A Short Story – THE ACCIDENT…
Photo credit: kumarnm from morguefile.com
Sorry. I kept repeating the word to anyone and everyone who was pointing a finger at me. It was not my fault but no one was ready to acknowledge that. The feeling of guilt which I was not ready to accept was slowing creeping into my mind.
I am an addict and am proud to say so. To think of living without watching her in action messed up my brain. I loved her sexy moves, her power, her angelic face, the beautiful tresses and just about every aspect of her feminine grace with which she roamed about capturing the imagination of every onlooker. On that fateful night I missed seeing her in action due to the idiotic movie which I had gone to watch with my friends. By time I returned the final was over and my angel, Maria had been crowned the French open champ. I rued the fact that I missed seeing the match. Sleep was hard to come by and so I decided to watch a movie on my laptop. It was precisely then when the accident occurred.
With a troubled mind I had slept hardly a wink when the morning rays of the sun broke my slumber. Daily activities were completed at a pace faster than usual as I contemplated in my mind the possible solutions and consequences to the damage I had done the night before. There was only one way out. The damage had to be rectified by them, the specialists at the company. My hopes rested on those people whom I never met but who had the control now over my past and perhaps even the future. The rest of the day passed by, just the opposite of what I had expected as I started informing almost everyone of the accident and seeking their empathy at my misfortune. Bad luck favored me more as instead of empathy I got their scorn and anger. Frustrated, defeated and lost I returned home. Tired and out of ideas I fell asleep. It was then the nightmares started.
How could you do this? Those were the first words she spoke after ten years. I stared at the silhouette of a lady which appeared familiar enough to the person I loved some time in my past. She was like a goddess possessed, demanding an answer why I had been so careless that caused me to lose our wonderful memories. I tried to explain that the accident was not my fault but she kept on accusing me. Another familiar face appeared as I saw my best friend. He also kept repeating the same question. How could I? I had lost everything; the memories of the time spent together, the proofs of wonderful incidents which were stamped with mischievousness of our childhood and above all the only memory of the girl on whom we both had a crush. The nightmare did not end as my family entered the picture demanding an explanation why such a thing had happened. How did I lose the priceless treasures of my family which were entrusted to me for safekeeping? The nightmare kept getting worse as various people ranging from my sir who accused me of losing his book to the milkman who accused me of losing records of the monthly accounts kept coming. I am sorry, sorry and sorry is what I kept repeating as I woke up to my roommate asking me to wake up. The specialists had called to inform me that they had failed to undo the damage that I had done. I had lost everything. They suggested I go for replacement.
The accident had done irreparable damage. As it fell to the ground all the pictures, voice recordings, books stored in pdf format, my experimental works ,presentations, accounts, memories of the past were all lost. The past was gone and hope for future rested on how I began the present from a scratch. I was to blame after all as I set out to replace my broken hard disk which had been accidentally destroyed.