Creative Writing Competition 2012 India | |
CODE | 977 |
SETTING | Busy Market |
OBJECT | Any Jewellery – Necklace, Ring… |
THEME | And He/She Changed Forever |

What Goes Around, Comes Around – Funny Short Story
Photo credit: wax115 from
There. I have done it.
An overwhelming sense of exhilaration and pride floods me as I look down at my latest stolen acquisition, sitting proudly on my palm. A gold ring. Sparkling away as the harsh sunlight shines down upon it. But I have no time to gloat on my success. I have to get out of this place fast. Before the cops are alerted.
This is my fourth time. The fourth time I have wrongfully taken something that belongs to someone else. The fourth time I have broken the law. Initially, I had thought that this would be tough. But it only got easier as time passed. No one suspected a well-dressed lady to be a thief. I chuckle lightly, looking at my fingers adorned with gold rings. All of them, souvenirs of my past escapades.
I slip the ring into my pocket and hasten my steps, glancing back cautiously time and again. The market is very crowded and I’m sure no one is going to spot me in the enormous herd of busy shoppers. Suddenly, to my utter horror, I notice a man from the jewellery shop behind me. I quickly turn, pull a scarf over my head and walk without daring to look back. This has never happened before. Have they found out? I surreptitiously look back, only to discover, that the man has spotted me and is making his way to me. I can see him waving his hands, calling out to me to wait. Panic is overpowering me, seeping through every nerve in my body. Without a second thought, I start running madly, bumping into people, knocking down their coffees, without even bothering to mutter a hasty apology. I can feel my body shivering, thinking about the consequences of getting caught. I have a sudden vision of my parents looking at me with disappointment, while the cops haul me into jail. They would never understand how much being poor and being unable to afford exquisite things and lead a life swathed in luxury could affect me. They would never understand the inexplicable urge and unwarranted desire to own things that all the other existing members of my peer group owned and flaunted. No, my parents have never understood my troubles and nor will they ever. I can feel my eyes well up with tears of anger.
I shake my head trying to regain my composure and try to run faster. I realize that I’m on a deserted path, with only the echoing sounds of my footsteps to keep me company. I slowly turn back, and with a sudden shot of pure fear, see that the man has started catching up with me. My knees feel weak and I know that I cannot run much longer. Helplessly, I slow down, and notice that I’ve reached a dead end. I can hear the man huffing and puffing behind me. I’m too scared to move an inch further.
“Excuse me! For god’s sake please stop! Why are you running?” the man says, completely out of breath and clutching his stomach, as I summon all my courage and turn around to face him.
“Here..I have something of yours that you left at the jewellery shop. Just wanted to return it” he continues, not waiting for me to reply. And to my utter amazement he hands me my wallet. I am gobsmacked. I totally did not expect this! Relief washes over me like a giant wave and I realize that I’ve been holding my breath for a very long time.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” I finally manage to mumble and take my wallet from the man as he gives me an amused look.
“Hi, I’m Ray, nice to meet you, or should I say, nice to catch up with you finally?” he says, stretching out his hand and giving me a wink.
I blush beetroot red and return his handshake, in a complete daze, completely forgetting to introduce myself.
“Okay then, see you around” he says and leaves my hand. Giving me another amused smile, he walks off.
I smile, shake myself out of my reverie and lightly touch my pocket to ensure the ring had not fallen off my pocket during the wild goose chase. It was still there. I take it out to wear it and admire its beauty. I insert the ring neatly into my ring finger. Wow, beautiful..
That’s when I see it.
Oh god!
All the other rings on my fingers have gone! But where? I did not remove them..
Hang on a minute. A sudden flash of realization dawns on me.
The man.
His handshake. A very innocent way of extracting the rings from my fingers.
I feel as I’ve been hit by a chilly hurricane.
I’ve been robbed.