Funny Short Story – He too has a story to tell!!!!!
Photo credit: demondimum from morguefile.com
The story dates back to the era when Osama and Obama where unknown. Those at Obama house were busy buying nappies from supermarket for Obama and ones at Osama’s house were busy welcoming Osama’s first son and his father’s two more sons from his legitimate wives. During the same time a baby was born in India though he didn’t go on to become famous like them but he too had a story.
Dr.Buckloo was a dentist in a small suburb of Ramnagar. Those who knew him often use to make fun of his name. “The word Buckloo is derived from Hindi word Baklol meaning idiot, “says Dr.Ramakant. It was not that Dr.Buckloo was in great love with his name. When he was born his father(and the servant of Dr.Ramakant) put him near the feet of Dr.Ramakant and asked him to give him his blessings. Ramakant lifted him up only to see the face of child clueless looking at him with his big eyes. It was only after this he said to Dr.Buckloo’s father keep his name Buckloo or else I would fire you. After attaining the dentist degree and convinced that his father doesn’t needs Dr.Ramakant’s job anymore he tried once to go to notary to get his name changed but he stopped thinking about how Dr.Ramakant would feel if je changes it.
It wasn’t a normal day at the clinic of Dr.Buckloo. The Health Minister was in the town for a programme and was served at his dinner Rogan Josh which had some pebbles in it. The pebbles were put inside it by a naughty boy who was accidently the Chef’s son who brought him to Circuit House so that he could see the minister. The Chef’s son used to hate the minister a lot for his two big incisors teeth. Often, when Minister’s photo use to come in newspapers he used to make those extra millimetres of his teeth red only to find that his coloured portion was more red than Minister’s lips so a try to take them off was quite inevitable for the child.
“When sahib went for dinner, he ate Rogan Josh and lost his Hosh (self control)” said the secretary to Dr.Buckloo spitting Beetle leaf he was chewing into the walls of Circuit House. Then, Dr.Buckloo went inside only to find out that the boy failed I his attempt to unleash out the incisors of Minister but nevertheless succeeded in damaging a pre-molars which where excessively black and had foul tobacco smell in it. But since he was a minister, Buckloo didn’t wear any mask so that he could hear him properly and hence preferred to inhale that foul smell. He gave him a painkiller and asked him to come to his hospital and he then left.
Dr.Buckloo on his way to hospital thought to himself and smiled whatever happens, happens for a cause had the child hadn’t done that he would have never got this opportunity. When he reached his clinic he was happy to see everything in order. It was a special day so the management decided not to entertain any patients except the Minister. It was a special day for everyone so they decided to have the entire session photographed so they called a photographer.
As the clock struck 11, the Minister for the first time in his life came somewhere on time. He was warmly welcomed by the hospital authorities but he didn’t showed any keen interest in taking their bouquet and asked Buckloo to give it to his Secy. instead. He was so much troubled by his pain that he preferred to go inside rather than to stand and deliver speech like he normally does. Dr. Buckloo had examined him in the morning and knew the minister had little problem in his teeth and knew it would go once he puts a dental amalgam into it. He didn’t wanted any havoc so instead he preferred to have a helper, the dignitaries who accompanied the Minister and his cameraman while rest of the crowd where taken away by the hospital authorities and the police. Before Buckloo could start, the minister’s wife came and she created an extra 15 minutes delay & so after knowing everything she took the nearest seat to watch the proceedings.
The minister’s wife was a fat annoying lady often she uses to say something that distracted Buckloo but he preferred not to say anything. The operation was on going on good until Minister’s wife eyes went on the name plate of Dr.Buckloo. She therefore gathers all her strength to shout reading at name plate”Dr.Buckloo, ha-ha…ha-ha”. Buckloo had pliers inside the mouth of the minister he with all his strength took out the broken pre-molar off the minister. The minister cried in agony and demanded arrest of Dr.Buckloo on his way back to the circuit house. The police didn’t know on what grounds they could arrest Dr.Buckloo but still they arrested him. Two days later he was granted bail but when he reached his home he founded a letter from Indian Dental Association asking him to be summoned infront of them who later took away all his Dentist degrees and certificate of practicing.
Today Buckloo 53, runs a medical shop and from past 25 years all he had prays to god is that may the then Health Minister and now Chief Minister again comes to his town then he wouldn’t fail in doing what that small kid couldn’t do and that’s to take away those 2 big insicisors of that Health Minister.