Funny Short Story – The Valley of dogs
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Dogs are obedient. Dogs are Intelligent. Just like people, dogs differ in intelligence. A dog’s intelligence can be nurtured by the time and effort of owners. There are inherent qualities that make certain dogs stand out above the rest. Experts have pointed out that there are several markers of intelligence that can gauge how smart a dog is. We like dogs to do anything for us.
I entered that valley around 6.00 am. The Valley is asleep. I saw a big pond and beautiful lotus flowers on the surface of water. The green leaves around look like beautiful dresses of the dancing lotus-queens.
There is no doubt, it is a beautiful valley. Everywhere there are gardens full of plants and trees with fruits. We can see beautiful flowers and beautiful girls all around. Everywhere there is beauty in this valley. I love to see more the beauties of this valley. I feel like I love this valley so much and my heart says that living here will be like living in the heaven. People say that heaven or hell is where we live, here and nowhere else.
All of a sudden I saw a dog running towards me. I am afraid of dogs. This dog is different. It came close to me and politely said, “You are welcome to our Valley sir. Please come with me before roaming in our valley, you need to sign a paper for your protection. We take care of every life coming here safely go back to their land, without any trouble here.”
I wondered at dogs speaking. Now I wondered at dogs being so and so much polite. I followed the dog. He took me to a palace. I am asked to sit before a dining table. A server with neat dress came and served me whatever I asked. I had the food more than what I eat. I had a strong coffee.
The dog took me to a home. It is a good simple sweet house. There are servants. The rooms are well decorated with wall paints and very nice interior.
“I am city administrator. My name is D007. Please take rest here. My assistant A007 will help you to do anything here. Don’t forget that this is your heartfelt valley of consciousness. What your heart demands, you can have that here. You are free to stay and have your demands fulfilled here. Be happy sir.”
D007 explained and left me inside that house in the Valley. I went in to the house. I wondered for this house is like my own house.
A woman who looks like my wife in her youth came to me and said, “You know me. I am your wife Anita. But don’t think that I am the same woman you know. I am more than whom you know. You see so many women here whom you know in your life. Just do as you wish, there is no objection.”
I wondered. A woman who knows me so much, how she can say like that. My wife almost thinks me as God. She will worship I allow her to do so. I thought that this woman looks arrogant, so she is not my wife, if not she will not speak like this.
She laughed looking at me as if she knew what I am thinking. She smiles always like that when she understands my inner feelings. She came close to me and she hugged me, kissed me and did everything apart from that to make me believe that she is my wife. I love her so much, so I believed her that she is my wife. Then she asked me with the same faith in her eyes I am used to see.
“Do you think that I am not your wife? Where shall I go if you think like that? I am your beloved wife, only some confidence level is changed a bit after coming here. I came here just like you to see this valley and I am promised that I will meet you here. So I was waiting for you dear.” My wife said.
“Just don’t worry. You need not go anywhere. You will be with me life-long. It is my word.” I said.
I have an affair with Sangita. My wife Anita does not know that I love sangita more than Anita. Sangita is working in the office. I am the manager and Sangita is my secretary. Everybody knows that I love Sangita and she is my second wife, only my wife does not this.
“Sangita, come on honey.” Anita called her just like I call her in privacy.
“Coming Anita, what is new here?” Sangita asked coming from inside.
“Our husband has come. Is it not a happy day today?”
Sangita looked at me and hugged me just like she does in privacy. She is not worried for Anita looking at her. I am little embraced. I thought that how dare my wife Anita is to call my secret girl Sangita and ask her to love me before her eyes. Sangita did not bother. She is busy in loving me.
“Anita, do you know that I have affair with this girl?” I asked.
“I don’t know. D007 told me and he arranged her to come here and he asked me to get the smooth life go very smoothly, what I am losing if you love her also along with me. Love is large and the sphere is small, so we have to allow the love go as much as it can. I am now convinced and you can love any more girls you want to love. We don’t object you. It is not only my promise, it is the promise from my honey sangita too.” Anita said.
Sangita nodded her head busily kissing me and Anita occupied another side of me. I am in between two loving bugs being locked like sandwich.
“Sangita, leave me.” I cried. But she did not hear me.
“Anita, stop kissing me. I am not feeling it good.” I cried. But she too did not hear me.
I don’t feel loving by two women at a time is good. Sharing love time of my wife by Sangita or Sangita’s love time being shared by Anita is really good.
Somehow I am managing both Anita and Sangita in love. They both are always with me where ever I go. One day I wish I go lonely. So I started from home leaving both my girls back in sleep.
A dog is coming with me. He is A007. He looked at me and asked me, “I think you are bored with your two wives. Do you want a sweet girl who will be more curious and lovely than those two old bags?”
I don’t know how to answer the assistant of the valley. I want to be always clear and open.
“Yes, I want a sweet girl, better than my old girls. Where can I get her?”
The dog smiled wide and bright.
“Follow me sir. We are here to help people like you.” A007 said with spark in his eyes.
“I don’t want them in my house. I am vexed with my two old babies.” I said.
“I know sir. You don’t have to take these girls to your home. You can come here whenever you like and spend your happy time.” A007 said clarifying my doubts.
The compound is strong. A007 told me my Id. The gate is opened. Two gate men with golden threaded dress saluted me. There is sweet garden. Many tables are there. The girls in different dresses and sweet smiles are coming and serving. If you like any girl, take a drink from her. She will take you to her house.
A girl with rose like skin and rose like silk and gold threaded dress came with whisky. I like her. I took the whisky from her hands.
“I like you very much Raky. I am Ruby.”
“How do you know my name?” I wondered.
She showed me the TV hanging one side to the pillar and the photos with their names beneath them are flashing.
“I understand. You just see me. How you know that you like me?”
“A woman knows a dog. A dog is just liking something and always liking that something. I love dogs. You are my sweet dog. Common, don’t waste time with your waste enquiries of no use.” Ruby said.
I went with Ruby. Ruby’s house is very sweet. I find everything I like in house there. Ruby looks like a sweeter girl than Anita and Sangita.
I don’t know how many days, months or years I am with Ruby. I have four girls and two boys with Ruby. One day Ruby asked me, “Are not bored with me?”
“No. I am happy. I want to be with you for many more lives.” I said.
“But I am bored. I want a new man. So quit from my house. I am no more interested in you.” Ruby said.
I have nothing to say. Valley of dogs is based on interest. If there is no interest, there is no place there.
I am still younger and my blood is hot. I sat in the garden table many times and tried many girls. Every girl expelled me after some time. There is no love and no relation ties.
Men go after woman like dogs and dogs are expelled like used toys. What is life without a relation?
I am worried of the lesson I had in the valley of dogs. I am not happy to live like a dog in the valley.
Life should be happy with sweet relations and the life of relations is sweet forever. Love without relationship is not love. Love should lead for strong bond of relationship. Men or women with this love live like happier beings. Living like stray dog is not a happy life.
“Get up sir, this is the time to meet your friends in office.” Anita said when I am getting up from my valley of dogs dream.
I feel like Anita knows about my romance with Sangita in my office.
Anita came with my mobile.
“Some sangita is calling you from office. Ask her to come for dinner on this Sunday. Her voice is very sweat, I want to see her dear.” Anita said.
“Sure, I ask her to come and be with you (Not long)” I said carefully.