Short Story Hilarious – Age never matters
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
Day 1:
Living in 15th floor gives you ample of time to spend in the elevator and April 8 th was one of those days. Getting into the lift I pressed 15 and was waiting for the doors to get closed. To my surprise, a hand came in between the doors at the last moment. What movies taught me was it should definitely be a beautiful young girl around 21 years and it came out true but she was around 15 years younger than expected. The young girl got in to the lift and said ‘Uncle! Can you please press 9th floor’. I was pretty confident that she was not pointing to me which made me not press 9. She uttered couple of times more ‘Uncle!! Uncle!! Press 9th floor’. Before she can call me uncle once more, I got out of the lift.
I went rushing to my flat and looked myself in to the big italic costly mirror we had in our flat. Yes we are rich; I mean our owner is rich to buy it. I found no drastic change and I looked the same like yesterday. The pain of being called Uncle by a kid who is quarter your age and half your height can only be relieved by a full peg of vodka.
Day 2:
It was a replay of day 1; only change being the lead role of getting called Uncle was played by Prabhanj, my friend. For few days, it was uncle everywhere. Even my dog’s barking sounded like uncle for us.
We consoled each other and made a plan to stop being called uncle for which we had to shed around 1000 rupees each. No, we did not go to beauty and Spa shop to make ourselves look young but we brought two big headphones. Now, all the time we walk on the road we have them plugged in our ears to make sure we do not listen being called Uncle. Earlier I used to look for girls in and around my name in railway reservation chart to make sure I get noticed by girls. Now, I look for kids to make sure I don’t get noticed. Just to be safe, I even stopped eating Uncle Chips.