Short Story of Drug Addiction – The Change
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
It is said that change is the rule of life , but when it comes to an individual it is seen that they become reluctant to the change if it demands from them to come out of their comfort zone. This is a story of a boy who became drug addict in his college and made it his comfort zone.
Umesh was a boy who came to the college from a village background. His family was very poor and illiterate but still his parents decided to make umesh a well graduate person so that he can stand on his feet in life and For this they mortgaged their farm which was their only means of earning. While leaving for his college Umesh also took resolution that he will fulfil his parents belief and thus left for the college which was in the city.
Even though it was difficult for him to get acquainted with the urban environment but he was too determined for his dreams so he managed that quite well .Every thing was good till now. But as he started going to the college , on the very first day he saw a pretty girl in the class.She was a modern girl and her name was Poonam. Unlike all boys his attraction to that girl was more than normal. He started loving her . He was a very innocent village boy and it was happening for the first time with him. May be his love was true but it was one sided. All the day he stared at her and did not concentrate on his study.
He had a roommate Vijay in the hostel who became good friend of Umesh Because they used to share each and everything with each other. When Umesh told his friends about the girl , inspite of giving him right suggestion they encouraged him in the wrong direction. They told him that if he wants to get the love of that girl then he needs to be modern like her. They convinced him that Poonam will never like a villager so he needs to behave like a modern guy and needs to do all whatever they say to him. Umesh became so desperate for that girl that he agreed to do everything for her. His roommate tried to stop him from doing all this but he did not listen to him. Umesh even treated him as if he is his enemy.
Finally the worst happen . On the name of making him modern his friends started giving him drugs and told him that it leaves an impression on girls and to get Poonam’s love Umesh started taking drugs. He was unaware of what was he doing.He had only one thing in his mind that by doing this he can get his love. On the other hand Poonam was unaware of any such thing. Days passed and Umesh continued to get into the swamp. Now he was a drug addict. He couldn’t control taking drugs. He Started missing classes and mid term exams. He was spending his parents hard earned money on drugs. It seemed as if he had forgotten his resolution.
It was the time for results for the Final Exam when he thought to propose Poonam. He was thinking that till now he would have left a great impression on her and she will say yes to him. But Poonam’s perspective about him was very negative. She was from a decent family and would never like a drug addict. He was smelling alcohol when he Proposed Poonam and as expected Poonam refused the proposal. Umesh caught her hand firmly and in response Poonam slapped him. She was about to make a call to police but Umesh’s roommate Vijay came and stopped her . Umesh left and Umesh’s roommate told everything to Poonam that he was an innocent guy and how he became like this. Poonam and Vijay decided to call Umesh’s parents so that they can help him in getting out of the swamp.
In between results announced and Umesh was fail in the exam. He was already depressed with what has he done and this results have led to to enter into deep depression.Now His resolution was echoing in his ears , his parents dream was passing from his eyes. He was thinking that he has ruined every hope of his parents . he realised that he has spent his parents hard earned money for sh*t. He was holding himself responsible for his and his parents miserable condition . He thought that his life is not worth and decided that he will finish his life .
He prepared a hanging noose . As he stood to hang on the rope , door of his room open suddenly. He saw that his parents ,vijay and Poonam were there. Everybody sat in the room keeping Umesh in the centre. There were tear in Umesh’s parents .
His mom said : “son ! what were you doing? Is it that for which we have sent you here , is it that for which we are working day and night , is it that for we are living far from our only child. You never thought what will happen to us after you . ”
Again tears on her eyes. Umesh was feeling guilty. He hold his mom and wiped her tears.
His father said :”you don’t worry son ! one year does not define whole life . you need not to be depressed. Again with the same passion you start your study and i am sure you will make it this time. “
Umesh : but I have wasted a lot of money dad. I Am feeling sad.
Father : its not wasted my son. With that money you have learnt a great lesson of life which is priceless . Now promise me you will not think of doing this again.
Now Umesh was out of depression . he was feeling good now. He promised everybody in the room that he will not do such a thing again. He stood up and said sorry to Poonam for his behaviour.
Poonam said : “Umesh you are a nice boy . I am happy that you are fine now and remember one thing just be your self and don’t change yourself for anybody. And by the way no girl will ever like a drug addict.”
Everybody laughed. Umesh promised that he will leave all his bad habits and will concentrate on his goal. Umesh pulled Vijay and hugged him tight and said sorry for his rude behaviour. He now realized that Vijay is his true friend.By the evening Umesh’s parents left for their village.
Now it has been four years.He is no more a drug addict. Umesh has finished his graduation.He is placed in an MNC and is a happy person now.
The Aim of the story is to tell you that changes are the certainty and happen for the betterment. Even a bad nature can be changed . All it takes is your will ,determination and efforts to be the change. Just give it a try and see the change.