Old Wine-2

Funny Short Story – Honest and Bold
Photo credit: mzacha from morguefile.com
Honest and Bold
He is a king and he speaks less and shows anger more. So he is angry king. People call him angry bird in private and do not say a word about him before his presence. So he thinks that nobody can say anything before him, he was like a tyrant. Yes, he is a ruler who has complete power over a country and he is cruel and unfair also.
A beautiful girl is working as a servant maid in his palace. She is honest and bold. Her name is queen, but she cannot tell her real name openly before the ruler. She said that her name is jasmine. The king was happy whenever he sees her.
One day he called the servant maid and ordered her, “Today you will give me your company while I go on a boat in the night under the beautiful moonlight.”
Jasmine did not answer and she looked as if she was not happy at this proposal.
“See Jasmine, You are beautiful and I love to see your beautiful lips moving while you speak with me. I want your company to simply hear what you say for certain questions I put before you. Tell me, is it okay for you to come with me on the night boat?” King asked explaining his intention.
“No” The servant maid answered in bold voice.
The tyrant king was stunned to face this situation. He was very angry. But he controlled his anger and asked her, “Why are you saying no? I am the king and I tell you, I like your company. So you must be naturally happy.”
“I am not happy. I know that king’s company may raise my position in my profession, but I can’t accept this proposal.” Jasmine said in the same denying tone.
The king was totally puzzled and wanted to know, why she is not accepting his company.
“Okay, I respect your personal feelings. Of course, you are the owner of your own feel. I don’t wish to ride on this. But, tell me one reason for not accepting my proposal.” King begged as if he is a balloon losing air from it.
Jasmine smiled first time before the king. Her tone is quite honest and bold.
“My name is queen. But I cannot say my real name before entering in to your service. I am told that you are just angry and if I say that my name is queen, you may ask me to show my king.” She said.
“Okay. Now I am asking you something else. Why are you denying my wish?” King asked her.
Jasmine looked at his face and said boldly.”Honestly, let me tell you one thing.”
“Okay queen, tell me.” The king said encouraging her.
“Very bad smell is coming from your mouth when you speak. How can I enjoy the moonlight with the bad smell coming from you?” Jasmine answered.
After that, the king is in private treatment for one month and now the bad smell stopped.
He is young and happy with queen who told the truth boldly. Her franc speaking made her the real queen as the king was happy to marry her.