Love short story from college days – “MOVE ON LOVE” Does it Really Happen??
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
“IS THIS A RESERVED SEAT” someone called him from back….”NO” he replied and offered her…..
Year 2002
Aarav you shouldn’t react to her in such a nasty way said raghu, “who cares man” i have my own attitude,and if you are feeling so much sympathy for her go and be his boyfriend oops hold on bestfriend ha ha ha….aarav moved on giving a slightest attention to raghu’s words. Raghu followed ..this incident was not unusual for him, he was witnessing the same scenario from last 6 years. Aarav was an intelligent boy among top rankers, good looking, sportsman and in whole the charming boy for every gal, and perhaps thats the very fact has made him so much obstinate person.
Aarohi do you have any extra assignment copy?? Aarav inquired, among all the gals he make fun of…..aarohi was her only best friend in the whole class..”yes i know you will never brought the one” arahoi said imitating her….she was a sincere, beautiful gal who was much concerned about her studies than looks…but still she looks adorable in her own innocent way . They both have stepped into school on the same day, same class 2nd..funny na…and from dat day they are inseparable.. best friends who are gems of st.thomson school..
10th boards are approaching aarav you should pay more attention to ur studies not this godaamn soccer..aarohi yelled at aarav. “You should not worry dumbo, i am not a bookworm”..soccer is my love… “better you go and study NEWTONnnnnnnnnn”…he said rolling his football with her feets and stretching the last word…..
It was just a two days before 1st exam and aarav slipped in football ground leading to minor crack in his foot… I can’t aarohi..i can’t…aarav said wiping his tears. You have to aarav…whole school is expecting from you …your 1 year will get waste…still 48 hours left na she said…giving herself a slight ray of optimism from the sea of pessimism..aunty i will stay here till night.i’ve informed maa and we both will study together she said to aarav’s mother. She was caring lyk hell for him…studies goes on ,medicines and food was given under the closest watch of her……………
I topped arohi 95%…. yeppie i am very happy…. it’s just because of you NEWTOnnnnn……… how was yours?? said aarav ….. mine was good i passed and she ran….. aarav was too busy in celebrating with his friends dat he didn’t noticed her ……….. STOP IT AARAV …. raghu almost slapped him …. how can you be so mean?? Your best friend is appearing for compartment just coz he was too busy caring for you …. and u didn’t noticed her ….. SHOCKED aarav looks raghu almost in bizzare …. AROHI had slept in maths exam because from the last two days she hadn’t slept … she was too busy caring for whole night. Tears followed down aarav’s cheeks…. he ran towards her home… drenched in sweat he grabbed her and began crying….”KOI NI BABA, MEIN COMPARTMENT MEIN ACHA SCORE KAR LUNGI” aarohi kept consoling her… and for the first time aarav started thinking different for her ……. and with every passing day he got more dwelled into this abyss of what people called LOVE …… everything become normal with each passing day and results of compartment came aarohi actually acored 99 in dat later …
“Should i say her??” he kept asking himself …… he went to her home with a gift having bracelet of their photographs together … and knocked … aarohi opened the door “ i’ve a news to break you” said aarohi …. me too want to say something … and before both utter a word aarohi’s mother came…..” wecome beta, u know we are leaving for London this night aarohi’s father has got transferred to Indian embassy there. I was saying to aarohi to call you as we all want to meet you before we took off”…. she said and moved to kitchen. Aarav’s face was blank… the gal to whom he came to propose is leaving the country that night”…i didn’t know dat maama didn’t told me as my compartment exam was approaching…and she cried helplessly trying to stop aarav from running…… she called him but he didn’t respond, he was actually fuming at his fate and unintentially at aarohi….” she knows everything” he cried saying to himself and locked him inside his room… he didn’t went to see off her …….. aarohi’s left a note for him which he never opened but always kept it in his wallet.
Time goes on …….. he never contact him …. he started concentrating in his studies again….he was no longer an allrounder guy……dwelled into books he has somehow become the bookworm….everything soon went off air …he cleared IIT…..everyone praised him …acknowledged his success….. but deep inside his heart he was missing her… he was never the same obstinate person but also not the jolly one anymore…. perhaps aarohi’s episode taught him so much…… raghu had also got admission in a REC….. time swayed….. clg years went away aarav got placed in top mnc….. everyone was happy…. and he too finally he has somehow accepted the reality aor time has forced on him dat.
20th Jan, 2012
“SO where you are from” enquired aarav…. i just landed in india today, Just came to dis coffe shop for a cup of capachino… said the girl. Till the time they got acquainted ….“Beep beep” aarav’s phone ranged. Got to go he said and he tried to rush but suddenly his shoe laces struck and he fell over dat gal …aarav apologised and try to stand up but something got struck with his coat… it was a her bracelet.. with her class 10th photograph. “Whats your namee and how this bracelet is with you” aarav said to her impatiently….”AAROHI” she said trying to unknuckle dat bracelet…. wait a sec.. what do you said about bracelet… DON’T Tell me you are AARAV… she yelled happily almost hugging him..