Funny Short Story – JAZZ AND BLUES
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Joey said “i like movies buddy and i like’em when they are much realistic” .
then Louie said ” yeah joey, i like them that way too.”
joey said ” yesterday i saw a movie in which heroine gets stabbed in her eyes and blood comes out pouring.. man.. it was so realistic”.
Louie said ” yesterday i was at the movies too.. it was a western. hero comes out on a horse in a desert with so realistic music and his clothes are all torn up, he has all blood over his body with all bullet holes and there is so much dust because of the wind. The hero was dying . he was crying so loud with pain.The scene was so realistic that i noticed tears in my sister’s eyes sitting next to me because of all that dust.”
That explains Louie character!
Louis : hi .. helloo .. are you going in? .. well .. me too. what instrument?
Honey : piano
Louis : wow, that’s wonderful.. i came to learn clarinet.
Honey : ohh really?! i love that kind of music.. great.
Louis : ohh.. you do? wooww.. i love jazz .. u love jazz .. that sounds wonderful.. by the way you are looking great.. that blue dress on you suits you very much.
Honey : ohh yeah? you look good too!
Mom : Louis!! (shouting) what are you doing in there? who are you talking to?
Louis: maa! stop..don’t shout.. nothing! i’m just reading aloud.
Mom : don’t kid with me son.. you got no talent for that, come here and help me with the dishes!
Louis : maa stop it. don’t disturb me i’m busy (shuts the door)
ohh really? thank you honey.. sorry, can i call you honey?
Honey : yeah its okay, you can call me that.. whats your name?
Louis : Louis
Honey : Louis?! that’s wonderful.. i like the name
Louis : well thank you honey
they both spent their evening in the music class and got out of it around 7’o clock.. holding hands!
Mom : Louis! (shouting).. its 7’o clock already.. go feed the lambs before they sneak in to the house for food! are you listening to me Louis?!
Louis : yeah yeah mom.. now don’t shout!
Mom : dinner is almost ready son (shouting) .. come and eat.. then you can help me with the dishes! you listening to me?
Louis : don’t shout mother.. i’m busy here.. i’l be there in a while… now shut up!
well.. would you have a drink with me honey?
Honey : yeah sure Louis.. lets go
They reserved a window side table at “Jazz and Blues Bar and Restaurant”. Django reinhardt’s ”Minor swing” was playing live by the band
Louis : u like that song? i love it
Honey : i love all of his songs.
Louis : we are very much alike.. are you engaged or something? do you have a boyfriend?
Honey : no Louis i’m single..
Louis : im single too.. you know.. even though we met this evening.. i’ve taken an instant liking to you
Honey : wow… and I to you!
waiter comes with two glasses of wine and two more after 15 minutes.
that way they spent eight 15 minutes in there.
Louis : hey its 9:30 already .. we should leave honey
they kissed over the table.. spilled the golden drops of wine bottle.. had to pay for the cloth.
later, they were in the car .. heading home.. honey was sitting on louis lap.. it was a tough drive
Louis : honey, you wanna come up for coffee or something?
Honey : yeah of course!
Louis : sit here honey.. i’l put some record!
Honey : you got a nice and luxurious room darling .. the bed is great!
He puts Louis armstrong’s “My one & only love” and sits beside her on bed.
Mom : Louis (shouting) stop that songs boyy!! you still there in that room? you listening boy?
Louis : well dont mind her honey.. give me your coat
Honey : thank you darling!
Louis : do you love me honey!
Honey : I do darling. kiss me.. give me a big wet kiss for this perfect evening darling. I love you! I love you!
Louis : I love you too. (he did kiss). lets make love darling
Mom : Louisss!!
He started undressing her
Mom : Louis!
Louis : I have never seen a girl so perfect like you darling.. i love you!
Honey : I like the way you undress darling! don’t tickle me sweet heart..my fur is delicate.
Louis : I love you honey!
Mom : (opens the door) Louis (shouting).. are you deaf Louis? stop it! what in the gods name are you doing with that poor lamb?!