Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
“Today’s fifteenth July, It’s new School Day.”
I was so excited for my new school – new dress, new bag, and new friends and of course, new teachers, and new books. I was waiting for the day which finally came. It was ten minutes to seven. I dressed myself and had breakfast and saying farewell to Mom and Dad, I went to my new School.
But suddenly, I was surprised to see the building of my school. The scene of twentieth century was before my eyes. I entered the school which was good. I went into my class where I saw some boys engaged in a serious talk. I put my bag on one of the desk. Then one of them came towards me asking my name. I told him about myself. Then in the assembly, I prayed new prayers some of which I knew and some were new. The beginning was good and everything was going good too.
It was my first day and I was feeling more energetic than ever. I was just wondering who would come and what would he then teach. First Bell rang and I with my new friends attended my Mathematics class. I solved several questions. Being a new comer, I had my good impression over the teachers. Then in the way, time passed and fifth bell rang after the lunch and we attended Hindi class. An old gentleman came in the class. With his arrival came silence and everyone became dumbfounded. He, suddenly, caught one of the student’s hairs and Oh! It was such a terrible moment, I couldn’t forget that. He shook him and threw his bag out ordering him to leave the class. I was so shocked that my eyes didn’t twinkle for a minute. He said, “If one didn’t complete one’s work in time, then one shall be brought to justice.” This statement settled in my mind, soul and heart. Somehow, the day ended. The last bell called it a day and I, happily, returned to home. I told everything to Mamma and Papa.
They, too, were stunned on hearing everything but still they said that the student must have done something wrong which hurt the discipline of the school. Mamma put her right hand on my head and advised me not to break the discipline of the school and not to disobey my teachers. Papa said, “Do not worry.” Mamma went into the Kitchen and I went in the study room to solve my Physics numerical problems. After about an hour my mother called, “Sweetie, time to get dinner. Come down the stairs.” I, then, came down and had food and then again, read my Physics book. After sometime when the clock said Half past nine, I went to sleep.
I laid myself on the bed but I couldn’t sleep the whole night. The scene was circulating in my mind. Whenever I closed my eyes, I saw the same thing again and again. The next day, I didn’t woke up. My mother touched my hand. Feeling that I had extremely high fever, she, at once, called a doctor. Although I was unconscious, I could hear that my mother was telling the Doctor that I had high fever. The Doctor bring out a thermometer and recorded my temperature. The thermometer showed hundred and five. I could feel what was going on with me. I was brought to the hospital and there, as, told by my father, the Doctor checked up me and gave me some medicines. I was down with Phobia and it was the Phobia which led to that condition of me. Then, with my father, I returned to home and for three days, I didn’t go to school. Then the fourth day, my mother took me to School forcibly. I couldn’t help but to follow my Mother.
There, in the Principal’s office, Principal asked my mother what the matter was. My mother said, “Ma’am, my son has seen something horrible in the school and he has been refusing to go to school for the last three days.”
Principal then asked me about the problem. I said, “Ma’am, the first day when I came here, Hindi teacher beat a student just because his work wasn’t complete.”
Principal said to me, “It was his mistake, isn’t it?”
I replied, “Yes, Ma’am.”
“That’s why he was punished.”
“What if he punish me too in such a horrible way?”
“He won’t punish you, but you have to complete your all work and you have to be punctual and disciplined.”
I was relieved to hear that he won’t punish me but I had to finish my work but question was how. I asked Principal how I would do my work complete. Principal suggested me to take someone’s notebook. Then she called Sachin from our class. He entered in the office and Principal told him everything. He agreed to help me and this was how I met Sachin.
My mother and I then went out of the office. I wanted to go home but my mother refused. I requested my mother to let me go. Although Principal Ma’am assured me still fear remained in my heart. Then, I returned home. Mamma gave me some tea and then evening came. I took my Biology book and decided that I would finish my work. Hurriedly and just in a day, I completed my Biology work without anyone’s help. It began to dark outside. It seemed that good bright day of my life was fading into darkness of black future. I was horrified by the scene. Papa returned from the work and together we ate dinner and then I went on my desk to write essays which was given in homework on the first day. After completing them, I went to my bed and slept with my younger brothers.
Next morning, I took bath, had breakfast as usual and dressed myself and went to the school. I put my bag on the third bench where Ashish and Rahul’s bag was. After the prayer, we entered the class. Rahul was enraged and I didn’t know why. He had my bad in his hands.
He said, “Why are you here? There are several seas in the class, can’t you sit there?”
I replied, “No, I cannot. I feel happy here with you and Ashish.”
“You are acting like a grudge between Ashish and me.”
“No, I am not.”
“Then just go and sit somewhere.”
