College Story- We swore we’d never fall in love with each other-PART 2
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
The moment I accepted his friend request, a message popped up on my screen.
“Hey! Which branch are you in?”
I replied, “Computer Science”
“Oh okay”.
I didn’t know if I should have ended the conversation right there or continue. It would seem rude not to continue is what I thought and hence I asked,
“Just asked :P ”
“Which branch did you think I was in? :P ”
God knows why I used the tongue sticking out smiley. Feels kind of stupid right now.
“No idea :P ”
“Haha! You’re from Civil right?”
“Yeah :) Well I gtg now. A friend of mine called. It’s an emergency. I’ll talk to you later. Bye :)”
“Sure :) ”
Saying this, he went offline. I didn’t give this conversation much of a thought as I didn’t feel anything after talking to him. I was still online just scrolling through various posts. After about half an hour, he was back again.
“Hello :D ”
“Haha..that was fast”
He didn’t reply for the next two minutes.
I texted again.
“And you vanished again!”
“No no! I was actually waiting for your reply. :) ”
Now I don’t know why he would say that as I had already replied.
“I did reply!”
“For my hello? :O ”
Oh God. LAME.
“Lol. Hello there :). Happy?”
“Haha. yes :P ”
The next part of the conversation included basic introduction of each other and just like me, he was pretty excited that I was also a “Roy”. It seems kind of biased I know. But well, that’s how we all are in end. Aren’t we?
Days went by and eventually we exchanged numbers. Talking to each other had become like a routine by now. We decided to meet each other in person. He asked me to come near the parking lot at 4 pm. I was a little nervous meeting him for the first. I was a little late and I reached the place by 4.20. I saw him waiting for me on his Royal Enfield.
He wore a blue striped shirt, unbuttoned till chest, grew a light stubble. Honestly, I wasn’t impressed at first at all. I always preferred guys who we subtle and sophisticated. I don’t what he thought of me at the first sight. Well, I’m no bomb myself. I’m one of those average looking girls who certain guys find charming( not all guys). I was plump, cheerful and usually people tagged me with the term ‘cute’.
He smiled and said “Finally we meet!”
I wanted to reply “Yes” but that is such an obvious reply and also no ice breaker.
I said “I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed you in the college all these days”
He said “But I have seen you. You’re always with Rhea”
Well of course he would know Rhea. Who wouldn’t? She was one of the most gorgeous girls in college. At least 90% of the guys in college had a crush on her. The other 10% were probably gay.
I said “Oh her. Haha! I’m not surprised you know her. You probably can’t take your eyes off her.”
He just smirked at that and went on to talking something else. We spoke for a while and went back home. Our conversations over the phone continued.
One evening while we were having this casual conversation and I mentioned about this friend of mine who also happened to be a senior. The conversation went like this:
Me: “Hey! You know Sachin right?”
“Yeah I do..why?”
“Just asked :D ”
“Whyy???? :| ”
“He’s a nice guy”
“Ahem Ahem :P ”
“So what’s going on? wink ”
“Haha..nothing! You chill”
“Hehe.. I’m all cool :P ”
“Sure ? :P”
“Yup :D ”
“Okay then listen. He’s such an amazing guy! So loving! The other day he kept me waiting for a while and hence he got me a chocolate to make up for it :D ”
“Okay. Is this some sort of punishment? :|”
“How is it a punishment?! I thought you were all cool :P ”
Oh yes. I was trying to get him jealous.
He replied, “Oh yes I am :P ”
I didn’t stop right there.
I continued, “So yeah, listen. He was with me on Rhea’s birthday. He walked in late and hence I was a little irritated. He came and hugged me and said ‘I’m sorry Rosh’. I mean how cute is that?”
“Okay. Are you done? :/ . This conversation is finally getting boring :| ”
“Hahaha..okay. Enough of Sachin for the day”
“Yeah that’s better :| ”
“What’s awww about it? angry face”
“I thought you were all cool about it :P ”
“Yeah. So you go on telling?? :O ”
“If it doesn’t bother you, then why not? :P ”
“Okay I give up. I am jealous -_- ”
Hahahaha. YES!! Finally. The moment I read that sentence, I could sense myself blushing. I was happy that he was kind of possessive. Was I falling in love with this thug?
(to be continued)