Hilarious Short Story – I don’t want
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
“I want a buffalo.”
“Why buffalo?”
“I want milk.”
“Milk what for?”
“For children I want”
“Children… you have no wife.”
“I want a girl… to marry.”
“Why you need a girl to marry?”
“ I want to have a buffalo.”
“Why a buffalo, you can have milk in the market.”
“I don’t believe in purity of market milk.”
“If your buffalo is not healthy, your milk will be not pure.”
“I have a vet friend. He will look after my buffalo.”
“Yes, A veterinary physician.”
“Suppose, if your vet is out of station?”
“I go to government vet.”
“If he is also out of station”
“I will sell my buffalo.”
“Why buy a buffalo to sell?”
“You are confusing me. I want a buffalo.”
“I have a buffalo. I want to sell.”
“Why you want to sell””
“Her horns are sharp. I am afraid she may kill me.”
“Can a buffalo kill?”
“Why not, she can kill.”
“You are safe. She did not kill you.”
“Of course, but all the days are not alike.”
“I know, all the buffalos are also not alike.”
“What do mean?”
“I don’t take your buffalo.”
“How you know, your buffalo is not dangerous?”
“I will take a buffalo that is safe.”
“Safe buffalo, how can you know that?”
“I will choose a buffalo with no horns.”
“You are a fool.”
“Why, I am clever in this matter.”
“No, you are a fool.”
“Tell me how you say that?”
“There will be no buffalo without horns.”
“Then I will cut the horns of the buffalo I take.”
“Again you are a fool.”
“Tell me how you say that?”
“If you cut the horns of your buffalo, she will die.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I am sure.”
“Tell me how you say that?”
“Without horns, she cannot safeguard herself.”
“How she cannot safeguard? Tell me.”
“If a mad dog attacks on her, she cannot counter attack.”
“Oh, so she will die with dog attack!”
“Yes, Horns are a must for a buffalo.”
“Okay. Now I don’t want a buffalo.”
“Nice so you can have market milk.”
“No, I don’t want children.”
“Why so?”
“I can’t get pure milk so.”
“You cannot avoid children when married.”
“I don’t want a wife.”
“Why so?”
“I don’t want a buffalo, so I don’t want a wife.”
“Can you live without a wife?”
“Why not? ”
“I don’t know.”
“When I can live without a buffalo, I can live without a wife also.”
“Forget buffalo. Have wife.”
“I have decided.”
“What is that?”
“Without buffalo no wife.”
“I tell you one secret.”
‘What is that?”
“Your problem is pure milk, right?”
“Yes, without pure milk children suffer much”
“You want pure milk for your children, that’s your problem, right?”
“Yes, yes. Pure Milk for my children I want.”
“Your problem is solved.”
“How it is solved? Tell me.”
“You fool, for your children your wife is milk booth.”
“Wow, I did not think about this.”
“What is now?”
“No problem now.”
“What do you want?”
“I want a wife.”
“ I don’t want a buffalo with horns that kills me.”