses were busy in enjoying the funfair celebration in my native town. It was eleven pass twenty when i took my first breath on this earth. Everyone at my house was happy as if they were in showers of blessings.
But who knows at that little age what life will be? Days before my birth were not very fantastic, as our financial conditions were not reaching sky heights. But i don’t know what people see in horoscope? Does zodiac sign really matters for financial state? Oh! Perhaps my family believes that i was one because of whom our money grew in geometric proportion.
I hardly remember any childhood memories, but as the photographs have described me, i was a girl with very fair colour, curly hairs, chubby chicks and dimple chin a poem style. But it is well known fact that extra care leads to gain extra pound. As my age increased, my hunger increased which have simultaneously increased my tummy size and weight.
I think all have heard the famous song of Brayn Adams “the summer of 69”, I think that song will well suite if I change its lyrics.
“I got my first real scolding when I grew fat with pounds
Played till calories drain was my weight 69
Me and parents too had a gym I tried really hard
My friends got skinny should know I too far.”
Everything in me was very good for example, my academics, sports, nature, behaviour, bla .. . blaa … blaa.. but in those days I thought weight was only hanging sword on my head. I tried various general diets, gym, excercise, yoga, pranayam, all Ayurvedic tablets tried all my limits to cut off weight, but as I was in fortitude I think my weight always deluded me it was belligerency between us. Finally, I have ended this war and started enjoying new fast food.
I lead many sports but it was soon discontinued as my dear parents realize that studies and my upcoming metric examination is more important than my hobby. As tail follows dog in same way I followed all rules and regulations which were bombarded on me like atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
As girl grows elder she thinks about herself more often, the dressing sense, make up, shyness coy smile grows with her sixteen ages. Like all others I always wished to have a boy friend in fact you can say boyfriends, but unfortunately other boys didn’t felt the same for me. So another thing I ended was the desire to have handsome soul mate.
My experiences in school-colleges even for degree colleges regarding friends, teachers were always anomalous, don’t know why i never had good company of friends. God knows!!So from that day I started living lonely life with no amigos…….
Sometimes i sit in corner and think is this all stupid stuffs are part of my destiny or it is what you say life? After losing many friends in my life I was in trauma and recanted new friendships became more arrogant, envious and short tempered, but if I look back for answer it was because of abysmal friend company and my poor list of ex-boyfriends.
Now I am 22 years of age and from my adolescence till today I think I have experienced much higher than any pupil of my age. I have always taken myself in aesthetic manner, i have always loved to take risk, challenges promises that would ultimately lead people to think that I am amateurish and skittish.
I have been in Navy (INS SHIVAJI), later I attended various state level competitions’ have bunked classes and attended movies, moreover i tried alcohol beverages which I think should have not done have came across many eve teasing incidents have burnt my face which was actually accidental while being so careless with life my dearest life again forced me to meet charming soul. It was when my heart started beating anomalously, my dreams –desires was swap like credit card by him.
Shantanu, basically the orthodox Bengali babu, whitish color, black hairs with sparkling white teeth within mouth, but soft and kind hearted. His smile is like sacred basil. I never know when we started falling in love for each other, because of my past relationship status and all experiences this time I was awaiting only for good friendship.
That winsome guy, always loved what I am, never pointed my weakness, in fact motivated me in each step of circumstances. He protected me like father, loved me like brother and takes care of me like a mother. Because of his encouragement I am here at this position, Of course i am not a renowned writer or a doctor but because of him I am a goof human being.
Following year I will complete my graduation and will shift United Kingdom for masters, but the memories of our warm friendship will remain in treasures of my heart. If I try to erase these memories ultimately my heart will stop beating for me and again I will be a live dead body. He is the one who have made my life sweeter than saccharine, enthralling and insouciance.