Funny Short Story – Yes Boss
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
“Damn it’s the same problem again. “ I was frustrated at the touch pad problem of my laptop. I shouldn’t have taken work from home today. But no, I have to finish this document in another two days. I went looking for external mouse in my cupboard.
Holy Crap my cupboard is like a deserted house. You never know what you will find. After the hunt for twenty minutes I found the mouse. I started cleaning it with a cloth as dirt was layered on it.
“Yes boss “came a creature from it.
“Who are you?” I asked recovering from the shock. I don’t know where the creature came from. But it resembled the genie you see in movies.
“My name is Logi and I’m your slave” replied the creature
This is definitely a prank played the kids celebrating Halloween in the apartment. But how did this creature came inside the house? I went forward for grabbing the creature by hand and finding out whom it is. Oops, I fell down.
“Be careful boss. You cannot touch me. “Told the creature lifting me from floor.
I’m definitely seeing and hearing something in my mind. Probably the work pressure and constant nagging of my boss. I sat in the sofa holding my head.
“Give me some work boss” I heard a voice. I looked up to see Logi, the Genie standing obediently.
“Why don’t you get lost?” I shouted. What whom am I talking to? Genies don’t exist. Am I hallucinating?
“Sorry boss. I can go away only when you give work. I can’t remain without work for more than five minutes. “told the Genie.
Nothing made sense. I went to kitchen to make a strong cup of coffee.
“Shall I help Boss?” asked Logi. I turned to see Logi in kitchen in the same obedient position.
“You don’t seem to believe me. I was living in the computer mouse and when you touched it, I became your slave. I’m here to work for you boss. I can do anything for you and only thing is that I cannot live without work for more than five minutes. “explained Logi.
“Am I a fool to believe all this? “ I shouted.
That time my mobile beeped. Before I could go for answering it Logi started blocking my way.
“Please boss. Give me some work.” It asked sounding very weak.
“Oh my god. Leave the way and if you want to do anything make a cup of coffee and start cleaning the kitchen. What is all
this” I started talking to myself before answering the call.
It was from my boss asking when I will complete the work. She reminded me ample times of how critical the work is and how the document is necessary before weekend.
I sat in my sofa feeling exhausted.
“Here is your coffee boss and I have made some snacks also” said Logi .He placed the coffee before me and I could feel the fragrance of it.
I took the cup in hand. Yes he had made the coffee and it is in my hand really. I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing.
“So you made this?” I asked Logi doubtfully
“Yes Boss. Please assign the next task to me.” He asked. This is the first time I’m finding someone asking for work.
“So what do you do?”
“My job is to-do everything asked by you. “ He replied. Ha, Intelligent reply. I imagined what my boss would have done if someone says this before her. She would have squeezed every ounce of energy from him.
“Boss…” Logi started
“I remember assigning you the job of cleaning kitchen. What happened to that?” I asked in an authoritative voice, looking at him. Why am I mocking my boss’s voice and why I’m looking at him the way she looks at me when I don’t finish the tasks assigned to me. Oh yeah !The pleasure of acting like boss. I guess coffee had made my head bit clear. Though I don’t believe this genie coming from mouse funda, I’m going to play along.
“That’s completed boss. I’m asking about my next task” he replied.
“Let me review it and definitely there will be some re-work” I shot back. Wow. It’s fun acting like a boss.
I entered my kitchen to find it completely clean. All the utensils are washed, appliances cleaned. It would have taken at least four or five hours for me to do this. Wish house is as neat when my mom visits. I’m unable to find a speck of dirt.
“ Good work Logi.” I told in a typical low voice my boss uses for appreciation.
“Boss please…” Logi started again.
“Oh… Please clean the entire house and car.” I instructed him.
I came back and started working on the document. Looking at the amount of effort I need to put, it will take at least five days to complete it.
“Done boss.” Logi came back
I turned to look around the house. He has cleaned the entire house in matter of minutes.
“How are you finishing it very fast?” I asked him
“I’m not supposed to reveal that secret. But any task will take maximum of five minutes” He replied
“What if you don’t finish?” I asked him
“Not even a single person in our clan encountered that situation. We were able to finish the tasks assigned to us from historical times. So far no one was able to point mistakes in our work. Give me some tasks please.”
I’m tired of assigning tasks to him. But as he kept on persisting, I gave him a lot like preparing dinner, repairing air-conditioners. But that wasn’t enough to keep him busy. Once he started persisting, I went on assigning things like counting sands in the beach, measuring the length of sky. He was again back to me asking for more.
“Only task I have is preparing this document, I believe you will not be able to do it. Why don’t you come back again tomorrow?” I shouted at him losing my patience.
“I can do that document boss. Please give the laptop to me.” He told obediently.
Why didn’t I think of this earlier? Somehow I thought Genie cannot work on documents. Hmmm…
“Here it is boss….”
And yes like everything else, he has done the document. I went ahead to review it and yes it’s perfect. Not even my boss surrounded by pool of quality auditors will be able to find a mistake in this.
“Man you are a miracle. “ I went to hug him, but again feel down on the floor.
“Watch out boss. “ He helped me again to sofa.
I mailed the document to boss and called her. This is the first time; I was looking forward for the review with my boss.
“Let me open the document.” She told in the same authoritative tone.
“What naming convention have you adopted? It should be verb followed by noun not the other way around. And the font for header should be ..” she started.
I turned back to look at Logi , no he wasn’t there. Where is he now? I touched the mouse several times .I think he vanished the moment he heard someone pointing mistakes on his work. Look at the effect of my boss. Even genie cannot work for her.
Where is this noise from? It’s my mobile ringing. I have fallen asleep in the middle of my document preparation and here my boss is calling me for status update.
“Yes Boss…” I answered, missing Logi desperately.