Short Story from College – The Great Indian Teenager !
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
Almost anyone could agree with me that a male/female between the age group of thir’teen’ and nine’teen’ is a teenager. So i can safely say i am not one of them, even then i was forced by myself to jot down this simple story(event) here because ?. I am about to reveal how me and my friends celebrated holi( for those who don’t know what holi is, its a day when people throw color water/powder on each other for reasons i don’t exactly know) that led to some things that changed our life’s for ever, i can say it changed mine.
I was like all teenagers in the process of getting a B.tech degree for reasons i don’t want to say. It was the final semester our batch decided to leave behind a very big(i would say huge) mark so that our successors and the authorities would remember us for years to come. People around me began to change as our final days of collage were going to end, the only reason i could think of was that most of them feared that they would not have those fabulous memories about collage that we have read/heard so much about. As a loyal friend, i decided to help them in what ever way they need me to even though i knew that most of the plans to make those fabulous memories were just plain stupid and it was enough to get me expelled.
Votes were cast(we believe in democracy) and mission make fabulous(crazy) memories was a go, now the only thing left was the great plan to make the mission a success. A group of my friends volunteered to fabricate the plan. Even though it took them almost a day to come up with it, i had a feeling in my gut that it was not going to end happily ever after for us. The D day came on a Wednesday, everything was setup and it seemed to me that the plan was working. I am not ready to reveal the plan since i fear somebody could think that i would be wrong in my head to be a part of it. But things went crashing down the hill when the collage decided to give the D day off because of food poisoning(nobody died) in the collage mess, i could not express in words what we felt that day, i knew that my bike was going to be a liquor service vehicle.
The next day when i reached class, a sort of round table conference was being held. The topic ‘How to reign hell up on the authorities’. By the end of the conference, two things were finalized, the first make the authorities pay for not changing the mess contractors( we have asked them long before) and second celebrate holi again. I was dumbstruck on hearing about holi again. Even though food poisoning was a problem for the whole collage, we decided to be the rebels. There were no votes cast this time, our belief in democracy was degrading(not mine), we took to the path of the revolutionaries. Mission “Revenge & Holi” was a go.
The plan was to do a series of acts in the collage on the first day of the next week. The wait for our new D day was a long one, it seemed as if though time was going very slow. At last the day came, we decided to celebrate holi inside the class room during our second hour, tension began to rise as the first hour was coming to an end, when the lecturer left, i quickly stepped outside as watch, i volunteered to do the job since i had asthma and to be in the middle of color water/powder was not good for my health. I was turning my head in all possible directions to see if any faculty were in the vicinity and i still don’t know why but i gave them the green signal. Between me giving the green signal and the class room changing to rainbow color i would say there was a delay of 2 to 3 minutes, should i say how my friend’s looked, some of them were blue others green and i noticed a girls head was red and the body yellow it felt like a perfect symmetry, i forgot to ask her how did she do that when others had it all mixed up. With in a short period of time, the HOD(Head Of Department) and some other faculty members were there, we were waiting for them. The plan to celebrate holy was the front runner to suspend us so that we would have all the time in the world to plan for revenge, circumstances were about to change and i had no idea whether it was for good or for bad.
As we expected we were suspended for a week( some girls and i should say some boys began to cry), i was a little happy since i was planning to bunk a day that week because a new Hollywood movie was coming to the cinema near the collage. We decided not to do anything that day as it was better to accept defeat for a short time than be foolish. The next day as a start to our revenge campaign, we decided to stick posters through out the settlements around the collage, these posters ridiculed the authorities in every possible way we could think of, i would appreciate my friend who drew those posters, it was actually very good as they were right to the point. As answer to our posters, some security guards from the collage toured them down. We decided to take serious actions the next time.
The second day was rainy, the plan for the day was to remove every single drop of air from all faculty member vehicles, it was a success, the collage decided these actions should end since it would destroy their reputation, because it was rainy we decided to fill the fuel tanks with rain water, this happened before the authorities responded, i think that some of those vehicles are still in a workshop. The authorities agreed to our conditions of changing the mess contractor and increasing the lunch by 10 minutes to save their reputation, the leaders or i should say the ones who made the plans had their suspension increased by another week, sadly though i was not among them but i was happy that i could be a part of this. During the time for exam registration, i was not surprised to see that i had the lowest possible attendance (50%, 75% necessary for exam), through several letters to the exam head i was finally able to write my exams.
Thats the story of how a simple celebration turned out to be one of the best experiences of my and my friends life. So what have i learned, be sure to create fabulous memories in life most likely when you are in collage, do crazy or stupid things so that you can look back in life and have those few moments of laugh, have great friends, no regret for anything and above all enjoy life to the fullest(try to get at least 75%). Teenagers rock and being a teenager was the best part of my life(upto this point).
The great Indian teenagers rock.