College Story – My Best friend and Lover
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
“I am running late now, coach will get mad at me again!” said Syden. Syden is a badminton varsity player but she’s always late so she always run to the gym to attend their daily badminton practice. While she was running, she’s also already wearing her jersey uniform when she bumped into someone.
“Ouch!” said the guy.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bumped into you, are you OK?” Syden asked.
“it’s alright, I’m good though. Where are you headed?” asked the guy.
“I’m really sorry if you were ever hurt, but I gotta go now, I’m headed to the gym.”
“I’ve been looking where the gym’s at. Can I come with you?”
“Sure, it’s like 5 mins away more, so we gotta run because I’m running late!”
“Oh!” he chuckles. “Sure then, why are you in such a hurry?”
“Our practice started like 15 mins ago so that’s why.”
“I see.” He chuckles again. “Oh! By the way my name is Santiago, what is yours?”
“My name is Syden, so why are you looking for the gym?”
“I’m an exchange student from Europe so I’m familiarizing myself in the campus.”
“Wow! That’s great, welcome to the US!” Syden smiles widely. “Well, presenting to you, the Gym!”
“Cool! Thanks Syden.” Santiago smiles back.
“No problem, and I’d love to talk with you more ut I have to practice already so I guess it’s nice to meet you.” Syden finally waved bye to Santiago before he could have spoken a single word.
“Syden! You’re late again! If you don’t fix your schedule I may just kick you off the team.” said the angry coach.
“Sorry coach, I ran as fast as I can, but at least I won’t have to warm myself up anymore.” Syden laughed. She knows her coach is just joking about her getting kicked off the team, but the coach is really mad but she still cracks a joke to make her coach smile.
“Whatever! Start training!”
“Yes, coach!”
After training, someone is waving at Syden, when she got nearer she realized it was Santiago.
“Oh hey Santiago, you’re still here?”
“yeah, I really waited for you.”
“You didn’t have to do that, but ay I ask why?”
“You’re like the first person I ever bumped into in this campus and I guess you could serve as my tour guide?” he laughed.
“Sure, can I have an advanced payment already? I’m kind of hungry. But don’t worry I’ll be your tour guide while you’re here.” Syden joked him.
“Of course, let’s go. And call me Santi.”
“You have a nickname, great! Santiago is too long for me to pronounce.” Syden chuckled.
They went to eat at a restaurant and talked for hours, getting to know each other, didn’t realize it was already late because they were having fun and they have lots in common. Santi proposed to walk her home but she said no because she knows Santi is not yet familiar in the city.
Tomorrow morning Syden was surprised when their professor introduced the exchange student, she didn’t expect it to be Santi because there’s not only one exchange student in the whole campus. But she waved at him and he sat beside her.
“We talked all night but you didn’t mention you have minors in my field!” said Syden.
“We talked all night but you didn’t mention about your courses” said Santi and they laughed together.
As time goes by, they became very close. Syden invited him to the badminton training, they eat together, go home together. They totally do everything together! Even shopping!
One day, they were talking about where Santi has traveled. But suddenly, Santi noticed that something was bothering Syden. So he asked her what’s wrong.
“Actually, I’ve never mentioned about my boyfriend because we’re in a long distance relationship. He’s in Texas for like 5 months now and he’s changed. I don’t know. I think he’s got another girl already. But whenever I ask him, he doesn’t tell me, he says he loves me and that he’ll never do that.”
Syden is getting emotional. Santi didn’t talk immediately, he was thinking what to tell her. Something that will cheer her up.
“Hey! Did you hear me? I said I think my boyfriend’s cheating on me.” Syden pouted.
“Yeah, I heard you.” Santi chuckled. “I just really don’t know what to say because you know, i never really had a girlfriend yet.” Santi shyly told Syden.
“What? Really!” Syden laughed.
“Yeah, really.” Santi blushed.
“You know, we’ve been friends for like 3 weeks now but we never really talked about this. I’m surprised. Do you have a crush or something, have you courted anyone yet?” Asked Syden.
“No, not really. I know girls won’t like me anyway and I’m more focused on my studies of course. But yes of course, I have a crush. I’m a man. Duh!” He laughed.
“Duh, wh won’t girls like you? Crazy! And yes you’re a man, so what do you think, is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
“well I can’t tell, I don’t really know your boyfriend. But what makes you think like that?”
