Teen Short Story – Status: In a relationship
Photo credit: rajeshkrishnan from morguefile.com
10th August 2009,
Sunday .
“Get up! Get Up! Its 10:00 already”. I hear my mom shouting at me. I try to wake up slowly, but i feel to sleep for some more minutes and fall back in bed. “It’s 11 and you are still sleeping?” i hear a loud shout this time and jump from bed to realize its already late for my Maths Classes. “Damn, i am becoming too lazy these days” i say to my self and imagine things i have to do to reach my classes on time.
1. Brush (At least for others)
2. Is it so important to tell something that’s gono come even if you try to resit.
3. Bath (For god’s sake do it is my mom’s advice
4. Reach the class on time at least today.
I try to finish the first three things and its already late for the class. I pack my bags in a hurry and saw the clock. 11.45 am. OMG! the class starts in 15 minutes !!! i tried to go fast in my old terrain tamer bicycle, but still end up end by ten minutes.
“12.10. Is it the time the class starts Mr. Raju? when are you going to be serious. Don’t you understand you need good marks to even have a chance to get a seat in reputed colleges? Go Sit. Don’t be late again and you will be sent out next time” i get the usual scoldings which have gotten used to. I haven’t got more than 70% in any of these exams, and my parents are already worried what am i going to do in the final exams
I start looking for a place to sit down and take the last bench so i can rest for all the hard work i made today. “Abhiskek 75%, Anirudh 83%… “,
“Oh! No. Test results!” i never score even average in weekly tests and this week i was expecting a disaster. “Raju 64%” i slowly try to get up and go to collect my paper. The tuition teacher looks at me with an angry look and nearly throws the paper in my face. I see the girls in the first bench laughing within themselves seeing me. Wish i could score at least a percentile more than them, i say to myself.
“Uma 74%” . Now i am little shocked to hear that. Uma has always been a topper and she scoring below 95% is something that is not suppose to happen. I see uma slowly walking near the mam and collecting her paper. I saw shock waves among the first bench girls and even the mam, but there is no emotion in her face. She returns back to her bench and to my surprise she isn’t crying, which girls of her nature usually do.
I yawn, look around, look down and stare at girls till its 2.30pm. Finally lunch time!! After having a healthy amount of the vegetable pulav prepared ny mom, i start feeling sleepy as it happens always. Afternoons are the worst timings for classes and Maths just made it worse. I try to sleep with my open, yawn a few times and finally sleep over my book. I feel some one waking me up and i guess its the mam. Fortunately its Varun, my best friend (also a top scorer) saving me from the tuition mam again. Thankfully its already near 5 and the classes are going to over soon.
Ten minutes later, “And Class we shall meet again Tuesday morning at 6 “,
“6 in the morning ?Not again!” i say to myself. Getting up early isn’t something in my list and i am already worried about Tuesday. I hear a lot of laughter from in the downstairs of the class and i see Uma in tears with the few girls laughing around her with what i think a sarcastic look. What happened then was going to change my life forever…
……To be continued.