Friends Story from School – Walls with Ears
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Yes, it is real walls with ears. People used to laugh at me when I say about this. But, its true walls have ears. After reading this I hope you will also believe. Once upon a time there was a boy Charlie. Charlie was 12 years old, sweet, innocent boy of lower medium class family. By this type of family I mean to say a family who can eat meal for three times a day and can fulfill small of their needs. He used to live with his mom Merry and small brother Peter in a small town of india. Charlie’s father was a civil engineer so they used to live at places according to their transfer. He used to meet his father only a few times in month or year. But still he loves his father a lot.
He used to study in 8th in a small school nearby his home. There were only eighteen students in his class. So his world was limited in this school to home. Like his world his thinking was also limited to only his family and friends. So this was introduction to Charlie. This story is about how everything got puzzled in his life without any reason. Like ordinary days this day Charlie waked up early in morning, took his bath and went for school. Like ordinary days he attended all classes.
In Charlie’s class there were 18 students, 10 girls and 8 boys including Charlie. Out of these all some best friends of Charlie were Samantha, Angela, Ronald, Robert, Percy, Tasha, Sara and Prada. All of them were in age of 14-18. Only Charlie was the smallest one. And out of these all Samantha, Angela and Charlie was friend since Charlie was 5 years old. On that day in a class before lunch break some whispering started in between all boys except Charlie. Whenever Charlie goes to ask something from them, they refuse. So Charlie ignoring that day just started enjoying the day as usually he does.
After break Ronald revealed a secret to all of the girls and Charlie that he loves a girl in that class. As you know in such a small age every one used to take things lightly. But that boy was serious. So Charlie started asking from him for that girl. He said that he can’t tell about her to Charlie because Charlie will surely tell to Samantha and Angela about that girl. But Charlie still kept on asking him and finally Ronald got ready to tell his secret. He took the name of Angela. Charlie got amazed on listening that but then Ronald got a promise from Charlie not to tell about that to anyone. But as I told you “Wall with Ears” so someone of other people heard that thing.
As soon as Charlie got into class there was scandal happened for that thing. Everyone just start asking Charlie for her name. As Charlie was a child so he was not able to hide that thing and after getting forced from everyone for her name, finally he broke up and told that name. Angela was also present at that time. She got totally scared after listing that thing because she knows that Ronald is a mad person. He can do anything even he can attempt for suicide after getting no from Angela. So Angela got scared for that. Till she began to say something Ronald entered the class. Angela clearly said no to Ronald and apologized.
As Charlie was watching this all first time, he was excited at this act. After this happened everyone again became normal and Charlie became happy in his ordinary life with Angela and Samantha. But Ronald could not bear this insult. He wants his revenge from Angela. Suddenly he saw Charlie, Angela and Samantha happy together. He got a perfect idea to take revenge from Angela.
In evening, Ronald went to Charlie’s home. Firstly Charlie was surprised to see Ronald. But then Charlie went to him and started giving sympathy to him for his act. Ronald apologized for his act but after that he saying about how much he loves Angela. Charlie was confused by seeing such behavior of Ronald. But after some time Charlie start getting agreed to Ronald saying so that Ronald could not feel that bad as he had felt in school. But unfortunately or we can say according to Ronald’s plan , he recorded all the things that Charlie said to Ronald to sympathy him in this tape recorder.
On next day, Charlie again went to school like ordinary days. But as Charlie reached the school every one was already there and Ronald had showed that recording everyone . All of them specially Angela start shouting on Charlie. He was not able to say anything. No one listened to him. All students start trusting on lies of Ronald than on Charlie. Blame of everything start getting on Charlie. He was a small child that was taking blame of things he never did. Angela and Samantha broke up with Charlie. Now he was alone. Now Ronald was on safe side but he still thinks that there is still something left. So he start creating more issues between Angela, Charlie and Samantha. Firstly Charlie was targeted. Charlie got totally expelled in only a week. After that he started creating issues between Angela and Samantha.
He used to talk to Samantha apply the same trick as with Charlie and secretly tell everything to Angela and from Angela to Samantha. Things got so worse that Angela and Samantha also broke up.
Finally Ronald was winning with his trick of walls with ears. Three best friends were greatest enemies.
One day another classmate of Charlie caught Ronald playing trick on Samantha. He suddenly reported Charlie for that. Now Charlie got a hint for what is Ronald trick. Charlie discussed everything to someone very close in his family. The person helped him in reveling Ronald to everyone. Charlie solved the puzzle of Ronald’s trick by some investigation and got to know about trick walls with ears. Charlie played same trick to Ronald. One of another helped Charlie. That person called Ronald at his home and start talking to him. In talking he got Ronald so personal that Ronald spoke up everything he did. Charlie recorded everything he said and revealed his secret to everyone. Now everybody knows about the Ronald. He was not able to show his face to anyone. Charlie, Samantha and Angela apologized each other and again become friends. Everything get normal as it was ever before.