Funny Short Story – 5 Ways Astrology Ruined My Life!

Short Story Funny- 5 Ways Astrology Ruined My Life!
Photo credit: clarita from
I don’t remember since when but I always liked to start my day by checking horoscope.
If I look back over the years I do remember checking horoscope in local news paper as a first out of bed act almost like when I was 12.
When I moved to hostel I used to read it before stepping out. The News paper stand was just at hostel door. Passing by girls used to watch me or join me hooked up to that stand.
I knew these newspapers, magazine have this section by convention. You never know they might have a collection of messages and must be putting some of those randomly against each sign every day.
Whatever it may be, but it was not a complete waste, I used to try deriving some meaning or relating it to the things happened during my day.
Sometime it helped convince and cheering mood on a rather bad day.
I wasn’t this way since forever.
I remember visiting Astrologer when I was confused whether to choose Medical or engineer as a field further.
My score for Medical subjects was better than mathematics. Family was not very supportive for engineering, but somehow I couldn’t see myself ending up between 4 walls then be it the most prospective job in society.
Even Astrologer told me to go for Medical but I didn’t, I followed my heart.
This is probably not the first and the best example of me being practical thinker but at least I did what I wanted to do and sailed happily.
Since childhood I was a strong believer of Alchemist.
Word Alchemy was unknown to me until past 2.5 years but I believed things happening around are & was supposed to happen, those all serve a cause and nothing on earth can stop those.
Everything you see is all related and it will unfold itself over the period of time.
I always found myself landed best when I followed my heart and was never afraid of taking risk.
During my early days at job, I started following some Internet sites. Sometime new horoscope sites coming across my reading / browsing used to replace my usual and thereafter will fall under my regular ones.
There was something different about these predictions though. It used to feel like someone is actually talking and telling me my day and most of it always matched to my day and content never felt coming again or repeating. They used to explain the predictions by comparing positions of stars. Making me believe it’s actually a science.
I felt it meaningful, truly meaningful.
I am a day dreamer, and astrology for day dreamer is like cigarette for smoker.
Here is how I can best describe what it did to me:
1. Hampered my practice perspective and abilities
I always liked using brain and listened to gut feelings to make a fair judgement. With my on/off sessions of believing and evaluating prediction, I could barely make out difference between gut feeling and logic. Confused mind wanted to trust on gut feelings and gut feelings were getting feeds and wrong picture from predictions. So in many situations I did not realized me being stupid till I reached rock bottom.
2. Gave me false confidence of doing whatever came to my mind
Already emotional, blue, suffering mind looked forward to cling on to something. Predictions lured as one of the way of finding hope and happiness. In such vulnerable situation positive predictions uselessly bounced me happy in rather sad situation and negative predictions made me over react to situations.
3. Fuelled & Kept false hopes alive
No matter how differently you read your prediction, it always felt correct. Like one time I fell for this guy and prediction said “someone interesting will make move”, I falsely hoped to see that guy making move. At the end of the day when nothing happened, I would still sit and start thinking about the other guy who initiated talk in café, be it merely “How are you?” out of social paradigm.
4. Built false trust on predictions and their relations with life
Trying to derive relation between things around and predictions, actually put me on merry-go-round and left dizzy.
5. Made me obsessively read and follow astrological events
No matter how hard I will try avoiding astrological sites. A fountain of restlessness will emerge. Taking a walk, going to coffee room, going to water cooler would not help me bring back myself. Finally mind will trick me telling, “Why don’t you get over this by checking prediction for once?”At least you will have good rest of day! Blah.. but once prediction is read mind will start dwelling in wonderland… not looking back at all.
Funny! Right?
I know, I totally understand it, but like I said – Astrology for day dreamer is like cigarette for smoker.
But on positive note, I realized what I am/was doing; I was able to mention exactly how it is ruining me. Isn’t that great?
And not to mention but I am working on it.