Short Story with Moral Values – A FULL STOP TO MY LIFE
Photo credit: kamuelaboy from morguefile.com
Some incidents of life can be a comma, a full stop, a U-turn or anything that you my want it to be.
I was in 10th std, a grown up, a teenager but life for me was still a wonderland. I was enjoying it, every bit of it, and every second of it. I was scared for the studies, for my board exams because everyone out there had lot of expectations from me. Yet I was free like a wind. Life was within my fist and I was in air, reaching for the stars, grabbing the sky but everything was possible only because I had a pack of the most beautiful friends, because I had the most caring and intelligent parents, because I best teachers and the most beautiful place, St.Aloysius School. A place which was my heaven, my world and everything that I wished for. For me life was surprising and I liked it that way.
But I didn’t know that this time Life has got the most dreadful and the most unexpected surprise for me.
“Hey friends! What happened? You all looking so sad”
“Dear, Kamya is leaving”
“Leaving? Where?”
“Her father got a transfer”
“Kamya is it true?”
“Yah, I am really going to miss you all. I wish if I could stay here”
“But you told that anyhow you are going to complete your 12th here”
“Because at that time I didn’t knew about this transfer”
“Oh please don’t go”
“I wish if I could”
i came back to my home and it was night. Oh I love night because it is calm, it has twinkling stars and of course the beautiful moon. But today it was all different. I felt nostalgic. Kamya would be leaving. She is not going to stay with us, study with us. I will miss her. She was my friend. But I knew I will stay here.
“Friends! I have something important to tell you. My father too got transfer and we are leaving”
“What? That’s not possible, first Kamya and now you! What’s going on? Are you all going to leave this place?”
What could I have said? I had nothing but pain and tears. I didn’t want to leave my heaven but i could do nothing.
I came to Bhopal and i was missing my old school, my friends and everything. I was in depression. I felt life was lifeless. I felt as if someone has cut my wings and I could fly no more.
I hated my new school. I hated this new place. I hated everything. A girl like me who was full of life, who was a problem-solver now transformed into a girl which was a fused light.
Due to all this messed up my 11th academics. A girl who was a topper became the duffer of the class. What a laugh? What a joke? I felt more drowned.
Then one day one of my teachers came to me.
“Child! What has happened to you? I am noticing you from the time you joined our school. You look so sad all the times. Is there any problem with you?”
“No ma’am. I all ok”
“Child! I clearly understand how it feels when we are told to leave our friends and loved ones and are told to move to a new place but child this is not the end of it. Any incident, any event can be a comma, a full stop, u-turn or anything that you may want it to be. If you wish it to be a comma then you have to move on. If you wish it to be a u-turn then you must be careful, because sometimes turning behind makes our future and present both disastrous. But if you think it is full stop then you have to ways to go, you can either consider it an end to good things or an end to good things and a start for the best things. But at the end of it you have to make decisions, you are responsible. If you think you are not one of those who break promises then how can you break the promises that you made to yourself. Get up my child, life is still surprising; it’s still beautiful, just wipes your tears and sees it through a new perspective”
I thank that teacher who showed me the right way at the right time and now I am telling you all this so that you may not waste your time in mourning for the past but in shaping up your present and future.
Choose the best way and remember when you think you can’t there is someone who believe you can.