A Funny Friendship Saga
Photo credit: jade from morguefile.com
Its a story of a man and dog’s friendship. There was a man lying dead, who was a kind of orphan, who had no one along side him. But there was a faithful cry for him. Some one was very much saddened by this demise. That was none other than the dog. They both became very thick friends over the time. Everybody were ignorant and rude towards that dog. But this man was very kind to this dog. He use to share all the food and comforts with the dog everyday. They were nonetheless a family, which the society ignored. So the dog was very much hurt by the death and it was crying heavily in its own style.
Every other were touched by the love of a dog for men. And they buried him in a coffin. Now onward every one very kind towards the dog. All of them fed it each day. The dog used to go to the man’s coffin everyday without fail. All the people admired their friendship even after the death.
As the days gone by the dog also met with the death. Due respect to their friendship they buried the dog beside the man’s coffin and built a memorial for their friendship.
After some 20 years the urbanization was on the peak. Everything was under demolish process to make the way for development. The development named giant swallowed all the stuffs. So it was turn for the memorial of the great friendship of man and dog. They came with all the machinery to demolish the same. But After attempting it for several times they couldn’t even damage it. They were surprised by this. Because they demolished very huge things earlier for development, but they never came across such strong thing.
So the labors approached their higher officials and conveyed the message to them. Then they took it over and send some sample to the lab to find the reason behind this. At the same time they enquired some people regarding the same. But none of them were able to resolve it. But all of them suggested to find one veteran man of the village. He was not available that day, and he was so much old that he couldn’t speak properly. So they thought take a written statement from him the next day.
The next day they collected the written statement from him. At the same time the lab report also arrived. After matching both the reports. The officer was lost his conscious and fell down. Because both the report from Lab and veteran man were same.
The report read “It is made up of Ambuja cement, it has life in it”.