Fiction Story of Gorilla – at war
Photo credit: sullivan from morguefile.com
It was a cold night darkness was heavy and still.The animal noise , a gutteral gorrila growl startled the holiday makers camp just as they were preparing for sleep.
He came rampaging in ,swinging on his arms,as fast as a gorrila can go he tore into the deck chairs the people had just risen from.Unprepared and in shock they spent their last moments trying to run.
It wasn’t over fast it took the massive gorilla 20 minutes to kill the five holidaymakers some had their arms pulled of others were luckier and their necks were snapped.
After all was over he stood and did what he always does when he kills
He thumped his chest and roared
Although his iq was low for a human.
Thanks to the men from calin tec he could think like a human could form words with difficulty.
Its a gorilla’s life he thought, always in the coldness eating leaves. I want a tv ,a house,a wife and kids. The wife would be a human of course. Since the treatments began at calin tec he had a serious wish for human females. He liked girls!
Were could he find houses?
Perhaps there was a map on one of the dead people.
He searched the cadavers .nope nothing .he sniffed the air and darted back into the trees.
Watching tv alan brader looked out the living room window he rubbed his eyes in disbeleif,there was a gorila walking along the street in the dark
“Couldent be” he muttered
The gorrila darted out of the windows sight .”bugger me”
The man got up and leaning forward walked one leg at a time towards the window
SLAP! The gorrila s face was pressed up to the window both arms pressed to the glass
“Hi” the gorrilla said
Like a woman the man screamed his lungs capacity
“Nice house” said the gorrila
The man felt both paralised and able to scream.
“Do you know were i can get one like this?”
What was happening? The gorrila wondered the man seamed to be voicing
An extremly loud maiting call.
Weirded out the gorrila decided to leave the vicinity.
Along the lamp post lit suburban streets
The gorrila gaped around at the houses
Since escaping form calin tec he always wanted a house of his own. At caln tec he
Learned of all the ins and outs of humanity part of the experenent was to Make a monkey or gorrila capable of doing the job of a man the new cheap
Work force. He heard the workers in the halway talking about how they would be a sucsess but the drug causes personality quirks in the apes somtimes homicidal
Ill knock the door and ask were i can get a house for me he thought.
A voice behind the door “just comming”
The door opened and a woman in her late fifties said”yes what is it”
“Were can i get a house”.
“Were can i get a house”
“What do you mean a house?”
Then the woman realised all she was surveying
“Its a GG..ORR..ILLA!!”
The gorrilla ran for his life
Of cource! The gorrila thought and slapped his head im a gorrila
Bugger he thought, i wont make that mistake again.
The gorrila walked into the main part of town,it was about two am
A door opened accross the road some people came noisily out dressed in fancy dress costumes.One of them,a rabbi separated from the rest and headed on down the street.
The gorrila had an idea. He followd the rabbi in the lamp lit darkness.
The rabbi came to a stop out side a large building.The gorrila slamed into him knocking the rabbi to the ground.
The gorilla beat the prone rabbi repeatedly for two minnets.
He took the fake beard and moustash
Skull cap and wig.He put on the man’s
Suit and then the wig and beard.
It took a while for the beard to stick.
But once he got it he wandered into an ally near some trashcans and fell asleep.
The gorrila walked in the darkness
Were he came apon a bridge with an underpass ,he walked in. There was a glow in the darkness were a girl was standing lighting a cigaret.Two other girls were in the darkness. They were young and one of them had a ring through her nose.
“What are you doing fellow?”
“Huh” said the gorrila.
“Get down on your knees!” The furthest
Away girl said.
The gorrilla complied.
“Say I worship girl”
“I worship girl the gorrila said”
“Say girl is god!”
“Girl is god” the gorrila replied.
“Say gorrilas a re stupid and are inly good for serving human girls”
“Gorrilas are stuped and are only good for serving human girls” the gorilla said.
“Youve been a bad boy” the girl said now standing over him.
“Your a bad gorrila ,Bad”
“Im a bad gorrilla.” the gorrila enthused
Morning rose, the streets in town were still deserted.The gorrila woke, the girls in the dream scatering from his mind.he got up walked to the building were the window was long and large.
There were tables and chairs in there.
The gorilla wondered what this place was. He went back to the trashcans and laid low.
People could be seen walking about through the ally way, noises of metal grating as the town stores opened.
He walked to the place with the big window and opened the door.
After the last time he dident want any
Trouble like that.
He walked slowly and causualy to the
Counter were a man stood staring at him
“Were can i get a house?” The gorilla said.
The man started heaving confused and shocked ,he still somehow managed
“Why are you waring a fake beard”
Bugger the gorrila thought ,rumbled.”
He said”what..” “What fake beard”
The man slowly reached out his arm and pointed.
“Eh..That one..”
The gorrila said”were can i get a house”
“You can talk!”
“Yes i was a part of an experiment by caln tec” “the ultimate cheap workforce
,ape a intelegent as man or nearly.”
“We could make a lot of money” the man breathed.
“You could buy a house”
Jay leno appeared before the audience his arems raised like a president of the united states.
“Well have we got a show for you!”
Scream and cheers followed.
“Tonight on the show we have only one guest” ” he says his name is calin, but you’l never belive this! Well you soon will beleive.calin is …” A pause as leno gathers suspence” A gorrila!”
The audience laughs.
Dan the diner man was very carfull to make sure the fact of a talking gorrila was kept seceret. Only when they got into see jay leno himself ,before the show,did calin talk in public. Leno kept the news seceret so he could anounce it on his show.
“And get this!” “Calin the gorrilla can..
The audience rumbled and laughed.
Not wasting any time leno anounced.
Calin the gorrila walked onto the stage
The audience cheered. Calin walked to the mike and said just like he was instructed “hello”
Silence filled the audience,first reactions amoung them was astonishment followed by belief that this was some sort of trick.
“Does anybody want to sell a house?
I have 125 thousand dollars”
Jay leno and the gorrila chatted for a half an hour.Gasps and aww noises and cheers from the audience followed throughout.
They came to a question from jay: how did you escape? “I killed the guard and took his keys, it was my first killing and it was fun i got to like killing people do you like killing people too?”
Silence eventually filled the room.
“You killed people?”
“It was fun?”
The chicago police had him tied to a wheeled stand up platform, an rolled him to the van.
The gorrila was eventually sentinced to prison on the grounds that he was as inteligent as a man and was culpable for murder. The people of caln tec were sent to prison . And caln tec industries were shut down.The government continued the research secretly.
Caln the large gorrila passed through the iron gates of the prisson. He was walked through the main part if the prison to the disbeleiving stares of the other prisoners
“Its all right, im straight” he assured.
The guards walked him handcuffed to the end of the prison and through to a separate area built just for him.