Short Story from School Experience – Abrupt nature calls…!
Photo credit: gbh from morguefile.com
It was a pleasant summer morning, Subbu (short of Subba Rao) woke up early and found mama preparing afternoon meals. When enquired, she said, “You’re going to school today”. It sound strange for a minute and after that his stomach produced some strange sounds and then all of a sudden, it made him look uneasy as his bowels signalled that it’s the time; hurry up, go to the loo.
“Where’s the loo?”, he exclaimed.
With frowned eyebrows and hand at his stomach, ran hurriedly towards it. On the way he found his brother and sister still on the bed enjoying their dreams unaware of his situation. The scene made his bowels growl more loudly and to his astonishment the toilet room was preoccupied.
“God! Please help!”, cried to himself.
Loo was few yards away from his house. Subbu eagerly waited outside looking at random trees, vehicles on road, utility pole where a crow on a wire just dropped its morning waste with much ease.
Subbu cried with much pain, “God!…”.
This time, he got a reply by letting him in and his papa out.
Mama made him ready for school. Got the water bottle around his neck, lunch box and books in the bag. Reached school after half an hour walk with his neighbor who was 6 years older than him. At school, new little faces equally confused as he was. It was a pretty day because no one talked to him and neither he talked to anyone. It lasted for a week and then one day, a well-built man who called himself ‘Principal’ showed up in front of him.
‘What’s your name?’, he asked with an authoritative voice.
Though he knew what to answer, his heart beat pounded rapidly and he started to sweat all over. Principal repeated his question and this time, his bowels made him uneasy. After a minute or two, with an innocent face he replied politely; heart beat returned to normalcy but bowels still looking for a problem.
He desperately looked for a toilet room just by peeping through the windows from his classroom, but with no luck. Tried to ease himself by letting out the gas silently but to his surprise it came out with a big bang. The one sitting next to him ran out of the class, closing his nostrils with his two fingers. One by one his classmates left the room along with the class teacher.
Subbu returned home with the lunch box in the bag, water bottle around his neck, school bag on the back and his wet shorts suspended between his index finger and the thumb. He was pretty sure why the girls in groups giggled among themselves.
He understood the two situations his bowels looked for a problem. Next time before he steps out, made sure he cleanse his bowel. But how to control on an unexpected situations? He decided to leave it to his luck.
Days and then years passed wondering why it happened only to himself as he didn’t find anyone similar to his situation. This worsen when he got an admission in an English Medium School which was just twenty minute walkable distance from home. It was a big school with good infrastructure but the one he always looked for, had poor maintenance. Subbu was a shy guy and due to this he did not speak about his problem to anyone else. Once a group of teachers along with the school principal laughed at him as he repeated the incident he did previously. They only had his smile back with an upset face. Subbu ended up hating that school.
After 12 years of schooling, Subbu came out as an average student who knew nothing about his strengths, didn’t develop any hobby and the future looked like a blank screen. Situation worsened when he joined a degree college where there was no room for a toilet, not even for girls.
On rainy days, he had to run to the nearest bus depot which was almost a mile away from the college with strange facial expressions and mysterious walk. He always made sure to have a penny or two in his pocket to pay and use the toilet at the bus depot.
Now a days, Subbu do not have to worry about it anymore after his appointment in a corporate company as an analyst. Also, made sure his children do not have to face such situations.