Friends Short Story – YOUTH IN TRAFFIC
Photo credit: jeltovski from morguefile.com
It is not good to take unknown trip,fortunately we take those trips.
Ravi and Ramu where best friends,both travelled long distances for studies, Ravi is in-fact nervous about meeting their old friends which one of them is his LOVE. He was practising many LUVP (love presentation) skills for proposing on birthday.
Today culture of education is nomadic. Ravi and ramu are not exceptions,they are in touch by mobile,mails……….
Friends circle has a special spot always to meet,gossips,abuse at rivals and for moving the canteen bills one other to other to pay. Our friend circle is not small compare to other gangs. Ravi,Jasmin are good looking pair yelled a tone by Ali who think him as Jr.Chaplin. Jasmin presented Ali a slap on his cheek. Rathi is some what fast who always takes fast moves in chess and in life.she got recruited in big MNCs.
The college bell ranged which makes our backbone to stand straight and pushed our shoes up .”It is big day who thinks it as big and It is ordinary day who think them as big”Jr.Chaplin said.
Checking all goods needed by Chaplin
PEN “check”
GOGGLES check and Prayers are started Oh! god make this day as your day,be with me,come with me into exam hall.\
I will read questions for you and write answers for me with my hands.
The exam paper was tough,not even single answer know to our gang because we never read question completely.
Ramu completed his studies at Delhi. he is departure to home town by train . He want to meet all his old friends Rathi, Jasmin, Ravi,Chaplin,Krishna and very specially to meet his love.
ramu memorize from his subconsciousness the day at child,games,happy events,science fairs, every one have good behaviors,For friendship Sacrifices are too needed..Ravi is one who he always think as god gifted one, Who always with him at school final exams time, by passing copy slips,standing long hours for teasing girls, knocking all doors at night during new year,riding bikes without driving license,in bad and good climate he always there with him..
The exam last hour every one seeing the blank paper as garden with out roses. Ravi got some copy slips which managed to write ,this was browsed by our detective Chaplin…Ravi was tying to pass the slip to Jasmine whom he loved continuously,Jasmin has 3D image if we want to look her we need 3D goggles .Jasmine through the slip to next bench,Ali is trying to picking it up, the examiner noticed it and not allowed him to write…
Ramu moved in a taxi to the house from station.
Every one are making jokes on the examiner and Chaplin..Ravi want to propose Jasmin lonely . Jasmin to want to spend some time with him ,Both of them sat on a bench in park . She is eagerly waiting how he is going to propose. Ramu had some problem in throat which sounds like different..
“143..i luv u..various murmurings .”Jasmin feel bored and suggested him to check once the voice level ..they left their home..
On the next day ramu got know by a call that Ravi is waiting at some tea stall.
He rushed their in hurry ..seeing ravi he smiled..Ramu gave many gifts to ravi that brought from Delhi. Ravi don’t understand such feelings..Ravi hugged Ramu for his missing. Ramu hugged him tightly….Ravi got irritated by behavior later loosened by him..
Ramu said”I am feeling so emotional which cannot hold by seeing you”.
Ravi laughed in response “there is nothing to fear about emotions ..that to on me. Every human have their own feeling” Ravi asked him to be open minded. so he took him to film for refreshing his mind..Ramu do not spoke yet..
They surprisingly meet Jasmin in their way.Ravi acted like unknowingly..but Ramu inquired about their friends..movie was little complex then they think..
After a few days Ravi call Ramu and wanted to meet him .he responded positively Ravi was some what angrily un comfort by Ramu behavior towards Jasmin .Ravi rudely chair and said “I do not want quarrel with you .I am shocked by hearing that you are not transferring the gifts and letters to Jasmin given by me”.I believed you as my best friend what wrong with you..
Ramu patiently listened his word with smile.Ravi went silent ,Ramu slowly uncovering the red roses booklet giving to Ravi…Ever one at tea stall wagged at a movement..Ramu Gospel-ed “i love you”..
I will give my sole for you”.Ravi just shocked by this act..Both of them leaved the place to silence place were no corner for other human.
Ramu was person who studied at long distance at Delhi were culture is very Broad minded,different attitudes at every one which are valued.
Ravi at instance thought his friend to be disturbed man,freak or mentally changed person…But he understand his friend problem..
Ravi send a message ravi urgently to meet at regular place.
Ramu said”what is wrong with LOVE .It happens every one”I always care about you,you too have same felling .I know Every thing about you Likings,dislikes,favorite color,food,car..”They are no secrets between us we need to strong the relationship between us.why can’t u understand”
Ravi objected in saying as”Ok what ever you are thinking about me is same every best friend have..What ever yo thinking is against Law of nature”.
Taking a smile in air Ramu says”Love is not a matter of sex it is the inherent feeling which give threshold belief,concern,sharing feelings between two bodies” Their is love between women and man, love between earth and sun,trees and birds.every thing have ..nature too have..so why not we have.I am ready to change gender..if sex really matter you..what ever to satisfy you..
Ravi got moved and shocked by this alienated mind he don’t have words not even virtue to answer . He wanted time to think about it and asked him not to contact him until his answer ..
On One day Ramu received a courier from Ravi ..Ramu opened the cover their he saw “Ravi marriage photos,,with a letter.
Dear my lovely friend Ramu
I Know how it is pain to propose one for the love and for waiting for replay..I always know how the love breaking cause pain in heart.you may be correct by your feelings.You always showed true love,compassion,friendship on me.I am sorry i don’t have maturity to understand.My Less education is local culture..May be capital(Delhi) ideas,culture,freedom is different.I am common minded person I care about society what it cares.I donot you as wrong,but i point myself as innocence .I think you can understand.U r my best friend.I don’t know how to end letter so please my friend take care..
our best friend…..