Fiction Short Story – THE FACES
Photo credit: Melodi2 from morguefile.com
The clouds had become dark; the sky was preparing itself in silken white for a final downpour. The canvas of the earth was getting ready for what could be called a heavenly bliss…..the moment was about to strike ……just the time when GOD woke up!
Brushing his eyes and fixing his gaze he found two caricatures; two of his own Creations.
Without letting his thoughts known, he tried to recall: “When did I create them?”
Placed in a golden plate, were two faces, with all the riches, a Happy face and a Sad face. The two faces were bitter competitors. So the sword of destiny had taken them away from their bodies and placed them in splendor at the thought that this may spell an end to their enmity.But the happy face became happier and the sad one remained as sad as ever. Unable to handle it further the dame of destiny brought it to the judgment of God.
God, thought for a moment as if made an attempt to talk to himself “I have so many cases pending before me…all unsolved, all disputed….so many prayers…..growing in number each and every day. By sorting, there are human prayers, animate and and inanimate prayers. I am also in recession, how can I fulfill those? If I bring a solution, I bring dissatisfaction; if I remain silent people become non believers and threaten me with the word of election and bringing about “Satan” as the next change. Man can have limitations; Superman can be super but still remain human. The three alphabets which define my existence if gets reversed makes me no more than a loyal pet!”
The faces were becoming anxious, for the judgment. After all how many times in your life you end up with an opportunity to meet God .You can meet politicians at the time of elections, you can meet stars if you become a fan, you can meet the beggar if you carry your purse but to get time with God, that too without donations is quite unnatural. Even after death there is no certainty, because there will be a tough calculation by the heavenly pundits of your great virtues and lowly vices, karmic debts etc etc.
And here came an opportunity to see god in heaven that too in human form but the sad part without the body, how sad!
Just then a thought occurred to them (although the two faces were different from one another, they thought together)
”It is said that great sages, through their penance wait for million years, go through cycle of birth, rebirth and cosmic enlightenment for just one glimpse of the mighty master, and we are in front of him because of our quarrel!. How lucky we are? We fought just for a trivial reason…..made destiny to surrender…for it could not change us and got heavenly appointment at exactly 11.00(Heaven mean time)
As you set this up in your watch and try to compare it with earth time…the earth magnet in the watch goes for a toss and is left beyond repair. Any type of comparison is forbidden in heaven, all are one without logic. The moment you do comparison you are sent to earth once again and you end up doing the same thing again and again. When you get bored, you find yourself at the death bed…beyond comparison!
But as faces we don’t need watches…no clothes, where to hide when you are in heaven, no hunger because there is no stomach, only the pain of seeing your worst adversary, just beside you…very near…but with a different expression. You can share each and every thing but sharing thoughts is always dangerous.”
At that moment God was having other thoughts “ In these troubled times it is increasingly difficult to fulfill wishes and solve cases, first of all the the initial down payment is high and with no scope of cost cutting the return on investment is low, the wishes becomes large and keep on increasing…why cant people pray without wishing ! Gone are the days when I could fulfill wishes at the movement of my wand but the magic spell has long dried up and with low heavenly budget and increasing pressure from the heaven board, the task is forlorn.”
The faces were becoming agitated “What the hell is God thinking? The creator of time is himself a failure in time management! Who can question him if he breaks his own rules?
God well aware of their current thought smiled “Does it stop you from asking questions anyway?”
God pointed himself towards the faces and asked “What is the reason of your quarrel? I can see both of you laden with riches….then what is the problem….destiny is also getting erroneous….now tell me quick because if I don’t diagnose your problem and bring about a solution, the heaven judiciary will put me in suspension for a non-bailable offense.”
The two faces invoked a guffaw at the inspiration of Satan: “Who shall know it better and you are asking us….what a pity?”
God: “Pity on me…? Let me punish you………oh no! My magic wand got broken and due to fiscal deficit the next one is due for some time.”
The faces: “OK OK sorry sorry…great almighty, hundred apologies. the sad face is sad because the happy face is happy and vice- versa and to rub salt to our wounds the sword of destiny has taken our bodies and the worst part is we can read each others thoughts, otherwise we would have broken each others heads!”
God: “No….any type of violence is not permissible in my presence or until I keep my eyes open…when I sleep you are free to do what you like!”
Faces: “Solution dear God not words……we are anticipating a supersonic trail.”
God: “Ok, the happy face is hereby given the ultimatum to make the sad face happy and the sad face is given the choice to make the happy face sad, that is justice done!”
To himself in a mode of self congratulation: “Hope this pacifies their wishes for the time being.”
On hearing this Satan spoke out through the faces: “You can make such a speedy justice we did not know, we tried that once without success, but empathy is best known to you…my lord!”
God: “Any type of argument is counterproductive in my abode. I with my broken wand can lend you some at a healthy pay back rate without hidden costs, but added cost of advertisement if ever this story sees the light of day…….so beware!”
Happy face to sad one: “I cannot be happy without you so to make me happy, you be happy!”
Sad face to the happy face: “I cannot be sad at the prospect of seeing you happy, so I rejoice at your happiness.”
God to destiny: “I told my poor magic wand will work, you did not believe me, if you had bought it last year from me you could have solved this matter by yourself but now I will not sell it!”
Faces to God: “Why can’t we be happy together?”
God: “I can only bring a chance but the choice is yours!”
God to destiny: “Return them their bodies at the cost of the riches that we have given to them, let them struggle through out their lives to earn them, spend them or waste them.”
Destiny: “Yes you merciful!
(After following Gods order)
Hey look, they are not faces but entities: ‘MAN and WOMAN’
God: “Yes I know but you never knew, you test everybody, its just the other day you get tested.”
Man and Woman (To God) “Look what you did. Now we can’t read each others thoughts, we don’t know if the action we undertake will make each other happy or sad.”
God: “That’s why you need to together, and you need not fight to be superior because to be number one you have to be unique at your own right. You just need to work on each others sadness to be happy, now please let me sleep and give rest to the lazy one on earth with real imperfect English who is putting it down without pay. Its going to be morning soon and now there is no difference between the times (Heaven and Earth times).You both can go back to where you came from…court dismissed!”
Man: “You could have given me the idea of bargaining with God for some more wishes.”
Woman: “As if it is my fault, you parasite!