Love Short Story from College life of an ordinary person
Photo credit: solrac_gi_2nd from morguefile.com
When he was studying in school he never thought of further studies and course, job etc. Sachin enjoyed a lot from school because his school life was awesome with good friends and good seniors, teachers and principal. Today when he turned back to see his past he realized that the best friendship came from school and best life also. True or not guys?
Really our school time will be more beautiful than our college life. He joined in a college which is located on other state. First time he stepped in to that college everything felt new to him and they made him to join for BCA course, As his parents thought he likes computer so it will be good for him. But guys usually students join to college by their own wish or because of parents wish? Sachin joined to that course because his parents and relatives forced him to join for that Course.
He thought it will be good and he started his new life in new college. He got two new friends named saurav and ijas from hostel. they became close friends soon. You people know about the ragging which is usually found in colleges. Sachin and his friends suffered a lot. Seniors made them to measure whole house using match stick, like that many things. But in college life small things like this and all funny later in life. But making them to drink alcohol and beating them after drinking and all too cruel.
Sachin fall in love with a girl named sneha. But he was scared to express his love to her, so he asked his friend saurav to help him. Saurav’s girlfriend is bestfriend of sneha.
Saurav went to Ananya and asked sneha have any lover or not, suddenly ananya got angry and asked him what’s your program? plan to love her also? I will kill you if you flirted or love her means.
My sweet darling , i didn’t asked this for me. Its for my friend Sachin dear.
She agreed to help him. Finally she talked with her and sneha also told he loves him. After hearing this Sachin went to propose her and she accepted his love. He was happy than anyone that time. They where so happy during that time and some months finished .
One day Sachin, Saurav, Ananya and Sneha got an invitation from their classmate of that persons sisters marriage. Sachin and Saurav was happy and they where enjoying, dancing and all from there. Suddenly Sachin got a message in phone from Sneha to come out of party. He thought it very romantically and came out and asked what happened dear? She answered she have some problems in life and she can’t love him now and lets stop our love for sometime, Painfully Sachin went from that place but he tried to understand his lover.
Few days later Saurav, Ananya and Sachin went for a film, they entered in to hall and after sometime they heard a familiar sound from front row. Without knowing they checked who is that. Sachin got shocked seeing that It was Sneha with her classmate and they saw them in a bad suitation and Sachin went out from that place. His heart broken like that anything and he cried alone from his room.
Next day he went to college and asked with her what you where doing and she told i can’t love you anymore and she loving another guy from her class. He is broken like any thing and he shouted on her. She went to girls room and told to everyone that he is very bad guy and he blackmailed and all. principal called him and gave suspension order for him one month. Teachers, friends and all girls thought he is a bad person. He felt more sad that teachers and friends never heard his words at all. Always girls words are more valuable in this world.
He started drinking, not eating food and all. But at last he felt not be bad anymore and he went to college but no one heard his word at all. He again broken and felt very sad, he came every day to college but no one helped him or supported him. He sadly gone from college that day while walking he was thinking always why no one believing him and supporting him and why even teachers not………………. suddenly a car hit him …. he fall on road……… Everything which happened with him flashed in front of with in a minute………
Moral : Without Knowing anything don’t say any person is bad. Sometimes it will change someones life. Sometimes one persons trust can save a life also . Hope again like this things won’t happen in anyone’s life.