Short Story – The UNEXPECTED
Photo credit: matthew_hull from morguefile.com
I had never felt that ecstatic to wake up early in the morning ever before, I was infact waiting for the clock to tick 5 am, this confusing change in my daily routine was because of the school’s picnic trip. Definitely this is the same “butter fly in the stomach” kinda feeling every one experienced in their school days whenever their school laid a platform for anything other than academics. I call it a confusing change because I remember my dad freaking out looking at me getting ready thinking that he would be late to the sweets shop which he once owned.
It was around 6:45 am when we reached the gate of my school.There were my other friends present already ,as I closed by there was my one of my friend named Kevin, if I’ve recalled it appropriately, he steps close to me and tells me this agonizing news about the bus which is going to be 1hr late, I was like,there you go all my efforts put to wake up early went in vain,to be honest I dint even sleep that night.
Never the less I had enough time to imagine about my picnic,I was imagining myself playing in the small beautiful water fall spot which they promised to take us. I was even cursing the driver for being late inspite of being ignorant about the real cause for the delay. Every time a vehicle honked, I was expecting the bus to show up but it never did. I eventually got bored waiting for the bus. I saw couple of my friends playing WWE card game so I interrupted my dad who was speaking to a fellow father and told him to find me there with my friends playing.
It was a tricky time I was about to loose the game and I some how had to slip away from this,I still dont get it why I was so reluctant to face failing situations.To my luck it was our school bus that saved me from that dishonour. My dad who was on the phone just then cut call called me in a plain voice and I headed towards him, I told him that I would behave properly thinking that he had called for warning me about the picnic mishhaps but no!, he told me that I wasn’t going to the picnic.
I was broke immediately he said that,before anything ran down my eyes he pulled me towards home.Now this was confusing because it was dad who gave the consent for the picnic when my mom was against it.We reached home still couldn’t find courage to ask him why he did that because he seemed a bit upset. For my surprise it was my mom who was ready with an airbag as if we were heading to our native. I remember my dad packing a few things, i could also see that his eyes were soaking wet, then my mom holds my hand and says this “your grany is no more”.
Things I had expected and what unexpected I get.