“Hmm, because he barely talks to me anymore. Actually we talk more than he talks with me :( ”
“Hey, don’t be sad. Maybe he’s just busy or something. I’m sure he’ll talk to you once he gets the time.”
“Sure but it’s been a week now, he only greets me good morning and good night. I can really feel that he’s changed. He wasn’t like that before, he texts me multiple times a day.”
“Well, I suggest give him the benefit of the doubt and maybe don’t think negatively. I’m sure he has good reasons why he’s being like this. Maybe he has a surprise for you or something.”
“You know what, thanks for cheering me up. It means a lot. But actually, I’ve been trying to call him and he’s rejecting my calls and whenever I ask him why he gets angry. I don’t know. But I like him a lot that’s why I forgive him so soon and I’m like giving him the chance over and over again to hurt my feelings. And i really won’t think that he’s cheating on me if he didn’t change because I trust him. And I don’t want to break up because I don’t know, I don’t wanna leave him hanging.”
“You know what Sy, trust your guts. If it’s telling you he’s cheating, maybe he really is. And you’re right too, you won’t think like that if he didn’t give you the reason to think like that, right? And he shouldn’t be angry whenever you ask him why rejects your calls.”
“So do you think he’s cheating on me?”
“I still don’t know about that, but there’s surely something weird going on. You can’t say you don’t wanna leave him hanging because that’s what he’s technically doing to you already.”
“You’re right. Thank you Santi.”
Syden was really upset, but when she started talking to Santi about her boyfriend something inside her is weird. She felt like Santi is right all along. That she should dump her boyfriend. She thought she doesn’t need anyone because Santi is there whenever she feels lonely and upset. So she decided to break up with her boyfriend.
One day, a classmate of them talked to Syden.
“Hello there Sy!”
“Oh, hello there Jane!”
“So why are you alone, where’s our exchange student?”
“You mean Santi? I don’t know, he said he’ll be skipping this class.”
“I see, you know he’s really cute. Is he your boyfriend?”
“What, no.” Syden laughed. “We’re just friends.”
“I don’t believe that, you’re so sweet when you’re together.”
“Well, I don’t know. I think I like him, but I’m sure he doesn’t like me. He’s just into his studies. That’s all.”
“I don’t think so, I can see how he looks at you, his eyes are glowing and his smiles are different.”
“Really? You think so?”
“yeah, of course. That guy over there, he likes you so much. But everyone here thinks you’re dating Santi so he never made a move to get to know you.”
“Oh, I’m surprised! But really, no. We’re just friends. I think we’re even best friends. I never really had a friend so close and openly talked about everything except Santi.”
“Are you really telling the truth?”
“Crazy, of course! Why would I lie? But you know I really hope you’re about him liking me. I never get this comfortable with anyone.”
“I have a plan.” Jane smirked.
“What are you planning? :o crazy, don’t do it!”
But before Jane could tell Syden her plan, the professor arrived so they went back to their seats.
Bell Ring it’s Lunch Break
Syden received a call from Santi asking her if she could accompany him after classes. But Syden as usual has a training and Jane overheard their conversation so she said she could accompany him instead. Syden was hesitant because of the plan she was talking about earlier but she still agreed because she doesn’t want Santi to get lost in the city.
So when Jane finally arrived at the meeting place Santi has, Santi was confused because Syden didn’t tell her she couldn’t make it so Jane explained.
“Syden has to train, have you forgotten she’s a varsity?”
“Oh right. I forgot about that.”
“How could you forget about that, it’s how you both got to know each other right?”
“well yeah, I’m just really busy so that’s why.”
“anyway, I have a question for you.” said Jane
“Sure, what is it?” asked Santi.
“You seem close with Syden very much, are you guys dating?”
“Wow, that’s a personal question.”
“Well, I’m just making a conversation. Don’t answer it if you want.”
“Oh well, we’re just friends.”
“Really? Just friends? You don’t even like each other?” asked Jane
“Actually I like her, she’s so cheerful and I don’t know. There’s something about her.” O____O
“Oh no! Don’t tell her about this please!” Santi begged Jane.
“Don’t worry, she likes you too anyway.”
“I know she don’t. So don’t say that. Let’s just go eat already and go back to the university.”
“Eat? I thought there’s something important you have to go?”
