Photo credit: Kevin_P from morguefile.com
[Hi guys, I am scriptomaniac. The list of manias was created from the list of a number of phobias by simply replacing phobia with mania. Theoretically, this should work, although there are some things that we usually don’t love. This does not mean that the mania word is not possible, so I have simply generated Scriptomania as the obsessive love is as real a potential human condition as obsessive fear. A person suffering from a mania is a -maniac, e.g. kleptomaniac, blogomaniac, dipsomania. The adjective describing these conditions is -manic, e.g. kleptomanic, blogomanic, dipsomanic. You may convert the adjectives into adverbs by simply adding -ly. So I am a scriptomanic in the same way.]
Mania is an uncontrollable obsession for certain things like phobias. Acousticomania is phobia for noise. Agriozoomania is phobia for wild animals. Bibliomania is phobia for boks. Cinomania is phobia for dogs and rabies. Lygomania is phobia for darkness. Ornithomania is phobia for birds. Paraskavedekatria mania is phobia for Friday the 13th. Scriptomania is phobia for writing in public.
I am scriptomaniac, so I am really afraid to write in public. It is obvious and you are earnestly requested to read this with the spirit that my fear is behind this writing as is apparently expressed to you. I thought as a scriptomaniac that the alphabets from “A” to “Z” look like some life symbols. As I was the man with phobia of being checked and punished for writing anything, I could not write all these days, but today I dared to write with some unseen boldness.
I tell you some people who look to me like alphabets and this thing they do not know. I tell you why they look like that and give my explanation. Then I leave everything for you to believe or not.
You are absolutely as free as the air and water and fire and other two things in five elements of life. If you try to quench fire outside, you may be successful. But you cannot stop inside fire. You can control the water with your projects by a dam, but you cannot control little water flowing from your eyes. Yes, Tsunami and Flood waters also. Air like Tornados is not under anybody’s control. Like that, you are absolutely not under anybody’s control. You are only under your own control.
I know that they are wife and Husband. They are like two straight poles in the ground. A match line which is horizontal is marriage line that is fasted like unbreakable one. Yet they are in love. So they live together comfortably, based on each other. So the top end is merged and they think alike, do alike and feel alike. The love is shining like the top meeting lines on the end.
I know that family. They are one straight pole in the ground and two others stick like bent close to him. They are Husband, wife and son. Husband is straight, bold and strong. Wife and son loving him more like this. As if they are always showing a lot of affection, legs and hands stuck to him and hanging on him.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife and wife. This man is straight and strong in the beginning, but his younger wife is on his head, bending him always on her side. So the top end is bent in his younger wife’s side. At the bottom, at her legs his elder wife is always weeping and dragging him always to her side and asking him to be in her side only. So the bottom end is bent in his first wife’s side. Now the two wives are dragging him more, who knows how C will be in future.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife only. The wife is very precautious one. She always takes care of her husband, both by being at his feet and also being on his head. Her stretched hands will be on her husband’s head closely and tightly caught and her two legs are like a strong rope caught her husband’s feet, not letting him t6o move any side. Like that the poor husband is in the habit to request his wife even to go to bath room also. So is the happy family of two runs very happily for the people viewing them to feel that- wow! This is a harmonious family ever seen!
I know that family. They are Husband, wife, son and daughter. They are four. The straight pole like gentleman is father. He is strongly fixed in the ground. The right side horizontal lines are one wife who is fixed by a marriage line, the second is son who has the right by birth on father’s every property and the third one is daughter who can be removed from the group any time. The father is working hard to feed the family, educate the children, now the big thing is marriage, he is searching right match for his daughter to throw her out in to some other family. Is ‘throw’ a right or wrong, left to you.
Now you know this family. They are Husband, wife and son only. They are just three now. The straight pole like gentleman is father. He is strongly fixed in the ground. The right side horizontal lines are one wife who is fixed by a marriage line, the second is son who has the right by birth on father’s every property and the third one who is a daughter is missing from the group.
The father worked hard to feed the family, educate the children, now the big thing of his daughter’s marriage is finished with finishing all his lifetime savings in his bank account, he has thrown out his daughter to enter some other family. Now he is a happy man with no money, just living on his pension.
I know this family. This is the story of the family of C. They are Husband, wife and wife. The story ever ends. One more came and stood besides the fist wife. And the horizontal on her head is the mother of that third wife. Like this, the family is running with great harmony with one man and four women grouped around him.
I know that they are wife and Husband. They are two likes straight like two poles in the ground. A match line which is horizontal is marriage line that is fasted like unbreakable one. So they live together. But you know that they are individually independent, think separately, act separately, but live together as the match line is keeping them together.
