Hilarious Short Story from School – Scariest Halloween Ever
Photo credit: wintersixfour from morguefile.com
“How do I look?” I asked twirling my cape and showing off my fake vampire fangs.
“Absolutely vampire-istic, but not scary enough. Personally I think I did a better job by being a mummy” my friend Aaliya commented.
“You will be quite a sight if it rains, seeing that you have stuck your bandages together with fevicol.” Srija retorted laughingly.
Even though I laughed along with Srija I was envious of Aaliya’s mummy costume. Aaliya is very thin and with the costume on she really did look like a decaying mummy. I also liked Srija’s idea of being a zombie. Srija had worn a tattered T-shirt and ragged boy’s shorts. She had painted her face, arms and neck and had stuck pieces of painted sponge all over her to make them look like disembodied flesh.
It was Halloween and we were all presently in our hostel room getting ready for the costume party we were having at our school hall. This was the first time our school was celebrating Halloween with a costume party and we were all very excited. Also, whoever wore the scariest costume would get a prize. When our principal had announced this, we had all given enthusiastic whoops and had rushed off to get our costumes ready. Only Saloni, the most fashionable girl in the school, seemed horrified with the prospect of dressing ourselves up in scary costumes.
“I am definitely not dressing up myself as a monster. I want to look pretty, not ugly. I am not coming to the party. Why anyone would want to purposefully make themselves look scary?” Saloni said with a huff.
By 7:00 pm we had all assembled in the hall with our costumes on. Surungama had dressed up as a huge grizzly bear while her best friend Anwesha had opted to dress up as a chimpanzee. A group of girls had dressed up like bats. There were lots of other creative costumes and all of us were laughing at each other’s costumes. Along one side of the hall there was a long table set up with various snacks and drinks. Some girls were dancing along to the music that was being played on the school’s sound system. Miss Tania, who had set up the whole party, was judging everyone’s costumes. She had congratulated many of us on our costumes. In short everything was going smoothly and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Suddenly the lights went off and the music stopped abruptly. Everything went pitch black. None of us could see anything. It was a power cut. We all sighed. Now we’d be sent back to our rooms and we wouldn’t be able to have our costume party. This thought didn’t deter Srija. She started making scary noises and soon everyone was wailing and shrieking and trying to scare each other.
Miss Tania brought some torches and ordered us to go back to our hostel rooms. Everyone groaned. We had been enjoying ourselves a lot and nobody wanted the party to end so soon.
As were all moving towards the doors we heard a blood curling scream followed by a moaning sound. We all stopped in our tracks. Aaliya pointed her torch towards the doors.
To our horror the torch beam came to rest on an olive green face with glittering black eyes. Everyone shouted loudly. The torch fell from Aaliya’s hand and she started screaming her lungs out. I had seen the costumes of all the girls and I recalled that none of them had worn a green mask. Besides this thing looked hideous and a mask could not look like that. It seemed that the green stuff on the face was oozing out from its forehead and rolling down its cheeks.
Someone shone a torch again at the creature. This time we could all clearly see the creature’s green face, its eyes and its scaly black limbs. On its head there was some sort of silvery horns. The rest of its body was a bright pink. Normally pink does not look scary on a monster but at that time it was enough to scare all of us out of our wits.
“Monster! Monster!” Surungama screamed.
“Run for your lives!” Anwesha shouted in response
We all ran away pell-mell to the other side of the hall. Even Miss Tania was scared now (not that she’d ever admit it). Several of us tried to hide behind the curtains.
The creature let out a loud snarl. It was horrific to watch. It started to move towards Anwesha who threw a glass of water to ward off the monster. About 6% of the water fell on the monster and the rest 94% fell on Srija who was just beside her. Anwesha ran away but Srija remained at the spot blinking furiously. The monster moved towards Srija. Surungama, brave soul, determined to save Srija tried to tackle the monster.
“Yaaah!” she shouted. She gave a flying leap and landed on the monster’s back. The monster immediately fell on the floor (no kidding Surungama’s strength. She drinks 4 glasses of milk every day. I actually felt sorry for the monster.)
Surungama and the monster wrestled on the floor for some time. The monster kept saying something like “lemme…sal…” Just then the lights came on.
We all let out a collective gasp when we realized that the “monster” was actually Saloni. Surungama stopped throwing punches and Saloni, clad in a pink dressing gown scrambled out and (as usual) immediately started shouting.
“I know you did that on purpose. I didn’t do anything. When the lights went out I was scared and tried to reach the hall. I shouted because I had fallen down the stairs. On top of that, the moment I entered the hall you practically blinded me by shining the torch on my eyes and then called me a monster.” She turned towards Surungama “How dare you jump on top of me like that? I think I have broken two of my ribs and twisted my ankle. Why don’t you girls ever stop fooling around?”She looked as if she wanted to throttle the lot of us.
I tentatively asked “Saloni, what is that green stuff on your face and arms and the silvery thing in your hair.”
“The ‘green stuff’ as you refer is an imported body pack to remove my tan and the ‘silvery things’ are special curlers.”Saloni replied icily
All of us looked at Saloni in complete silence. As the humour of the situation dawned on us, all of us exploded into giggling fits. Saloni, hands on her hips, glaring daggers at us looked as if she was about to burst with anger. Her whole face had turned red and if looks could kill I am sure we would all have dropped dead. We were however saved from Saloni’s wrath by Miss Tania’s intervention
Miss Tania sensing that there was about to be a fight grabbed the nearest mike she could lay her hands on and went up to the podium.
“Attention please, girls.”Miss Tania announced on her mike. “The winner of today’s competition for the scariest costume is Saloni. I think we can all agree that her get-up succeeded in terrifying all of us.” Her eyes were twinkling as she said this and she was biting her cheeks to stop herself from laughing out in an unladylike manner
Saloni was speechless. She hadn’t wanted to win this prize at all. She was just about to protest when Srija piped in.
“Saloni you deserve the prize, after all you are the scariest girl in the school”
Saying this she exploded into laughter and all of us soon joined in.