From the back seat, Mohit and Shivam interrupted by telling me to sit on the seat and they ordered Rahul not to trouble me. Then I sat there. In the English class, I submitted my essay to the teacher. None has completed the work but I did it. The teacher was impressed and even Ashish and Rahul, too. Those who wanted me not to sit with them, they were too happy. The day ended well and I developed friendship with many friends. Our Hindi teacher, too, issued me Sachin’s Hindi book without saying anything to me. I was too happy. I returned home and my mother asked me about the day. I gave her positive reply and she, too, seemed to be happy. I had lunch and then began to play game my favorite Pokemon. Night came and Papa returned from the work. Together we had dinner. My younger brothers began to quarrel. My grandmother shouted on them and then they sat silently. We had food and then went to sleep except me. I went to the study room and completed my Hindi’s work. It was half past eleven and I was feeling drowsy. But finally, I completed my Hindi’s work and then Chemistry’s assignment. Just at twelve o’ clock, I went to sleep.
Next dawn, Mamma woke me up and then I dressed myself and went to the school. Again, I put my bag on the seat of Rahul and Ashish. He, again, put up the same question. Ashish didn’t say even a single word but Rahul, OMG! He was too much. Ashish let me sat there. I didn’t understand. The previous day they were very happy and the next day, such a weird behavior stunned me.
I asked Mohit for his notebook because I wanted to complete my Physics work. I felt weepy as if I was about to weep and cry. Mohit too said the same thing that my face was so innocent at the moment that they couldn’t refuse. It was my innocence that makes others to help me. In the same way, month of July ended and August began. I drew closer towards Sachin and also in competition with many other students.
One day I said to Mohit, “Who is the topper of this class?”
“Sachin Yadav”
“And at the second position”
“Himanshu Singh”
“Good, and the third”
“That’s good. By the way, Sachin seems to good guy.”
“Good! How could you say that?”
“What do you mean?”
“He isn’t a good guy”
“What the hell”
“Sachin is not good person. He is addicted to smoke, drink and many other things that you cannot imagine of.”
I was completely shocked on hearing that. I said, “Have you any proof of this? Any eye evidence or any proof that can prove this.”
Mohit replied, “Shivam! Come here.”
Then Shivam came there and Mohit told him everything. Shivam too said the same and moreover he said, “I have the footage of his actions. When he was drinking and when he was smoking, everything I have.”
I just couldn’t believe on my ears. Then I asked them if they could let me see the footage.
Shivam said, “Can you stay at the school after the recess for ten minutes.”
“Yes, No problem.”
We agreed and I decided that I’ll see the proof. I just couldn’t believe on such a terrible claim. That day after the recess, we came out of the school and as decided, I stayed out of the school waiting for them. I waited there for almost ten minutes but they didn’t return. My thinking came true that they were lying so I, then, headed to my home. In the way too, I was thinking how this could be possible. My heart couldn’t believe on that still. Nonetheless, Sachin was a good person, he had helped me in so many troubles. I returned home and completed my homework. Mamma and Papa were already there. We had dinner in the night and then everyone slept. I went to study room and completed my Physics assignment. I was glad that I had finished all of my work and that everyone was then my friends.
Another working day, I entered the school and met Sachin. He smiled on seeing me. I wanted to smile too, but I failed. Either due to the words I heard or some other reason, I couldn’t smile. Putting my bag, I went to the garden. Assembly began and then the classes went as usual. In the same way, August ended and September came. We got notice of the September Quarterly Examinations. I was astonished at the notice that our exams were going to commence on fifteenth of the September and we had only fourteen days left.
Every one of us began to study hard for the exams. I had no target to achieve in the exams except that I wanted my name in the top three. To achieve that, I began to study harder and harder than ever. Many of my friends told me that I am the only one who could leave Sachin behind but I didn’t want to do so. I wanted that Sachin remained at the topper’s position. On returning home, I told everything to Mamma and Papa and they too, encouraged me to study hard. Having dinner in night, I sat on the Study table and began to study rules of transformation as the first exam was that of English. In the same manner, fourteen days passed and I attended my first examination in my new school and new board.
In the school, some of my friends told me that Sachin is the one of who knows everything about the exams. I just shouted and scolded them that if they couldn’t do anything then why they were trying to defame someone else. But he insisted that our English teacher spilled out the whole paper to those who got tuition from her and they told everything to Sachin, too. I couldn’t believe on that make-believe notion. Soon, we gave all of our examinations and then the day came.
The day of the result declaration. I was scared thinking that what the result would be. I with my Mamma, went to the School on the day. I saw the list on the pin board where I was at the third rank. My aim was attained and I was contented too. Then we went up the stairs to the hall where I met our teacher and I checked my exam copy. After all of that, Mamma and I, returned to home.
On our way back to home, I saw Sachin. He, again, smiled at me but I just ignored him. I didn’t know why but a sort of hatred grew in me towards him. Mamma too, said, “Sachin saw you and smiled and you just ignored him. Why?”
“Mamma, he’s not a good guy.” I spoke that to Mamma but on the inside I was inclined towards Sachin. We returned home and everyone was happy on hearing that I was in the top three. My father encouraged me to study and work harder to get myself at the topper position. But who would tell him that I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want to leave Sachin behind. But God wanted something else.
Our study classes began and I went to school every day. The month of October brought me much closer towards him and slowly, slowly, the friendship of Sachin and me, the bond between him and I grew stronger than ever. I began to feel that he was my part. The Beginnings of my new life was good and I believe that ending would be good too.
(To be continued)