Story on Funny Experience: Curious incident of dog in broad day light
Photo credit: Frances_Marie from morguefile.com
I was probably six or seven year old at that time.
At around 2.1-2.2 feet height, I could hardly see beyond 20 feet due to roundness of the earth. Being so little in this big world was although induce lots of curiosity was not much fascinating. I would always wonder, how the world would look like at 5.5 feet height. And, hence, my love for all big trees around our area.
Climbing a tree required proper planning. It needs good judgement of your own capability as well as firm understanding of who is going to watch you from where. Current season also plays a vital role in tree selection. My favourite tree was banyan tree which provide easy climbing, sitting on which I could see the world moving below for hours.
Nearest banyan tree which is also well developed was about 1 km far from my house. With my 20 feet focal length, that was quite a far place. And the path to that place also went through ghost houses, wild dog and super smart aunties.
One day I decided to climb that very tree at evening time and sit on it for around 2 to 3 hours and enjoy the calmness of my viewing window as well as fast pace motion of the world below. As I said such things needs proper planning.
First part was to know location of every family member about that time.
“Mom, when are you going for vegetable market ?”
“In the morning, they have fresh vegetables in the morning.”
“Can’t you go in the evening ?”
“Just asking, I wanted to come with you.”
“No. I will get you a chocolate, if you stay home and be a good boy.”
How could mom guess my grand plan for the day could not be replaced by a mere chocolate.
So mom was going to be at home.
“Let’s do the homework in afternoon, so that we can play in the evening.”
“No, I want to sleep throughout the afternoon. I am tired now. We will play tomorrow.”
“Come on.”
So Alankar was not going to be around in evening as he is going to play.
I decided to travel through the inside paths and gully ( of houses on both side ) of our society in order not to be detected roaming unattended on the main road.
However, that was risky due to highly motivated dogs who guard their border as ferociously as our army. But what needed to be done, must be done.
“Mom, I am going to play with Alankar and friends, bye.”
“Ok, don’t be late and don’t go far. bye.”
Thus, I left to conquer the world.
First part of the journey was to move away from the area near to my home, area of the known public, the wifi range, as soon as possible. which was easy. Second part of the journey was to move through the path less travelled. Passing through unknown dangers. Long live Robert frost.
My primary concern was to avoid all path with dog in it. That made me change my modified path two or three time, that too without any help from google map. I need to go in left, but every gully I tried was started with some form of dog sitting just at the entrance of that gully. Black, White, Grey all kind.
“Courage.” All great deeds needs equally great courage. I reminded myself. And hence I found the path that I wanted, free of any kind of dog.
Even if no dog was to be seen, I entered the gully quietly. I could see the end of it at around 100 yards. I counted that it will took me less than five minute to cross it. There were houses on both side of the path. I was moving slowly. cautiously.
What happen next was happened in less than 10 seconds.
I heard a dog barking.
I looked back and recognised the danger.
I realised its time for concrete steps must be taken, instead I took quick step ahead.
Wrong Move.
The dog recognise the false movie and immediately sensed that the victory is in its paws. It started to chase me.
I ran faster now sensing the faster motion from behind.
The dog did the same.
I did the same.
I knew that full on chase will not last long much as that dog was about my size and much faster than me.
Our distance grew smaller. I thought about validity of using word grew with smaller, but by that time that dog almost reached behind me.
And at precisely that time magic happened.
I decided to surrender to the fate, but to make it more dramatic I stopped quite suddenly and turn around.
I did not knew about centrifugal force at that time, but physics law do not wait till knowing, they apply all the time.
Sudden turning made my hands go outwards, and precisely at that time, dog jumped on me. The combined effect was a solid hard slap full on its face. That did the trick.
The dog, surprised at sudden real life example of newtonian law of motion, withdrew its attack and went back.
I decided to keep going and complete what I had planned for the day.
Since then, Physics is my favourite subject.
PS : What happened at that banyan tree will need another story.