“I just made that up. I was really just gonna eat with her but I totally forgot about the practice. Santi said in a low voice.
The next day, Jane sat beside Syden.
“Hey Sy! I have something for you!”
“Huh, what is it?”
“Listen to this”
“anyway, I have a question for you.” said Jane
“Sure, what is it?” asked Santi.
“You seem close with Syden very much, are you guys dating?”
“Wow, that’s a personal question.”
“Well, I’m just making a conversation. Don’t answer it if you want.”
“Oh well, we’re just friends.”
“Really? Just friends? You don’t even like each other?” asked Jane
“Actually I like her, she’s so cheerful and I don’t know. There’s something about her.”
“Oh no! Don’t tell her about this please!” Santi begged Jane.
“Don’t worry, she likes you too anyway.”
“You’re so crazy, Jane! Why did you tell him that!”
“You’re very welcome, Sy!”
“But I can’t stop smiling! :D”
“Told you! You both look good together, you’ll make a good couple!”
“Crazy, but thanks! But i don’t know, I think I’m shy already.”
“Don’t be shy, lovebirds! And look who’s coming.”
As Santi is entering the room, he saw Jane talking to Syden, when Jane saw him she went back to her seat as she winked to him. He’s heart is beating so fast, he suspects that Jane already told Syden.
“Hey, what did Jane tell you?”
“Nothing she was just saying hi.”
“Are you sure?”
“yes of course, is there something she has to tell me?”
“Oh nothing. Quiet now the prof is here.”
“Mr. Santiago Abrams, where have you been? Why did you not attend my class yesterday? Someone saw you and Jane dining at a restaurant!”
Santiago went in front and whispered to the professor. The professor nodded and Santi went back to his seat.
“You ate with Jane? I thought you were gonna go somewhere?” Syden was quite annoyed. “after hearing he likes me I’ll find out he eats with someone, that’s like a date! they went out together! maybe he really didn’t forget about my training and Jane listened to our conversation on purpose! That girl! Grrr!” Syden thought
“Yeah, you didn’t tell me ou sent Jane to meet me, I was surprised.”
“Oh, fine”
“Hey, something wrong?”
“no,nothing. By the way, I can’t eat with you today.” Syden said sounding still annoyed.
Syden then sent a message to Jane asking her out to eat lunch with her. She’s gonna confront her!
“Hey so where are we eating?”
“If you want we can eat at the restaurant where you and Santi dined yesterday.”
“Hey!” Jane bursted laughing “I think you’re jealous girl, don’t be.”
“Are you toying with me Jane.”
“No, of course not, don’t be jealous. You heard the record right?”
“Well you’re right, sorry. I think I’m just not used to hearing Santi’s eating with other girls. He’s been with me since he got here. Sorry Jane.”
“It’s alright, I understand. So where are you treating me?”
“Anywhere you want.”
They found a restaurant, didn’t know Santi was right behind them when Jane started talking about what Santi has told her yesterday. They were surprised when Santi was suddenly in front of them. He’s blushing and he looks so disappointed.
“Sy, let’s talk.”
“Uh, sure. Hold on.” Then Sy looked at Jane. Jane was biting her lips feeling bad.
“Santi, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to …..”
“It’s fine Jane, please excuse us.”
Santi and Sy left the restaurant. They are walking to the park but they’re quiet.
Santi clears his throat and broke the silence.
“What did Jane exactly tell you?”
“She didn’t tell me anything. She made me listen to a recording of what you said.”
“I’m so sorry Sy. I don’t know what to say.”
“What are you sorry about?”
“I’m sorry that I like you.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
“I don’t wanna lose you. I don’t want you to get mad at me.”
“What are you talking about? I’m not mad and I’m not leaving.”
“I don’t know, I’ so sorry. Please just forget what you heard. Pretend it’s not true.”
“Why are you sorry? Am I not worthy to be liked? Are you embarrassed about me?”
“No, it’s not that. I’m proud to have you as my friend, I like everything about you. It’s just that……”
“It’s just that what?”
“You have a boyfriend.”
“Santi we broke up!”
“What, when?”
“The same day i told you about him.”
“It’s my fault then, because I told things against him that changed our mind. you said you didn’t wanna break up with him but you did suddenly because of what i said.”
“It’s because of what you said, but it’s not your fault. Aren’t you happy you saved me from more heartaches?”
