Short Story of Horrifying Funny Night at College
Photo credit: xenia from morguefile.com
Location: College ladies hostel
I was doing my first year.. those were the days when we were new joiners and the Senior students were our greatest fear.
It was around 10 pm when she knocked on my door…I opened & was shocked to see a SENIOR standing there… I have seen her before staring at me few times…but never expected her knocking at my door. I was STUN.. before I could speak a word she said: top floor, room No.214 sharp 11pm…..Don’t be late!
I couldn’t even blink, my roommate made me sit on the bed and said relax…I will inform our friends and be right back. I looked at my watch there is hardly an hour for the deadline… I had no idea what I’d going to happen upstairs.
All my batch girls were in my room ..what to do?? Should she go?? What will they do?? What if I don’t go?? Many serious discussion but with no conclusions. No senior girls have ever spoken to us until today. Actually we never went near to them or gave them a chance… we newbies were living downstairs and could only notice them staring at us or passing comments from upstairs.
@11pm I had no other way…with my friends wishes and all the courage in the world I started climbing up stairs.
1st floor(restricted area for 1st years) complete darkness and silence… all I could hear was my own laud increasing heart beat…some how reached top floor… which side?? Which room?? All blank!!
I was standing there in complete confusion and fear all alone. Suddenly from behind a sound came…here she comes…go straight 2nd room. I almost got a heart attack :'( No idea where was this girl hiding all dis time.
Room 214: the door was not locked it was partially open… I was confused should I knock and ask permission or just push it open.. Finally I slowly pushed it, there was a gang waiting for me.. sitting on chair, bed and even on the table – everyone had this cruel crook look…I was standing there in middle sweating and blinking.
One of the girl asked me to give them my introduction. I did.. told them my name my native etc. Then another girl asked me to sit pointing at a chair…I was shivering, somehow managed to walked towards the chair and sit.
Ragging consisted of many small things singing, dancing, jokes… They made me ride an imaginary Scotty around the room Brrrrr…pe peep slowly slowly everyone started enjoying having fun. My fear was long gone… I was enjoying this.
Finally after they were all done teasing me… they told me the rules to be followed in hostel for this one year and also asked me to inform my batch mates that their turn will come soon.
This was the most horrifying funny night of my life. They ragged me and had fun..so did I.