Funny Short Story – Another Night
Photo credit: bosela from morguefile.com
She was sleeping. In the night lamp, which painted the whole bedroom blue, he could see that. His eyes, too, were weary and red with sleep but he was unable to sleep. He wanted her to wake up. He was the decision maker and controller of her life. Ever since he had set her eyes on her, she had been living life on his terms. She would eat, drink, sleep and talk only at his whims and fancies. So how dare she sleep so peacefully when he was awake and restless. He raised his hand to vent his anger but she was far from him, very far. He tried to stand but his legs betrayed his thoughts and he fell down with a thud. He was infuriated. She had to pay for this.
Shreya woke up with a start. The clock showed 2.00 A.M. Their sleepy eyes met and Shreya instinctively knew what his next course of action would be. For an instant, she thought of throwing the first thing that came into her hands, a pillow, on him and running away from the room, but guiltily, decided against it.
After all, she loved him. The cacophony he was making was slowly escalating and in the eerie silence of the night, it was becoming deafening. There was no one at home whom Shreya could call for help. Her husband was out of town for two days and her mother had gone to attend a relative’s marriage and would not be back until morning. Shreya could feel his eyes fixed on her and suddenly, there he was, smiling. A smile, that at times, melted her heart but for now, it was a wicked smile. A smile of triumph.
He could see her looking at him. His mission was accomplished. She was awake and by the harried look on her face, he knew he had won the night time war. Clutching his prized possession in one hand, which was kept away from him for so long, she walked towards him, stood towering on him, and then picked him up and cooed softly, “why is mamma’s sweet baby crying? See mamma has brought milk for you.”