“But still…”
“It’s not your fault, don’t think like that.”
“But I don’t want things to get weird between us, you really shouldn’t have known about this.”
“It’s not gonna get weird, t’s normal to like someone. Relax. We’re best of friends right? No way I’m gonna let you out of my life, you’re the only person I’ve ever got close with in a short period of time. You’re important to me.”
“Are you sure Sy? You don’t have to say things that will make me feel better if you’re not comfortable with it.”
Don’t be crazy, I meant every words that I just said.”
Santi smiled and hugged her tight.
“Hey Santi I can’t breathe!”
” Sorry, I’m just really happy.”
“I am also happy! ”
“I’m happy that things between me and Santi are going well, but I’m sad because he’s leaving soon, he’s going back to Europe on Saturday. He’s leaving soon but he doesn’t talk about it. It really makes me sad ” Syden thought.
Friday has come.
“The prof has arrived and Santi is still not here. He’s never late.”
So Syden thinks he’s really skipping. She’s also sad because he’s going back to Europe tomorrow and he’s not in school today. Syden decided to call and scold him.
“Hey Santi! Where in the hell are you? It’s so noisy. Where are youuuu?! Everyone s asking me your whereabouts!!!” yelled Sy on the phone.
“Sorry what did you say?”
“I said WHERE ARE YOU??!!”
“Oh, sorry I’m…”
Syden rushed to the airport and looked for Santi when she finally saw her, she bursted into tears. She punched and yelled at him.
“You’re so bad, mean, everything! I hate you.”
“Hey Sy, what are you…”
“You never told me you’re skipping today and going to the airport”
“Hey stop, I’m…..”
“You’re such an ass, you’re just like everyone, liar. BIG BIG Liar!”
“Sy wait! I’m ju…..”
“You make me fall for you and leave me hanging without saying good bye! Nice game!”
“Sy, you’re in love with me?”
“Yes I am in love with you!!!! Did you hear that, I. AM. IN. LOVE. WITH. YOU.! But who cares about these feelings, you’re leaving me anyway! Without even saying good bye! I hope I never met you, I wish I was not late that day so I haven’t bumped into you! You’re such a big bad guy! You’re all the sameee! You are a best actor!”
“Santi? What is happenning here?” asked by an old woman.
“Oh you know this guy, he’s such a big loser! And I …….”
Santi hold Syden’s mouth.
“What are you doing let go of me!”
“Syden stop! This is my mother and I’m just picking her up!”
“Picking her up, what?!”
“Yes picking her up!”
“Sy you never gave me a chance to talk.”
“I see, welcome to LA miss Abrams! Alright, I’m going back to the university. Bye!”
“No! No one is going back to the university.”
“Stop it Santi, you know we have classes and I just escaped!”
“What did you say?”
“I said I escaped!”
“No! Earlier. You are what with me?
“I’m going. Bye!” Sy turned her back but Santi held her hand then he said
“I’m in love with you too Sy. I love you. You said you don’t want me out of your life so here’s my mom, living with us here. I’m not going back home anymore. I’ll stay with you forever. I didn’t tell you I was picking her up because it was supposed to be a surprise. But I guess it’s not a surprise anymore because you came here and…”
Syden Kissed Santi
“You talk too much Santi. I’m sorry for the harsh words, but thanks for staying with me. I love you and I don’t know what to do without you! :)”
They both skipped the whole day together and bonded with Santi’s mom.
Santi and Sy became officially together that day. They continued doing everything together, studied together and Santi graduated as Summa Cum Laude. And his speech has been remembered by everyone because it ended as “the girl who bumped into me when I first arrived here, is the reason for my success. She cheered me up when I was down, encouraged me in everything. She’s always put a smile on my face and never let me cry because she starts making me laugh whenever she sees that coming. She doesn’t know she’s able to make me cry as she is about to answer this precious question I have been thinking to ask her for quite some time now, “Syden Collins, will you marry me?”
The crowd started shouting and was silenced as Syden went up to the stage. She blindfolded Santi and took him to the gym.
“This is where we first met and this is where I want to answer your question.”
As syden said these words, a loud music started playing. Santi removed his blindfold and saw a flashmob. Syden answered her Yes with a flashmob.
“I knew you were gonna propose so I asked my teammates to prepare something for you. Congratulations my dear officially fiancé, happy graduation!”