Editor’s Choice: Funny Short Story – Time for Change!

Funny Short Story – Time for Change!
Photo credit: click from morguefile.com
"Close your eyes now. Do not open it till I ask you to do so. You understand? " instructed the Voice.
I closed my eyes and all the memories came flooding.
“Your turn now. What will you become when you grow up?” asked Ramya, my class-mate.
“Don’t you know .She will be a teacher.” Replied Sweta
“No,I won’t.” I said protesting.
“You are wearing spectacles. Those who wear spectacles will become teachers.” Replied sweta
“I don’t want…”
“You see Vijaya mam she wears spectacles, Also Rosie mam…” Sweta continued in her defense.
“But not everyone…”
“No Sweta is right. You see even Meena mam wears…You are going to become teacher..”
Thus my career was chosen when I was in Class-Two
“Come. Let’s go …” shouted Aruna
“Yep I’m ready.” I said as I had a final look in the mirror before leaving the room. We are having drama auditions for our cultural fest.
Needless to say I was super exited. Not just because it’s cultural fest, but the one playing the lead role is Vimal. Vimal is my college senior and I have a huge crush on him.
We reached the auditorium and we were the first one to arrive.
“Hey Aruna..” shouted Vimal, spotting us.
Is it with all the guys? The moment they know you have a crush on them they will act different. They will ignore you and can’t even smile at you. Look at this guy, he can’t even smile or say ‘hi’ to me.
“I never knew you were interested in dramas? ” asked Vimal.
He still hasn’t shown any signs of recognition towards me.
“No me. It’s her.” Aruna pointed at me.
“You? How will you take part in dramas?” he asked me
“This drama is about a Egyptian King and I don’t have any role who can wear spectacles. Can you act without it?”
“That’s not possible…”
That’s the end of my drama aspirations and end of story with Vimal. Who knows what would have happened if I took part in the drama
“Open your eyes slowly. Yes. Now keep your chin here and rest your forehead .” doctor instructed.
“Can’t you hear me. Open the eyes widely.” He told in an annoying tone.
Why do all the doctors focus the light on your eyes and still expect you to open it?
“You are doing perfect. Meet me at 9 tomorrow morning. Remember no rubbing of eyes….” He went on and on.
“What are you searching ?” my mom asked me.
“My spectacles…”
“You are used to that for last twenty one years, isn’t ?” my mom asked smilingly.
Oh. Even one week post lasik surgery, I still search for my spectacles though I know longer need them. This is like a new world full of surprises. When I wake up in middle of night, I no longer need spectacles to know the time. I’m able to check the temperature displayed in Air Conditioner which I wasn’t able to do earlier.
World full of surprises….
“Wow. You look awesome without spectacles!” remarked my colleague on spotting me after surgery.
“Thanks” I blushed.
“Ray-ban sunglasses! Someone is become stylish” remarked Preethi on looking into my online- shopping screen.
“Time for change” I smiled.
Don’t know whether I will get my drama-role or get to tell my school mates I didn’t want to become teacher, but I love the change and life without spectacles.
P.S: This is not an advertisement for lasik surgery. I simply didn’t know what to write after a long break, so just jotted down my experience