I know he is an unmarried person. Nothing sticks him. He is completely self-centered, He thinks about his own body and soul, and the needs of his interests. We need say more, you can see people like him.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife. The wife always bends the husband to left side or wrong deeds, all failure things. The husband is helpless, following her orders and he is slowly growing in debts, so the left end bottom significant for debts is going on growing.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife and son. The Husband is strong and firm. The wife is firmly attached to the husband, but she is growing abnormally to right, that is earning more property. She is bottom right stretching line. The son is completely dependent on the father and he is growing independently in accumulating his property. He is the top right stretching line.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife. They have no children. The husband is straight strong line looking to sky. The wife is very submissive and she is flat on husband’s feet, without asking him to take her up and make her stand beside him. They are just two and nobody knows any quarrel between them.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife, father of husband and mother of wife. Husband’s mother is no more and so he takes care of his father. The father puts his head on the shoulder of the son. The father of the wife is no more. Wife brought her mother and she keeps her head on her mother’s shoulder. The wife and husband wants the old people happy, so they do not quarrel and keep the harmony go well in the family.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife and son. Husband and wife, both are earning members. The left and right straight lines are husband and wife. The Center line is the son who is not working. He bents on father’s shoulder, yet he puts his legs on mother’s support. So the son has the love of father and support of his mother. This way, the son in this family is lucky one.
I know this wonderful family. There are wife, husband, daughter and son-in-law, son and daughter-in- law and grand children also. All are in line with the elders. So all are united as the alphabet “O” is looking. This “O” is very strong. Like the zero, which ads the value many times when it adds with a single digit like 5 becomes 50 (45 more) and 10 becomes 100 (90 more) this family gives more value to anything they do, as the support is always a plus point from the family.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife. The straight line is husband. Wife never looks her value of standing on her feet to do something like the activities of the house wife and she never stands on the ground. She always keeps her hands on her husband’s head and legs on his waist, as if she is like a child who demands much of his or her likes.
I know this family. The family is just the same as “O” which is very strong. There is a man who is a distant relative is trying to hole in the unity of the family, but his efforts are not successful. You know he is like Mahamud of Ghazni who had revolted on India many more times. Some people do not stop with the failures and go on trying to win in their efforts by hook or kook. So some good families also face some unexpected problems created by the people who always try to hole the unity of the families.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife and wife. The straight line is husband and the other line on the ground is the first wife. The top one who is holding the head and waist Is the second wife. The husband gives more weight to her so she is enjoying the royal life like this. The first wife is helpless and she is bent to half the size of her original position.
I know this family, the Husband, wife and wife. The husband is bent to left side with wrong thought by one and with right thoughts by the other wife. The man is in a pity for he is neither right nor wrong.
I know this family. Wow, how beautifully the wife is lifted and lied flat on the head of the husband. What she says is the act. She is like the queen and the husband is just the servant. He looks after everything, the family needs and the needs of the wife. Do you know why? She is having property in her name and the husband is married to her as the man to look after the wife’s property and the businesses.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife, son and daughter. The left and right straight lines are wife and husband, both are earning members. The left side bottom curve is son and the right side bottom curve is daughter. The son is looking after business and supporting to grow well. The right side curve daughter is a spendthrift and spoiling money. The parents are trying to throw away the daughter, but the match is not getting settled as everybody knows that she is a spendthrift.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife. Both of them are different in thinking and doing. Husband goes bent to left means, he is having bad friends and he is doing bad things. The wife is doing more and more right things and so the family is not broken. They are happy for they are one by base.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife, son and daughter-in-law. They are four. They are Husband and wife. Both of them are different in thinking and doing. Husband goes bent to left, he is doing bad things. The wife is doing right things. Same story is running with the son and daughter-in-law.
I know this family. They are Husband and wife. Husband has left footing, that means he came from left (Wrong) thinking family, but he is becoming right and doing right, so he is bent to right. His wife came from a right (Right way) thinking family, but she is bending slowly left (wrong doings), so the family became like X which means “not right” or not scoring good marks, so we no more expect good here.
I know this family. They are Husband, wife and wife. The two wives are always on the head of the husband and they dance on his head as they like. One wife is doing wrongs when other one is doing right. They are two on one’s head. They two are putting him downs with force, so he is more than half bent down. The two are dancing on top, one to left and the other to right.
I know this family. Again one husband and two wives, The centre straight line is husband. First wife is on the top edge and pushing the husband to right side, which means to do the right things only. The bottom horizontal line is second wife and she lies flat, putting her legs stretched to her husband’s feet. She forces him to do the wrong things, by pushing him to left side. So the Husband is helpless, half left side and half right side. He cannot do only wrong or only right but he does both right and wrong things. A mixture of right and wrong doings in this family make them feel some times happy and sometimes unhappy.