A funny incident
Photo credit: demondimum from morguefile.com
Year 1987,
I had just got out of work at 9:00 pm, said later to my co workers and drove straight home. My wife is out of town so I have my place to myself for the weekend. Something strange happened as I was approaching my house, a car that I did not recognized was parked on my driveway. I thought why on earth is this car parked here? I parked my car to investigate, the licence plates were from Idaho. My wife is visiting her parents in Idaho, it can’t be her as I just talked to her on the phone while I was at work. I walked towards my front door to my house and notice that the 2nd floor window in the guest room was opened, I rushed to open the door but it was unlocked someone is in my house. I quietly walked in my house went straight to the kitchen to grab my rifle. I was terrified to go upstairs to deal with this burglar, I was shaking the whole time I walked through my staircase. On the floor near the guest room there was a cassette of the new released guns n roses appetite for destruction, I thought to myself why would someone come to my house with this? I opened the door slowly and notice someone was asleep on the bed with the blanket over there body, I got close to this person aimed the rifle towards his head and I yelled,
But no respond, I took the blanket off this individual and noticed it was only my wife’s brother asleep with headphones and a cassette player on the bed. I was so relief but I thought to myself he’s still gonna pay for coming unannounced, so I decided to pull a little prank on him. I slowly took off his headphones, aimed the rifle towards him and I yelled,
”your gonna die”.
He screamed so loud he made me lose my hearing for a second, he then looks at me with a frightened face and tells me, ”why would you do that?”.
My respond was,” why wouldn’t I”.