Love Story – Colourful Life
Photo credit: sullivan from morguefile.com
Chapter 1-
“Please Granny tell me some interesting story. Its very boring here. This Power shut down is a headache”, Meena lied on nap of her granny Harshni.
“Are you a small child to ask stories? Dont you know? You are growing old and in few months on your birthday you turn 22 years old.” granny scolded her with affection.
“No ma I want to kill sometime. Moreover what you expect me to do in this darkness. ” Meena again troubled Harshni asking for a story to tell.
“Let me lit a candle first.” Granny Harshni brought two candles lit up with fire which filled the room with light.
“So What kind of story you like?”
“Something Thrill or Horror or Adventurous or ..” Meena replied with excitement.
“Stop ! . Its my mistake to ask you that question. I will tell you a real story. Its about my college life. Not only my college life it is also the starting of my “Love Life”. The day which is end of my enjoyable, innocent, carefree joys of school life then I dint care about any further plans.
But…My parents were talking blah blah about my future..they were taking decisions seriously like mom was very eager to see me as a doctor but my dad desire is to make his daughter as an Engineer since he is also an Engineer….they both were arguing each other all the time to make success their own desires..
But…I was interested to get into any good engineering college because many were telling that it’d take nearly 7 years to become a doctor. I din’t tell my desire to my parents. I was enjoying like as if I was in heaven.
Days passed by, one day I felt bit shock hearing that +2 results are going to be declared within 2 days. I couldn’t enjoy and eat well even mom cooked delicious tasty yummy food.
One day passed somehow. The next day morning I got up soon unusually and went to temple and was sitting like a very silent girl. Results came off by 10’o clock..after coming to know my results half of my pressure came down. Somehow managed and both (Mom & Dad) were again started their arguments…
Finally I get joined in Engineering college as mine and dad’s wish..
My colorful college life starts…
Chapter -2-
My parents reached my college by evening to accommodate me in my college hostel…
I was very eager because how a college life is going to be… I have seen many movies that all will enjoy their college life without studying….All those eagerness went off after entering into college campus there were many worrying and crying faces… because all the students crying were new joiners of college and hostel (away from home) almost it was like first day in kindergarten…Many Parents were talking to their daughter in front of Ladies hostel; many parents started moving to their home saying good bye for their daughters…
On seeing those incidents… My heart started to ache that I am going to be left in this hostel all alone away from my parents for four years… because that was the first time for me also… my heart started to cry… but I didn’t show my feelings to my parents because if I cry they will also start crying and I should not spoil their happiness and their dreams to make me as an Engineer… I don’t know on that day that “Colorful Rainbow is waiting for me as college life”…
I entered into Hostel after saying Good Bye to my parents…They left me at the entrance of the hostel all alone…I went and enquired about my Room Number to the hostel warden she asked me to refer the notice board in the Hostel wall….
I got my name in the notice board…My Room Number is 456… and it is in the Second floor. After entering in to my room I met my new roommates’ Jeni, Karthi, Divya and Gowthami….In the beginning we are having hesitation to talk with each other…. Then we all became very good friends on that same day itself…
First day of my college…. We all got ready from hostel and went to college… luckily all my room mates and I were in same class ECE-‘A’ section… Our Class strength is nearly 60 in those about 24 girls and remaining 36 boys…
First Day in college… so all Staffs came and asked us to introduce our self to our classmates… we all introduced with each other…
I and my classmate Aishwarya studied in Summadh girl’s school in +1 and +2 … In our college in my class there were two guys Jerrivanan and Mukilan, they too studied in same school in +1 and +2 but we never met each other because they studied in Summadh Boy’s School… which is about 1km ahead from our school campus… and there were many Days Scholars and less amount of Hostelers in our class…
That’s a Brief introduction about our class… we all interacted within our hostel mates by sharing our native place, where we studied. Initially we didn’t get much closer to Days Scholar girls as we are seeing them for the first time in college but as time passed we all become like one Gang within girls. Boys, there were on their own track… In our college they use to make students to sit in one order first 2 rows girls and from third to last row will be occupied by Boys… Me, Divya sat together in second row in one end….
In the afternoon there was Teacher’s Day celebration conducted by our seniors so we all went to auditorium and celebrated our teacher’s day and also enjoyed our Fresher’s day…
First day went well and good……
From the next day onwards we were bored by our lecturer’s teaching…
Chapter 3-
Our college is meant for tasty food…This is one of the reason, many of the students joined in our college, but it is very very strict too .Girls and boys shouldn’t mingle with each other. If both (boys and girls) speak to each other, our BLOCKY (Block in charge) will catch us and give punishment….
And the sad thing is “NO MOBILES” allowed either in campus and hostel….in spite of this some bring mobile to hostel, when there is a ride for mobiles they used some techniques to hide it…Me, Divya, Karthi sat in the 2nd row. Antony, Kaushik, Karthick sat in 3rd row, as boy’s row starts from there… They are book worms so they will answer all the questions. They became pet to all the Staffs, so they started teaching by seeing those book worm people.
Because of them we lost our sweet sleep….chatting during the class hours. Our Enjoyment came to an end .We are waiting for a good time. In my class some CHATTER BOX BOYS were also there. But they sat in another corner of the class making noise, commenting others and enjoying each and every class.
One fine day, our Physics mam interchanged some of the boy’s places in order to control the class. So Bookworm gang went other side and some of the Chatter Boys came and sat in our next row behind us.
RJ Mervyn, Jerrivanan, S.R.Ashwin …these are the boys who sat behind us. As usual they will pass comments and laugh at others. We will also laugh silently within us… as if we were not aware of their comments. The first boy who became friend to us was Mervyn. We will chat with him even the class was going on.
After some days passed Jerri (Jerrivanan) also started talking with us. Though I and Jerri studied in same school we didn’t know each other in school, becoz the school was same but the roof was different for girls and boys….
So full time talking, playing (finding film names) in classroom. All the teachers will scold us for disturbing the class. So we thought for a new plan. We wrote messages in small chits (Paper) and Divya will pass the chits to our friends. She was expert in passing chits without the knowledge of our staffs. We five became close to each other. Daily we will share all the comedies whatever happened in class to our hostel friends. And they too share all their fun with us.
Days passed like this, we forgot a big thing…YAAAAAA that’s our Model Exam!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD….We have to get minimum of 50 otherwise internals will get reduced .If we flung that’s it…. Retest, OBT (OPEN BOOK TEST) means we have to write the full question paper, without choice, by seeing books, on the same day of our exams wasting the whole day, without studying for next day exam… For this, all the staffs will come around the exam hall in the last half an hour like Eagle to snatch our ID card.
So whatever Happens we have to score Good Marks…..Finally 1st Model Exams Got Over…We Started Our work again…??? Same CHATTING, PLAYING, TEASING girls with Guys & vice versa… Even in study hours in hostel (6-8 pm) we won’t study…. We will have snacks sharp at 4’o clock in hostel and will sleep nicely till 5.45 pm…. they will cut the power in hostel sharply at 5.50 pm… to make us assemble in the study hour classes… even without taking book we rush to the respective class ………not for studying but to continue our sleeping….
In Study hour, we will sincerely play Dumb-C, discussing about actor and actress and upcoming movies.We all will be reading before the exams alone like all other college students…But we will get abscond from OBT and get good marks
Everything was going fine………
After 5 months of Enjoyment there was a storm in my College Life…… that storm has turned my life upside down ….
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